SN74SSQE32882ZALR ,JEDEC SSTE32882 Compliant 28-Bit to 56-Bit Registered Buffer with Address-Parity Test 176-NFBGA 0 to 85FEATURESoperation associated with the Quad Chip Select2• JEDEC SSTE32882 CompliantEnable (QCSEN) in ..
SN74SSQE32882ZCJR , JEDEC SSTE32882 Compliant 28-Bit to 56-Bit Registered Buffer with Address-Parity Testmaximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
SN74SSTU32864CZKER ,25-Bit Configurable Registered Buffer with SSTL_18 Inputs and OutputsSCES542B–JANUARY 2004–REVISED APRIL 2005DESCRIPTION/ORDERING INFORMATION (CONTINUED)The device supp ..
SN74SSTU32864GKER ,25-Bit Configurable Registered Buffer with SSTL_18 Inputs and OutputsSN74SSTU32864 25-BIT CONFIGURABLE REGISTERED BUFFERWITH SSTL_18 INPUTS AND OUTPUTSSCES434 – MARCH 2 ..
SN74SSTU32864ZKER ,25-Bit Configurable Registered Buffer with SSTL_18 Inputs and Outputs/sc/package.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, an ..
SN74SSTUB32866ZKER ,25-Bit Configurable Registered Buffer With Address-Parity Test 96-LFBGA -40 to 85SCAS792C–OCTOBER 2006–REVISED NOVEMBER 2007These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The ..
SPA-1118Z , 850 MHz 1 Watt Power Amplifier with Active Bias
SPA-1118Z , 850 MHz 1 Watt Power Amplifier with Active Bias
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SPA11N65C3.. ,for lowest Conduction Losses & fastest SwitchingCharacteristicsParameter Symbol Conditions Values Unitmin. typ. max.Transconductance g V ≥2*I *R , ..
JEDEC SSTE32882 Compliant 28-Bit to 56-Bit Registered Buffer with Address-Parity Test 176-NFBGA 0 to 85
www.ti.com................................................................................................................................................. SCAS857A–MARCH 2008–REVISED OCTOBER 2008
operation associated with the Quad Chip Select
JEDEC SSTE32882 Compliant Enable (QCSEN) input.•
1-to-2 Register Outputs and 1-to-4 Clock PairFirst, when the QCSEN input pinis openor pulled
Outputs Support Stacked DDR3 DIMMs high, the component has two chip select inputs,•
Chip Select Inputs Prevent Data Outputs from DCS0 and DCS1, and two copiesof each chip select
Changing State and Minimize System Power output, QACS0, QACS1, QBCS0 and QBCS1. This
Consumption modeis the QuadCS disabled mode. Alternatively,
when the QCSEN input pin is pulled low, the•
1.5-V Phase Lock Loop Clock Driver Bufferscomponent has four chip select inputs DCS[3:0], and
One Differential Clock Pair (CK and CK) andfour chip select outputs, QCS[3:0]. This modeis the
Distributesto Four Differential Outputs QuadCS enabled mode.•
1.5-V CMOS InputsWhen QCSENis high or floating, the device also•
Checks Parity on Command and Address supports an operating mode that allowsa single
(CS-gated) Data Inputs deviceto be mounted on the back sideofa DIMM•
Supports LVCMOS Switching Levels on array. This device can then be configuredto keep the
RESET Input input bus termination (IBT) feature enabled for all
input signals independent of MIRROR. The•
RESET Input:SN74SSQE32882. operates froma differential clock
– Disables Differential Input Receivers (CK and CK). Data are registeredat the crossingof
– Resets All Registers CK going high and CK going low. This data can either re-drivento the outputsor usedto access internal
– Forces All Outputs into Pre-defined Statescontrol registers. Details are coveredin the Function•
Optimal Pinout for DDR3 DIMM PCB Layout Tables (each flip-flop) with QCSEN= low.•
Supports Four Chip SelectsInput bus data integrityis protected bya parity•
Single Register Backside Mount Support function. All address and command input signals are
summed; the lastbitof the sumis then comparedto
the parity signal delivered by the system at the•
DDR3 Registered DIMMs upto DDR3-1333 PAR_IN input one clock cycle later.If these two
values do not match, the device pulls the open drain•
Single-, Dual- and Quad-Rank RDIMMoutput ERROUT low. The control signals (DCKE0,
DCKE1, DODT0, DODT1, and DCS[n:0]) are not part this computation.This JEDEC SSTE32882-compliant, 28-bit 1:2 or The SN74SSQE32882 implements different26-bit 1:2 and 4-bit 1:1 registering clock driver with power-saving mechanismsto reduce thermal powerparityis designed for operation on DDR3 Registered dissipation andto support system power-down states.DIMMsupto DDR3-1333 with VDDof 1.5V. Power consumptionis further reduced by disablingAll inputs are 1.5-V, CMOS-compatible. All outputs unused outputs.are 1.5-V CMOS drivers optimizedto drive DRAM The package design is optimal for high-densitysignals on terminated traces in DDR3 RDIMM DIMMs. By aligning input and output positionsapplications. Clock outputs Yn and Yn and control net towards DIMM finger-signal ordering and SDRAMoutputs DxCKEn, DxCSn, and DxODTn can each be ballout, the device de-scrambles the DIMM tracesdriven witha different strength and skewto optimize and allows low crosstalk designs with lowsignal integrity, compensate for different loading, and interconnect latency. Edge-controlled outputs reducebalance signal travel speed. ringing and improve signal eye opening at the
SDRAM inputs.