SN74CBTS6800PWR ,10-Bit FET Bus Switch With Precharged Outputs and Schottky Diode Clamping SN74CBTS6800 10-BIT FET BUS SWITCHWITH PRECHARGED OUTPUTS AND SCHOTTKY DIODE CLAMPINGSCDS102C – JU ..
SN74F00 ,Quad 2-input positive-NAND gates SN54F00, SN74F00 QUADRUPLE 2-INPUT POSITIVE-NAND GATES SDFS035A – MARCH 1987 – REVISED OCTOBER 199 ..
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SN74F00N ,Quad 2-input positive-NAND gatesmaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)Supply voltage ra ..
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SN75107A ,Dual Line Receiverlogic diagram (positive logic)6S11A2 41B 1Y51G82G12 92A 2Y112B2POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEX ..
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10-Bit FET Bus Switch With Precharged Outputs and Schottky Diode Clamping
Schottky Diodes on the I/Os to ClampUndershoots up to –2 V
descriptionThe SN74CBTS6800 provides ten bits of
high-speed TTL-compatible bus switching with
Schottky diodes on the I/Os to clamp
The low on-state resistance of the switch allows
bidirectional connections to be made, while
adding near-zero propagation delay. The device
also precharges the B port to a user-selectable
bias voltage (BIASV) to minimize live-insertion
The SN74CBTS6800 is organized as one 10-bit switch with a single enable (ON) input. When ON is low, the
switch is on, and port A is connected to port B. When ON is high, the switch between port A and port B is open.
When ON is high or VCC is 0 V, B port is precharged to BIASV through the equivalent of a 10-kW resistor.
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are available at www.ti.com/sc/package.
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