SN7497N ,Synchronous 6-bit binary rate multiplierq Perform Fixed-Rate or Variable-Rate. . . .. GEFrequency Division SN5497 . J PACKASN7497 . . . N P ..
SN74ABT125 ,Quadruple Bus Buffer Gates With 3-State Outputslogic diagram (positive logic)1 101OE 3OE2 3 9 81A 1Y 3A 3Y4 132OE 4OE5 6 12 112A 2Y 4A 4YPin numbe ..
SN74ABT125D ,Quadruple Bus Buffer Gates With 3-State OutputsSN54ABT125, SN74ABT125QUADRUPLE BUS BUFFER GATESWITH 3-STATE OUTPUTSSCBS182I − FEBRUARY 1997 − REVI ..
SN74ABT125DBLE ,Quadruple Bus Buffer Gates With 3-State OutputsSN54ABT125, SN74ABT125QUADRUPLE BUS BUFFER GATESWITH 3-STATE OUTPUTSSCBS182I − FEBRUARY 1997 − REVI ..
SN74ABT125DBR ,Quadruple Bus Buffer Gates With 3-State Outputs/sc/package.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, an ..
SN74ABT125DR ,Quadruple Bus Buffer Gates With 3-State Outputsmaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
SN74LS05N ,HEX INVERTERmaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)Supply voltage, V (see ..
SN74LS05NSR ,Hex inverters with open collector outputslogic diagram (positive logic)211A 1Y3 42A2Y653A3Y9 84A4Y10115A5Y13 126A 6YY = APin numbers shown a ..
SN74LS06 ,Hex inverter buffers / drivers with high-voltage outputsFeatures 3 DescriptionThe SNx4LS06 devices feature high-voltage, open-1• Convert TTL Voltage Levels ..
SN74LS06D ,Hex inverter buffers / drivers with high-voltage outputsElectrical Characteristics....... 512.3 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates 126.6 Switc ..
SN74LS06DBR ,Hex inverter buffers / drivers with high-voltage outputsFeatures... 19 Application and Implementation........ 92 Applications..... 19.1 Application Informa ..
SN74LS06DR ,Hex inverter buffers / drivers with high-voltage outputsMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITSup ..
Synchronous 6-bit binary rate multiplier
������� ������ ����������� ����� ������ ���� ����������� SDLS130 − DECEMBER 1972 − REVISED MARCH 1988 ���������� ���� �������!��� �" #$��%�! �" �� &$’(�#�!��� )�!%* Copyright 1988, ���)$#!" #������ !� "&%#���#�!���" &%� !+% !%��" �� �%,�" ��"!�$�%�!" "!��)��) -�����!.* ���)$#!��� &��#%""��/ )�%" ��! �%#%""���(. ��#($)% !%"!��/ �� �(( &����%!%�"* 1 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265