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Dimmable LED controller IC
1. General descriptionThe SSL2103 is a Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) controller IC that operates in
combination with a phase cut dimmer directly from the rectified mains. It is designed to
drive LED devices. The device includes a circuit to allow direct start-up from the rectified
mains voltage.
For dimmer applications, an integrated dedicated circuitry optimizes the dimming curve.
SSL2101: fully integrated LED driver for lamps up to 10W
SSL2102: fully integrated LED driver for lamps up to 25W
SSL2103: gives the application designer flexibility to:
Use an external power switch to allow the IC to provide any power
Use an external bleeder transistors to provide extended dimmer interoperability
2. Features and benefits Easy migration to existing lighting control infrastructure Supports most available dimming solutions Optimized efficiency with valley switching managed by a built-in circuitry Demagnetization detection OverTemperature Protection (OTP) Short-Winding Protection (SWP) and OverCurrent Protection (OCP) Internal VCC generation allowing start-up from the rectified mains voltage Natural dimming curve by logarithmic correction, down to 1% Suitable for flyback and buck applications
3. Applications SSL applications with various power requirements LED modules such as LED spots and down-lights LED strings suitable for retail displays, etc.
Dimmable Greenchip controller for LED lighting
Rev. 2.2 — 5 December 2011 Product data sheet
NXP Semiconductors SSL2103
Dimmable Greenchip controller for LED lighting
4. Quick reference data[1] VCC = 20 V minimum to meet all characteristics.
5. Ordering information
Table 1. Quick reference dataVCC supply voltage VDRAIN60V [1] 12 20 28 V
fosc oscillator frequency 10 100 130 kHz
IDRAIN current on pin DRAIN VDRAIN>60 V; with auxiliary supply - 30 125 A
min minimum duty factor - 0 -
max maximum duty cycle PWMLIMIT= 3 V - 75 -
Tamb ambient temperature 40 - +100 C
Table 2. Ordering informationSSL2103T SO14 plastic small outline package; 14 leads; body width 3.9 mm SOT108-1
NXP Semiconductors SSL2103
Dimmable Greenchip controller for LED lighting
6. Block diagramNXP Semiconductors SSL2103
Dimmable Greenchip controller for LED lighting
7. Pinning information
7.1 Pinning
7.2 Pin description
Table 3. Pin descriptionSB_DRV 1 strong bleeder switch drive
WB_DRV 2 weak bleeder switch drive
VCC 3 supply voltage
GND 4 ground
BRIGHTNESS 5 brightness input
RC2 6 setting for frequency reduction 7 frequency setting
PWMLIMIT 8 PWM limit input
ISENSE 9 current sense input for WBLEED
AUX 10 input for voltage from auxiliary winding for timing (demagnetization)
SOURCE 11 current sense input of external power switch
PWR_DRV 12 power switch drive
DRAIN 13 drain of external power switch; input for start-up current and valley sensing
HVDET 14 input for high voltage sensing
NXP Semiconductors SSL2103
Dimmable Greenchip controller for LED lighting
8. Functional descriptionThe SSL2103 is an LED driver IC that operates directly from the rectified mains. The
SSL2103 uses on-time mode control and frequency control to control the LED brightness.
The BRIGHTNESS and PWMLIMIT input of the IC can be used to control the LED light
output in combination with an external dimmer. The PWMLIMIT input can also be used for
Thermal Lumen Management (TLM) and for precision LED current control.
8.1 Start-up and Under Voltage Lock Out (UVLO)Initially, the IC is self-supplying from the rectified mains voltage. The IC starts switching as
soon as the voltage on pin VCC passes the VCC(startup) level. The supply can be taken over
by the auxiliary winding of the transformer as soon as VCC is high enough and the supply
from the line is stopped for high efficiency operation. Alternatively the IC can be supplied
via a bleeder resistor connected to a high voltage.
Remark: The maximum VCC voltage rating of the IC must be considered.
8.2 OscillatorAn oscillator inside the IC provides the timing for the switching converter logic.
The frequency of the oscillator is set by the external resistors and the capacitor on pin RC
and pin RC2. The external capacitor is charged rapidly to the VRC(max) level and, starting
from a new primary stroke, discharges to the VRC(min) level. Because the discharge is
exponential, the relative sensitivity of the duty factor to the regulation voltage at low duty
factor, is almost equal to the sensitivity at high duty factors. This results in a more constant
gain over the duty factor range, compared to Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) systems with
a linear sawtooth oscillator. Stable operation at low duty factors is easily achieved. The
frequency of the converter when VBRIGHTNESS is high can be calculated using Equation1:
R equals the parallel resistance of both oscillator resistors. C is the capacitor connected at
the RC pin (pin 7).
The BRIGHTNESS input controls the frequency reduction mode. Figure 3 shows that the
oscillator switches over from an RC curve with R1/R2, to R1 only. A low BRIGHTNESS
voltage will reduce the switching frequency.
NXP Semiconductors SSL2103
Dimmable Greenchip controller for LED lightingA typical RC waveform is shown in Figure 4. The RC switch-over threshold is controlled
by the BRIGHTNESS pin.
To ensure that the capacitor can be charged within the charge time, the value of the
oscillator capacitor should be limited to 1 nF. Due to leakage current, the value of the
resistor connected between the RC pin and the ground should be limited to a maximum of
220 k.
8.3 Duty factor controlThe duty factor is controlled by an internally regulated voltage and the oscillator signal on
pin RC. The internal regulation voltage is set by the voltage on the PWMLIMIT pin.
A low PWMLIMIT voltage will results in a low on-time for the external power switch. The
minimum duty factor of the switched mode power supply can be set to 0 . The maximum
duty factor is set to 75.
