SN74SSTUB32866ZKER ,25-Bit Configurable Registered Buffer With Address-Parity Test 96-LFBGA -40 to 85SCAS792C–OCTOBER 2006–REVISED NOVEMBER 2007These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The ..
SN74SSTV16857 ,14-Bit Registered Buffer With SSTL_2 Inputs and Outputs
SN74SSTV16859 ,13-Bit to 26-Bit Registered Buffer with SSTL_2 Inputs and Outputs SCES297D − FEBRUARY 2000 ..
SN74SSTV16859DGGR ,13-Bit to 26-Bit Registered Buffer with SSTL_2 Inputs and Outputsmaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)Supply voltage ra ..
SN74SSTV16859RGQ8 ,13-Bit to 26-Bit Registered Buffer with SSTL_2 Inputs and Outputs/sc/package.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, an ..
SN74SSTV16859RGQR ,13-Bit to 26-Bit Registered Buffer with SSTL_2 Inputs and Outputsmaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
SPA11N65C3 ,for lowest Conduction Losses & fastest SwitchingCharacteristics, at T =25°C unless otherwise specifiedjParameter Symbol Conditions Values Unitmin. ..
SPA11N65C3. ,for lowest Conduction Losses & fastest SwitchingFeatureR 0.38 ΩDS(on)• New revolutionary high voltage technologyI 11 AD• Ultra low gate chargeP-TO2 ..
SPA11N65C3.. ,for lowest Conduction Losses & fastest SwitchingCharacteristicsParameter Symbol Conditions Values Unitmin. typ. max.Transconductance g V ≥2*I *R , ..
SPA11N80C3 ,for lowest Conduction Losses & fastest SwitchingPlease note: Infineon has changed the CoolMOS 800V C2 marking to C3. 800V C2 ...Characteristics, at T =25°C unless otherwise specifiedjParameter Symbol Conditions Values Unitmin. ..
SPA12N50C3 ,for lowest Conduction Losses & fastest SwitchingFeatureR 0.38 ΩDS(on)• New revolutionary high voltage technologyI 11.6 AD• Ultra low gate chargeP-T ..
SPA15N60C3 ,for lowest Conduction Losses & fastest SwitchingCharacteristics, at T =25°C unless otherwise specifiedjParameter Symbol Conditions Values Unitmin. ..
25-Bit Configurable Registered Buffer With Address-Parity Test
25-BIT CONFIGURABLE REGISTERED BUFFER WITH ADDRESS-PARITY TEST Pinout Optimizes DDR2 DIMM PCB Layout Control and RESET Inputs Configurableas 25-Bit 1:1or 14-Bit 1:2 •
Checks Parity on DIMM-Independent Data
Registered Buffer Inputs Chip-Select Inputs Gate the Data Outputs from •
Ableto Cascade witha Second
Changing State and Minimizes System Power SN74SSTUB32866
Consumption •
Supports Industrial Temperature Range Output Edge-Control Circuitry Minimizes (-40°Cto 85°C)
Switching Noisein an Unterminated LineThis 25-bit 1:1or 14-bit 1:2 configurable registered bufferis designed for 1.7-Vto 1.9-V VCC operation.In the
1:1 pinout configuration, only one device per DIMMis requiredto drive nine SDRAM loads.In the 1:2 pinout
configuration, two devices per DIMM are requiredto drive18 SDRAM loads.
All inputs are SSTL_18, except the reset (RESET) and control (Cn) inputs, which are LVCMOS. All outputs are
edge-controlled circuits optimized for unterminated DIMM loads and meet SSTL_18 specifications, except the
open-drain error (QERR) output.
The SN74SSTUB32866 operates froma differential clock (CLK and CLK). Data are registeredat the crossingof
CLK going high and CLK going low.
The SN74SSTUB32866 acceptsa parity bit from the memory controller on the parity bit (PAR_IN) input,
comparesit with the data received on the DIMM-independent D-inputs (D2–D3, D5–D6, D8–D25 when C0=0
and C1=0; D2–D3, D5–D6, D8–D14 when C0=0 and C1=1;or D1-D6, D8-D13 when C0=1 and C1=1) and
indicates whethera parity error has occurredon the open-drain QERR pin (active low). The conventionis even
parity; i.e., valid parityis defined as an even numberof ones across the DIMM-independent data inputs,
combined with the parity input bit. To calculate parity,all DIMM-independent data inputs mustbe tiedtoa known
logic state.
When usedasa single device, the C0 and C1 inputs are tied low.In this configuration, parityis checked on the
PAR_IN input signal, which arrives one cycle after the input datato whichit applies. Two clock cycles after the
data are registered, the corresponding partial-parity-out (PPO) and QERR signals are generated.
When usedin pairs, the C0 inputof the first registeris tied low, and the C0 inputof the second registeris tied
high. The C1 inputof both registers are tied high. Parity, which arrives one cycle after the data inputto whichit
applies,is checkedon the PAR_IN input signalof the first device. Two clock cycles after the data are registered,
the corresponding PPO and QERR signals are generated on the second device. The PPO outputof the first
registeris cascaded to the PAR_IN of the second SN74SSTUB32866. The QERR output of the first
SN74SSTUB32866is left floating, and the valid error informationis latched on the QERR outputof the second