SN65MLVD203DR ,Full-Duplex M-LVDS TransceiverELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSover recommended operating conditions (unless otherwise noted)(1) (2)PARA ..
SN65MLVD204ADR ,Half-Duplex M-LVDS TransceiverFeatures list item "Meets ±8-kV IEC 61000-4-2, Contact Discharge" ....... 1Changes from Revision B ..
SN65MLVD204ADRG4 ,Half-Duplex M-LVDS Transceiver 8-SOIC -40 to 85Features 2 Applications1• Low-Voltage Differential 30-Ω to 55-Ω Line Drivers • Low-Power, High-Spee ..
SN65MLVD204D ,MULTIPOINT-LVDS LINE DRIVERS AND RECEIVERSfeatures to address multipointapplications. Driver output current has been increased to support dou ..
SN65MLVD205ADG4 ,Full-Duplex M-LVDS Transceiver 14-SOIC -40 to 85Features 2 Applications1• Low-Voltage Differential 30-Ω to 55-Ω Line Drivers • Low-Power, High-Spee ..
SN65MLVD205ADR ,Full-Duplex M-LVDS TransceiverFeatures list item "Meets ±8-kV IEC 61000-4-2, Contact Discharge" ....... 1Changes from Revision B ..
SN74HCT245N ,Octal Bus Transceivers With 3-State OutputsSample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareSN54HCT245,SN74HCT24 ..
SN74HCT245NSR ,Octal Bus Transceivers With 3-State OutputsLogic Diagram (Positive Logic)1DIR19OE2A118B1To Seven Other ChannelsCopyright 2016, Texas Instrume ..
SN74HCT245NSRG4 ,Octal Bus Transceivers With 3-State Outputs 20-SO -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe SNx4HCT245 octal bus transceivers are1• Operating Voltage Range of 4.5 V ..
SN74HCT245PW ,Octal Bus Transceivers With 3-State Outputs SCLS020F–MARCH 1984–REVISED AUGUST 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsSN54HCT245...JORWPACKAGESN ..
SN74HCT245PWLE ,Octal Bus Transceivers With 3-State OutputsFeatures... 18.4 Device Functional Modes...... 92 Applications..... 19 Application and Implementati ..
SN74HCT245PWR ,Octal Bus Transceivers With 3-State OutputsMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITV S ..
Full-Duplex M-LVDS Transceiver
SN65MLVD203, SN65MLVD207SN65MLVD201, SN65MLVD206
SN65MLVD201, SN65MLVD203
Low-Voltage Differential 30-Ωto 55-Ω Line
Alternativeto TIA/EIA-485Drivers and Receivers for Signaling Rates(1) Backplaneor Cabled Multipoint Data andUpto 200 Mbps
Clock Transmission•
Type-1 Receivers Incorporate25 mVof •
Cellular Base StationsHysteresis Central-Office Switches•
Type-2 Receivers Providean Offset (100 mV) •
Network Switches and RoutersThresholdto Detect Open-Circuit and Idle-Bus
Conditions Meetsor Exceeds the M-LVDS Standard
TIA/EIA-899 for Multipoint Data Interchange The SN65MLVD201, 203, 206, and 207 are
multipoint-low-voltage differential (M-LVDS) line•
Controlled Driver Output Voltage Transition drivers and receivers, which are optimizedto operate
Times for Improved Signal Quality at signaling rates upto 200 Mbps. All parts comply•
-1Vto 3.4V Common-Mode Voltage Range with the multipoint low-voltage differential signaling
Allows Data Transfer With2Vof Ground Noise (M-LVDS) standard TIA/EIA-899. These circuits are
similarto their TIA/EIA-644 standard compliant LVDS•
Bus Pins High Impedance When Disabledorcounterparts, with added features to address
VCC≤ 1.5Vmultipoint applications. The driver output has been•
100-Mbps Devices Available (SN65MLVD200A, designed to support multipoint buses presenting
202A, 204A, 205A) loads as low as 30 Ω, and incorporates controlled•
M-LVDS Bus Power Up/Down Glitch Free transition timesto allow for stubs offof the backbone
transmission line.The signaling rateofa line,isthe numberof voltage transitions
thatare madeper second expressedinthe units bps (bitsper These devices have Type-1 and Type-2 receiverssecond). that detect the bus state with as little as 50 mVof
differential input voltage over a common-mode
voltage rangeof-1Vto 3.4V. The Type-1 receivers
exhibit 25 mVof differential input voltage hysteresis prevent output oscillations with slowly changing
signalsor lossof input. Type-2 receivers include an
offset threshold to
under open-circuit,
conditions. The devices
operation from –40°C