SN65LVDM050QDRG4Q1 ,Automotive Catalog Dual LVDS Transmitter/Receiver 16-SOIC -40 to 125 SGLS128A − JULY 2002 − ..
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SN65LVDM051PW ,Dual LVDS Transmitter/Receiver .... SLLS324J–DECEMBER 1998–REVISED JULY 2009SN65LVDM180, SN65LVDM050, and SN65LVDM051 RECEIVER(1) ..
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Dual LVDS Transmitter/Receiver
and Receivers Signaling Rates up to 500 Mbps Bus-Terminal ESD Exceeds 12 kV Operates From a Single 3.3 V Supply Low-Voltage Differential Signaling With
Typical Output Voltages of 340 mV With a
50-Ω Load Valid Output With as Little as 50-mV Input
Voltage Difference Propagation Delay Times
− Driver: 1.7 ns Typ
− Receiver: 3.7 ns Typ Power Dissipation at 200 MHz
− Driver: 50 mW Typical
− Receiver: 60 mW Typical LVTTL Input Levels Are 5 V Tolerant Driver Is High Impedance When Disabled or
With VCC < 1.5 V Receiver Has Open-Circuit Fail Safe descriptionThe SN65LVDM050, and SN65LVDM051 are differential line drivers and receivers that use low-voltage
differential signaling (LVDS) to achieve signaling rates as high as 500 Mbps (per TIA/EIA-644 definition). These
circuits are similar to TIA/EIA-644 standard compliant devices (SN65LVDS) counterparts, except that the output
current of the drivers is doubled. This modification provides a minimum differential output voltage magnitude
of 247 mV across a 50-Ω load simulating two transmission lines in parallel. This allows having data buses with
more than one driver or with two line termination resistors. The receivers detect a voltage difference of 50 mV
with up to 1 V of ground potential difference between a transmitter and receiver.
The intended application of these devices and signaling techniques is point-to-point and multipoint, baseband
data transmission over a controlled impedance media of approximately 100 Ω of characteristic impedance. The
transmission media may be printed-circuit board traces, backplanes, or cables.
SN65LVDM051QDQ1 (Marked as LVDM051Q)
1DE3 2Y
2DE5Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.