SN75LBC176DRG4 ,Differential Bus Transceiver 8-SOIC 0 to 70maximum ratingsSupply voltage, V (see Note 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
SN75LBC176P ,Differential Bus Transceiverlogic diagram (positive logic)33DEDEEN124RE EN2D26 RE61 AA417D BusR1 7BB12R†This symbol is in accor ..
SN75LBC179 ,Low-Power Differential Line Driver And Receiver Pair SLLS173F − JA ..
SN75LBC179AD ,Low-Power Differential Line Driver and Receiver Pairsmaximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
SN75LBC179AD ,Low-Power Differential Line Driver and Receiver PairsLOGIC DIAGRAM (POSITIVE LOGIC)• Positive and Negative Output Current Limiting8• Driver Thermal Shut ..
SN75LBC179ADR ,Low-Power Differential Line Driver and Receiver PairsThese devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the dev ..
SPM3012T-1R0M , Inductors for Power Circuits Wound Metallic Magnetic Material
SPM3212 ,GaAs MMICsFeatures Package Dimensions•Control voltage : +3 / 0V. unit : mm•Small package (MCPH6). 1323•High i ..
SPM5030T-R20M , Inductors for Power Circuits Wound Metallic Magnetic Material SPM series
SPN02N60C3 ,for lowest Conduction Losses & fastest SwitchingFeaturesV @ T 650 VDS j,max• New revolutionary high voltage technologyR 2.5ΩDS(on),max• Ultra low g ..
SPN1423S32RG , N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET
SPN2302AS23RG , N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET
Differential Bus Transceiver
Circuitry Designed for High-Speed Operation in BothSerial and Parallel Applications Low Skew Designed for Multipoint Transmission onLong Bus Lines in Noisy Environments Very Low Disabled Supply Current ...200μA Maximum
Wide Positive and Negative Input/OutputBus Voltage Ranges Thermal-Shutdown Protection Driver Positive-and Negative-CurrentLimiting Open-Circuit Failsafe Receiver Design Receiver Input Sensitivity... ±200 mV Max
Receiver Input Hysteresis... 50 mV Typ Operates From a Single 5-V Supply Glitch-Free Power-Up and Power-DownProtection Available in Q-Temp Automotive HighRel Automotive Applications Configuration Control / Print SupportQualification to Automotive Standards
descriptionThe SN55LBC176, SN65LBC176,SN65LBC176Q, and SN75LBC176 differentialbus transceivers are monolithic, integratedcircuits designed for bidirectional data communi-cation on multipoint bus-transmission lines. Theyare designed for balanced transmission lines andmeet ANSI Standard TIA/EIA−485−A (RS-485)and ISO 8482:1987(E).
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