SN75DP122RTQT ,DisplayPort 1:2 Switch with Integrated TMDS Translator 56-QFN 0 to 85.. SLLS892A–FEBRUARY 2008–REVISED NOVEMBER 200842 4140 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 292AUX_SINK(n) ..
SN75DP122RTQT ,DisplayPort 1:2 Switch with Integrated TMDS Translator 56-QFN 0 to 85FEATURES• One Input Port to One of Two Output Ports – 12 kV on all High Speed Pins2• Integrated TMD ..
SN75DP126SSRHUR ,1:2 Switch with DisplayPort Re-Driver and TMDS Translator 56-WQFN 0 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe SN75DP126 switches one Dual-Mode1• One Dual-Mode DisplayPort™ (DP++) Inpu ..
SN75DP128ARTQR ,2.7Gbps DisplayPort 1:2 Switch 56-QFN 0 to 85........ SLLS940–NOVEMBER 200842 41 38 37 36 35 34 32 31 30 2940 39 33AUX_A (n) 28 AUX_B (p)43GND 4 ..
SN75DP128RTQR ,DisplayPort 1:2 Switch 56-QFN 0 to 85SLLS893–FEBRUARY 200842 41 38 37 36 35 34 32 31 30 2940 39 33AUX_A (n) 28 AUX_B (p)43GND 44 27 GNDA ..
SN75DP128RTQT ,DisplayPort 1:2 Switch 56-QFN 0 to 85SLLS893–FEBRUARY 2008TERMINAL FUNCTIONS (continued)TERMINALI/O DESCRIPTIONNAME NO.AUX_B 28, 26 I/O ..
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DisplayPort 1:2 Switch with Integrated TMDS Translator 56-QFN 0 to 85
Monitor or HDTV
www.ti.com......................................................................................................................................... SLLS892A–FEBRUARY 2008–REVISED NOVEMBER 2008
DisplayPort 1:2 Switch With Integrated TMDS Translator One Input Portto Oneof Two Output Ports – 12 kV onall High Speed Pins Integrated TMDS Level Translator with – 8 kV on all Auxiliary andI2C Pins
Receiver Equalization •
Enhanced Commercial Temperature Range: DP Port Supports Data Rates upto 2.7 Gbps 0°Cto 85°C DP Port Supports Dual-Mode DisplayPort •
56 Pin8×8 QFN Package DP Port Output Waveform Mimics Input
Waveform Characteristics TMDS and High