SN65LVDM176DRG4 ,Half-Duplex LVDM Transceiver 8-SOIC -40 to 85maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
SN65LVDM179DGK ,Full-Duplex LVDM TransceiverMAXIMUM RATINGS(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)UNIT(2)V Supply ..
SN65LVDM179DGKR ,Full-Duplex LVDM Transceiver .... SLLS324J–DECEMBER 1998–REVISED JULY 2009SN65LVDM180, SN65LVDM050, and SN65LVDM051 RECEIVER(1) ..
SN65LVDM179DR ,Full-Duplex LVDM TransceiverThese devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the dev ..
SN65LVDM179DRG4 ,Full-Duplex LVDM Transceiver 8-SOIC -40 to 85FEATURESSN65LVDM179D (Marked as DM179 or LVM179)• Low-Voltage Differential 50-Ω Line Drivers and SN ..
SN65LVDM180D ,Full-Duplex LVDM TransceiverFEATURESSN65LVDM179D (Marked as DM179 or LVM179)• Low-Voltage Differential 50-Ω Line Drivers and SN ..
SN74HC595DR ,8-Bit Shift Registers With 3-State Output RegistersSample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareSN54HC595,SN74HC595S ..
SN74HC595DRG4 ,8-Bit Shift Registers With 3-State Output Registers 16-SOIC -40 to 85Features list 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright 1982–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated ..
SN74HC595DW ,8-Bit Shift Registers With 3-State Output RegistersTable of Contents9.2 Functional
SN74HC595DWR ,8-Bit Shift Registers With 3-State Output RegistersFeatures 3 DescriptionThe SNx4HC595 devices contain an 8-bit, serial-in,1• 8-Bit Serial-In, Paralle ..
SN74HC595N ,8-Bit Shift Registers With 3-State Output RegistersSample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareSN54HC595,SN74HC595S ..
SN74HC595NSR ,8-Bit Shift Registers With 3-State Output RegistersFeatures... 19.3 Feature Description.... 132 Applications..... 19.4 Device Functional Modes.... 133 ..
Half-Duplex LVDM Transceiver
SN65LVDM176D (Marked as DM176 or LVM176)
SN65LVDM176DGK (Marked as M76)
logic diagram (positive logic)76RREDED
HIGH-SPEED DIFFERENTIAL LINE TRANSCEIVER Low-Voltage Differential Driver and Receiver
for Half-Duplex Operation Designed for Signaling Ratesof 400 Mbit/s ESD Protection Exceeds15 kV on Bus Pins Operates Froma Single 3.3-V Supply Low-Voltage Differential Signaling With
Typical Output Voltagesof 350 mV anda
50-Ω Load Valid Output Withas Littleas50 mV Input
Voltage Difference Propagation Delay Times Driver: 1.7ns Typ Receiver: 3.7 ns Typ Power Dissipationat 200 MHz Driver:50 mW Typical Receiver: 60 mW Typical LVTTL Levels Are 5-V Tolerant Bus Pins Are High Impedance WithVCC Less Than 1.5V Open-Circuit Fail-Safe Receiver Surface-Mount PackagingD Package (SOIC) DGK Package (MSOP)The SN65LVDM176isa differential line driver and receiver configured
differential signaling (LVDS)to achieve signaling
TIA/EIA-644 standard compliant devices (SN65LVDS)
doubled. This modification providesa minimum