SN65MLVD205ADG4 ,Full-Duplex M-LVDS Transceiver 14-SOIC -40 to 85Features 2 Applications1• Low-Voltage Differential 30-Ω to 55-Ω Line Drivers • Low-Power, High-Spee ..
SN65MLVD205ADR ,Full-Duplex M-LVDS TransceiverFeatures list item "Meets ±8-kV IEC 61000-4-2, Contact Discharge" ....... 1Changes from Revision B ..
SN65MLVD205D ,MULTIPOINT-LVDS LINE DRIVERS AND RECEIVERSfeatures to address multipointapplications. Driver output current has been increased to support dou ..
SN65MLVD206DG4 ,Half-Duplex M-LVDS Transceiver 8-SOIC -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSover recommended operating conditions (unless otherwise noted)(1) (2)PARA ..
SN65MLVD206DR ,Half-Duplex M-LVDS TransceiverFEATURES APPLICATIONS• Low-Power High-Speed Short-Reach• Low-Voltage Differential 30-Ω to 55-Ω Line ..
SN65MLVD207D ,Full-Duplex M-LVDS Transceivermaximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
SN74HCT245NSRG4 ,Octal Bus Transceivers With 3-State Outputs 20-SO -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe SNx4HCT245 octal bus transceivers are1• Operating Voltage Range of 4.5 V ..
SN74HCT245PW ,Octal Bus Transceivers With 3-State Outputs SCLS020F–MARCH 1984–REVISED AUGUST 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsSN54HCT245...JORWPACKAGESN ..
SN74HCT245PWLE ,Octal Bus Transceivers With 3-State OutputsFeatures... 18.4 Device Functional Modes...... 92 Applications..... 19 Application and Implementati ..
SN74HCT245PWR ,Octal Bus Transceivers With 3-State OutputsMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITV S ..
SN74HCT257D ,Quadruple 2-Line To 1-Line Data Selectors/Multiplexers With 3-State Outputs SCLS072D ..
SN74HCT257DR ,Quadruple 2-Line To 1-Line Data Selectors/Multiplexers With 3-State Outputsmaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)Supply voltage ra ..
Full-Duplex M-LVDS Transceiver
YSN65MLVD202A, SN65MLVD205AProduct
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SN65MLVD20xx Multipoint-LVDS Line Driver and Receiver Features 2 Applications Low-Voltage Differential 30-Ωto 55-Ω Line Drivers • Low-Power, High-Speed, Short-Reach Alternative
and Receiversfor Signaling Rates(1)upto to TIA/EIA-485
100 Mbps, Clock Frequencies upto50 MHz • Backplaneor Cabled Multipoint Data and Clock Type-1 Receivers Incorporate25 mVof Transmission
Hysteresis (SN65MLVD200A, SN65MLVD202A) • Cellular Base Stations Type-2 Receivers Providean Offset (100 mV) • Central Office SwitchesThresholdto Detect Open-Circuit and Idle-Bus • Network Switches and RoutersConditions (SN65MLVD204A, SN65MLVD205A) Meetsor Exceeds the M-LVDS Standard
3 DescriptionTIA/EIA-899 for Multipoint Data Interchange The SN65MLVD20xx devices are multipoint low- Controlled Driver Output Voltage Transition Times voltage differential (M-LVDS) line drivers and
receivers that are optimizedto operateat signalingfor Improved Signal Quality
rates up to 100 Mbps. All parts comply with the• –1Vto 3.4Vof Common-Mode Voltage Range multipoint low-voltage differential signaling (M-LVDS)Allows Data Transfer With2Vof Ground Noise standard TIA/EIA-899.• Bus Pins High Impedance When Disabled The SN65MLVD20xx devices have enhancementsor VCC≤ 1.5V over their predecessors. Improved features include• 200-Mbps Devices Available (SN65MLVD201, controlled slew rate on the driver output to helpSN65MLVD203, SN65MLVD206, SN65MLVD207) minimize reflections from unterminated stubs, which Bus Pin ESD Protection Exceeds8kV resultsin better signal integrity. Additionally, 8-kV
ESD protectionon the bus pins for more robustness.• Packages Available: The same footprint definition was maintained making– 8-Pin SOIC for an easy drop-in replacement fora systemSN65MLVD200A, SN65MLVD204A performance upgrade. 14-Pin SOIC The devices are characterized for operation fromSN65MLVD202A, SN65MLVD205A –40°Cto 85°C.• Improved Alternativesto the SN65MLVD200,
SN65MLVD202A, SN65MLVD204A, and
Device(1)SN65MLVD205A Devices
(1) The signaling rateofa line,isthe numberof voltagetransitions thatare madeper second expressedinthe unitsbps (bitsper second).
(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Logic Diagrams (Positive Logic)