SQC6100V1.1 ,Terrestrial Receiver for DVB-T3URGXFW%ULHI64&7HUUHVWULDO5HFHLYHUIRU'9%7The SQC 6100 is a Digital Terrestrial Receiver ..
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Terrestrial Receiver for DVB-T
SQC 6100
Terrestrial Receiver for DVB-T
The SQC 6100 is a Digital Terrestrial Receiver De-
vice which is fully compliant with the standard
DVB-T (ETSI 300 744) standard for terrestrial
transmission systems.
The SQC 6100 integrates all analog and digital
data processing functions from the second inter-
mediate frequency input to the transport stream
ty Digital terrestrial TV sets
I: Digital terrestrial STB's
El Portable and mobile terrestrial
System Integration
I:I Second intermediate frequency
I: DVB-complianttransportstream
El Single free running oscillator
(nominal 28.9 MHz)
Four general purpose l/O's,
including two PDWs
PC-bus interface
Two interrupt (IRQ) pins
3.3V power supply
TTL compatible l/O's
P-MQFP-100 package
Fully compliant to DVB-T and
ETSI 300 744
6, 7, 8 MHz channels
All code rates according to
All modulation schemes accord-
ing to DVB-T
All guard interval lengths
according to DVB-T
BER measurements
On-chip FEC
Fast acquisition and tracking
Low implementation losses
Pre-echo tolerant
Time varying channel tolerant
Small outline
Minimum external components
Internal anti-alias Mer
On-chip AGC
On-chip ADC for 2K/8K COFDM
Digital demodulation and chan-
nel decoding
Entirely digital synchronisation
on chip
Based on lnflneon mixed-signal
technology and embedded
DRAM technology
P-MQFP-100 package
(" http:llwww.infineon.com
Channel Estimation
Interference Detection
2nd IF - o2, t
I t u pu
npu I / Q Re- Equalizer Symbol/ Bit
- AAF - AGC - ADC - . - . FFT + Soft Bit - De- - FEC -
conversnon sampling
Gen. Interleaver
Carrier/Sampling Frequency and Timing Synchronisation
Clock, Reset FC incl. 2 PDMs
_ D _ " mm W
Processing Internals of the Single-Chip Terrestrial Receiver SQC 6100 CD Wien CE) Hongkong
. . . . . q (+43) 1-1707-356 11 q (+852) 2832 05 00
A second intermediate frequency of 7.225 MHz typical IS fed into the SQC 1iteyyiWelbourrte), CD Milano
6100 Single-Chip Terrestrial Receiver. Unwanted spectral components are 21229394207111 39309132161653:
suppressed by the internal anti-alias filter. The AGC ensures optimal use of BrusseljBmxelles 'lr-tlf/Ill/ll,
the analog-to-digital converter. The l/O conversion mixes the signal to the q(+32)2-53ii2348 Dublin4
. . . . Sac Paulo-SP q (+353) 1-603 23 42
baseband. A resampling unit flts the baseband signal to the sampling rate of q(+55)11-8362377/ CD Tokymmm
the FFT. Coarse estimation for positioning the guard interval is provided to .2“ ¢(+81)354496411
align the FFT window. Pilot carriers are used to fine tune the FFT. The TPS tNt't'a'i,',t,trs, CD 3554322633000
unit retrieves the parameters for demodulation. Channel estimation is used y.+1.)90s8198000 CEO DenHaag
to interpolate in time and frequency dimensions. The interference detection (CEC) tic'; 1.4953055 q(o31)7(r3332429
unit uses scattered pilots in parallel to detect co-channel interference such as CD Dilsseltiarf OD tlt',)", 0011
. . . . c (+49) 211-39915 51
ceused by enalog TV. This u.nit cerrects the data carriers and prodlices 4-bit Laatzen(Hannover) Warszawa
wide soft bits. Symbol and bit de-interleaver feeds the datastream into the 12f,)m511"'7727ui q(M8) 2-670 91 51
FEC. The datastream IS accessible Vla transport stream output In serial and 'tCII;'),-,, 'i7'lz)srv73siiu,
Niimberg .
parallel .mede.5. . . . e (+49) 911-65476 22 'ttlee',',
The entirely digital clock and timing concept are based on a free running os- Stuttgart Moskva
. . . 2 q(M9)711-137 3314
cillator. The status of the SQC 6100 can be monitored we the I C-bus. Four Baum '(2i)')'237"'4m
general purpose l/Cys are provided, including two pulse density modulators. CC) Tte(st)m4t,424a4d7,,.7, CD Kista
res an s. a n q(M6)ly703 3500
q (+34) 91-514 80 00 .
Availability CC) Saint4hmisCEtEX2 3132233339621
. . . . . y'33)..1.fl2e100 CYD Findikli(lstanbul)
The SQC 6100 device IS available with complete documentation. CE) Eqt'1)'tl,sltil) q(-90)212-2510900
Please contact your local lnflneon Technologies orce for further details. BerkshireRG128FZ t'C)ttirijf/45h',
q (+44) 1344-39 60 00
. CzD HalfwayHouse1685
'qmpg)"'liiti)tt'1 '(ifli"'" oo,
soo 6100: Application Example (Terrestrial Tuner)
Antenna How to reach us:
Tuner SAW Mixer Demodulator Transport /'lh1CtosnJd'eh2l,ies AG i. Gr. 1999.
19 s eserve .
Stream Please note that any information contained in this
7 TUA 60xx = X6966 = TDA 6190 = 3006100 _ publication may be subject to change. Inhneon
Technologies reserves the right to make changes
mm“. to or to discontinue any product or service identi-
fed in this publication without notice.
Please contact our regional omces to receive the
An antenna receives the digital terrestrial signal. The tuner selects, Mers, latestversism ofthe relevant informatiqn to verify.
before placing orders, that the information being
and mixes the carrier (program) down to a first IF of 36.125 MHz typical. Ad- relied upon is current.
jacent channels are suppressed by SAW-filters. A second mixer shifts the All brand orproduct names, hardware orsoftware
names are trademarks of their respective compa-
spectrum to the second IF. The SQC6100 provides analog filtering and digital nies or organizations.
processing of the channel information. Output is the transport stream.
Published by
Printed in Germany
Infineon Technologies AG i. Gr.