8.4 Bleeder for dimming applicationsThe SSL2103 IC contains some circuitry intended for mains dimmer compatibility. This
circuitry can drive two external current sinks, called bleeders. A strong bleeder is used for
zero-cross reset of the dimmer and TRIAC latching. A weak bleeder is added to maintain
the hold current through the dimmer.
NXP Semiconductors SSL2103
Dimmable Greenchip controller for LED lightingThe SB_DRV output is activated when the maximum voltage on pin HVDET is below the
Vth(SBLEED) level (52 V typically). The WB_DRV output is activated as soon as the voltage
on pin ISENSE exceeds the Vth(high)(ISENSE) level (100 mV typically). The WB_DRV
output is deactivated when the ISENSE voltage drops below the Vth(low)(ISENSE) level
(250 mV typically). The WB_DRV output is also deactivated when the strong bleeder
switch is switched on. See Figure5.
8.5 Valley switchingA new cycle is started when the primary switch is switched on (see Figure 6). After a time
determined by the oscillator voltage, RC and the internal regulation level, the switch is
turned off and the secondary stroke starts. The internal regulation level is determined by
the voltage on pin PWMLIMIT.
After the secondary stroke, the drain voltage shows an oscillation with a frequency of
Lp = primary self inductance
Cp = parasitic capacitance on drain node
As soon as the oscillator voltage is high again and the secondary stroke has ended, the
circuit waits for a low drain voltage before starting a new primary stroke.
Figure 6 shows the drain voltage together with the valley signal, the signal indicating the
secondary stroke and the RC voltage.
The primary stroke starts some time before the actual valley at low ringing frequencies,
and some time after the actual valley at high ringing frequencies.
NXP Semiconductors SSL2103
Dimmable Greenchip controller for LED lightingFigure 7 shows a typical curve for a reflected output voltage N at an output voltage of V. This voltage is the output voltage transferred to the primary side of the transformer
with the factor N (determined by the turns ratio of the transformer). It shows that the
system switches exactly at minimum drain voltage for ringing frequencies of 480 kHz, thus
reducing the switch-on losses to a minimum. At 130 kHz, the next primary stroke is started
at 33 before the valley. The switch-on losses are still reduced significantly.
NXP Semiconductors SSL2103
Dimmable Greenchip controller for LED lighting
8.6 DemagnetizationThe system operates in discontinuous conduction mode if the AUX pin is connected. As
long as the secondary stroke has not ended, the oscillator will not start a new primary
stroke. During the first tsup(xfmr_ring) seconds, demagnetization recognition is suppressed.
This suppression may be necessary in applications where the transformer has a large
leakage inductance and at low output voltages.
8.7 Overcurrent protectionThe cycle-by-cycle peak drain current limit circuit uses the external source resistor RSENSE
to measure the current. The circuit is activated after the leading edge blanking time tleb.
The protection circuit limits the source voltage over the RSENSE1 resistor to Vth(ocp)SOURCE,
and thus limits the primary peak current.
8.8 Short-winding protectionThe short-winding protection circuit is also activated after the leading edge blanking time.
If the source voltage exceeds the short-winding protection threshold voltage
Vth(swp)SOURCE, the IC stops switching. Only a power-on reset will restart normal operation.
The short-winding protection also protects in case of a secondary diode short circuit.
8.9 Overtemperature protectionAccurate temperature protection is provided in the device. When the junction temperature
exceeds the thermal shut-down temperature, the IC stops switching. During thermal
protection, the IC current is lowered to the start-up current. The IC continues normal
operation as soon as the overtemperature situation has disappeared. RSENSE is the resistor between the SOURCE pin and GND
NXP Semiconductors SSL2103
Dimmable Greenchip controller for LED lighting
9. Limiting values[1] Pins VCC and RC cannot be current driven.
[2] Pins ISENSE and AUX cannot be voltage driven.
[3] Human body model: equivalent to discharging a 100 pF capacitor through a 1.5 k series resistor.
[4] Charged device model: equivalent to charging the IC up to 1 kV and the subsequent discharging of each pin down to 0 V over a 1
10. Thermal characteristics
Table 4. Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). All voltages are measured with respect to ground;
positive currents flow into the device.
VoltagesVCC supply voltage continuous [1] 0.4 +28 V
VRC voltage on pin RC [1] 0.4 +3 V
VRC2 voltage on pin RC2 0.4 +3 V
VBRIGHTNESS voltage on pin BRIGHTNESS 0.4 +5 V
VPWMLIMIT voltage on pin PWMLIMIT 0.4 +5 V
VSOURCE voltage on pin SOURCE 0.4 +5 V
VDRAIN voltage on pin DRAIN Tamb =25C 0.4 +600 V
VHVDET voltage on pin HVDET Tamb =25C 0.4 +600 V
CurrentsIISENSE current on pin ISENSE [2] 20 +5 mA
IAUX current on pin AUX [2] 10 +5 mA
ISB_DRV current on pin SB_DRV +3.6 mA
IWB_DRV current on pin WB_DRV +3.6 mA
GeneralPtot total power dissipation Tamb =70C - 250 mW
Tstg storage temperature 55 +150 C
Tamb ambient temperature 40 +100 C junction temperature 40 +150 C
VESD electrostatic discharge voltage human body model; [3]
Pins 13 and 14 1000 +1000 V
All other pins 2000 +2000 V
charged device model [4] 500 +500 V
Table 5. Thermal characteristicsRth(j-a) thermal resistance from junction to ambient in free air, on JESD51-3 board 123 K/W
j-top thermal characterization parameter from junction to top in free air, on JESD51-3 board 7 K/W