SN74CB3Q3305PWR ,Dual FET Bus Switch 2.5-V/3.3-V Low-Voltage, High-BandwidthFeatures 3 Description(1)The SN74CB3Q3305 device is a high-bandwidth FET1• High-Bandwidth Data Path ..
SN74CB3Q3305PWRG4 ,Dual FET Bus Switch 2.5-V/3.3-V Low-Voltage, High-Bandwidth 8-TSSOP -40 to 85Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
SN74CB3Q3306A ,Dual FET 2.5-V/3.3-V Low-Voltage, High-Bandwidth Bus Switchfeatures low data I/O capacitance to minimize capacitive loading and signal distortion on the data ..
SN74CB3Q3306ADCUR ,Dual FET 2.5-V/3.3-V Low-Voltage, High-Bandwidth Bus SwitchThese devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the dev ..
SN74CB3Q3306ADCUR ,Dual FET 2.5-V/3.3-V Low-Voltage, High-Bandwidth Bus Switch/sc/package.(2) The last character designates assembly/test site.1Please be aware that an important ..
SN74CB3Q3306APW ,Dual FET 2.5-V/3.3-V Low-Voltage, High-Bandwidth Bus SwitchFEATURES • Data and Control Inputs Provide Undershoot(1)Clamp Diodes• High-Bandwidth Data Path (up ..
SN74LVTH374DW ,3.3-V ABT Octal Edge-Triggered D-Type Flip-Flops With 3-State Outputs/sc/package.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, an ..
SN74LVTH374DWR ,3.3-V ABT Octal Edge-Triggered D-Type Flip-Flops With 3-State Outputsmaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
SN74LVTH374NSR ,3.3-V ABT Octal Edge-Triggered D-Type Flip-Flops With 3-State Outputsmaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)Supply voltage ra ..
SN74LVTH374PW ,3.3-V ABT Octal Edge-Triggered D-Type Flip-Flops With 3-State Outputslogic diagram (positive logic)1OE11CLKC121Q31D1DTo Seven Other Channels2POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DA ..
SN74LVTH374PWR ,3.3-V ABT Octal Edge-Triggered D-Type Flip-Flops With 3-State Outputs/sc/package.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, an ..
SN74LVTH540DBR ,3.3V ABT Octal Buffers/Drivers With 3-State Outputslogic diagram (positive logic)1OE119OE2218A1 Y1To Seven Other Channels2POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DAL ..
EN(1)(1) EN is the internal enable signal applied to the switch.
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SN74CB3Q3305 Dual FET Bus Switch
2.5-V/3.3-V Low-Voltage High-Bandwidth Bus Switch Features 3 DescriptionThe SN74CB3Q3305 deviceisa high-bandwidth FET High-Bandwidth Data Path (Upto 500 MHz(1)) bus switch usinga charge pumpto elevate the gate• 5-V Tolerant I/Os With Device Powered Upor voltageof the pass transistor, providinga low and flatPowered Down ON-state resistance (ron). The low and flat ON-state Low and Flat ON-State Resistance (ron) resistance allows for minimal propagation delay and
supports rail-to-rail switching on the data input/outputCharacteristics Over Operating Range
(I/O) ports. The device also features low data I/O(ron=3Ω Typical)
capacitanceto minimize capacitive loading and signal• Rail-to-Rail Switchingon Data I/O Ports distortion on the data bus. Specifically designedto– 0-to 5-V Switching With 3.3-V VCC support high-bandwidth applications, the
SN74CB3Q3305 device provides an optimized– 0-to 3.3-V Switching With 2.5-V VCC
interface solution ideally suited for broadband• Bidirectional Data Flow With Near-Zero communications, networking, and data-intensivePropagation Delay computing systems.• Low Input/Output Capacitance Minimizes Loading This deviceis fully specified for partial-power-downand Signal Distortion applications using Ioff. The Ioff circuitry prevents(Cio(OFF)= 3.5pF Typical) damaging current backflow through the device when• Fast Switching Frequency (fOE=20 MHz itis powered down. The device has isolation duringMaximum) power off. Data and Control Inputs Provide Undershoot To ensure the high-impedance state during power upClamp Diodes or power down, OE shouldbe tiedto GND througha• Low Power Consumption (ICC= 0.25 mA Typical) pulldown resistor; the minimum valueof the resistoris
determined by the current-sourcing capabilityof the• VCC Operating Range From 2.3Vto 3.6V driver.• Data I/Os Support0-to 5-V Signaling Levels (0.8 1.2V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V,5V)
Device Information(1) Control Inputs Can Be Drivenby TTLor5-V/3.3-V CMOS Outputs• Ioff Supports Partial-Power-Down Mode Operation Latch-Up Performance Exceeds 100 mA Per (1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumatJESD 78, ClassII the endofthe data sheet.
(1) For additional information regardingthe performance
characteristicsofthe CB3Q family, refertotheTI application
Simplified Schematic, Each FET Switch (SW)report, CBT-C, CB3T, and CB3Q Signal-Switch Families,
Applications Wireless Fiber and Equipment