SN65HVD55 ,High Output Full-duplex RS-485 Driver and Receiver with enablesFEATUREShave active-high driver enables and active-low• 1/8 Unit-Load Option Available (Up to 256re ..
SN65HVD55DRG4 ,High Output Full-duplex RS-485 Driver and Receiver with enables 14-SOIC -40 to 85This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated cir ..
SN65HVD61DR ,ControlNet(TM) Transceiver 14-SOIC -40 to 100FEATURESscaled analog output which is proportional to the2• Compatible With the ControlNet Standard ..
SN65HVD82DR ,5V-Supply RS-485 with IEC ESD Protection 8-SOIC -40 to 85Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
SN65HVS880PWP ,8 input, nominal 24V digital-input serializer for industrial digital inputs 28-HTSSOP -40 to 85FEATURES2• Eight Sensor Inputs • SPI-Compatible Interface– High Input Voltage up to 30 V • Regulate ..
SN65LBC031 ,Transceivermaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
SN74HC4040PWR ,12-Bit Asynchronous Binary Counters SCLS160D − DECEMBER 1982 − REVISED SEPTEMBER ..
SN74HC4060 ,14-Stage Asynchronous Binary Counters And Oscillators/sc/package.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, an ..
SN74HC4060D ,14-Stage Asynchronous Binary Counters And Oscillatorsmaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
SN74HC4060DR ,14-Stage Asynchronous Binary Counters And Oscillators SCLS161D − DECEMBER 1982 − R ..
SN74HC4060N ,14-Stage Asynchronous Binary Counters And Oscillatorsmaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
SN74HC4060NSR ,14-Stage Asynchronous Binary Counters And Oscillatorslogic diagram (positive logic)R R R R R R R R RT T T T T T T T T4 614 13 15 1 2 3Q Q Q Q Q Q Q QF G ..
High Output Full-duplex RS-485 Driver and Receiver with enables
DifferentialOutputVoltage |VOD|VCC=5.5V
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Differential Output Voltage, |VOD|(V)
Additional Noise
www.ti.com SLLS666E –SEPTEMBER 2005–REVISED OCTOBER 2009
Checkfor Samples :SN65HVD50-SN65HVD55The SN65HVD53, SN65HVD54, and SN65HVD55
1FEATUREShave active-high driver enables and active-low
• 1/8 Unit-Load Option Available (Upto 256 receiver enables.A low, less than1 μA, standby
Nodes on the Bus) currentis achieved by disabling both the driver and
• Bus-Pin ESD Protection Exceeds15 kV HBM receiver.
Optional Driver Output Transition Times for All devices are characterized for operation from
SignalingRates(1)of1 Mbps,5 Mbps and –40°Cto 85°C.
25 Mbps The high output featureof the SN65HVD5x provides
• Low-Current Standby Mode<1 μA more noise margin than the typical RS-485 drivers.
• Glitch-Free Power-Up and Power-Down Bus The extra noise margin makes applicationsin long
I/Os cable and harsh noise environments possible.
Bus Idle, Open, and Short Circuit Failsafe Designed for RS-422 and RS485 Networks 3.3-V Devices Available, SN65HVD30-35(1) The signaling rateofa lineisthe numberof voltage
transitions thatare madeper second expressedinthe units
bps (bitsper second).
APPLICATIONS Utility Meters Chassis-to-Chassis Interconnects DTE/DCE Interfaces Industrial, Process, and Building Automation Point-of-Sale (POS) Terminals and Networks
DESCRIPTIONThe SN65HVD5X devices are 3-state differential line
drivers and differential-input line receivers that
operate witha 5-V power supply. Each driver and input and output pins for designs. They are lines and ANSI TIA/EIA-485A, pins.