SN65HVD3082EDR ,Low-Power RS-485 TransceiverSupport & ReferenceProduct Order Tools &TechnicalCommunityDesignFolder Now Documents SoftwareSN65HV ..
SN65HVD3082EP ,Low-Power RS-485 TransceiverFeaturessupply current, typically 0.3 mA, exclusive of the load.1• Available in a Small MSOP-8 Pack ..
SN65HVD3083EDGS ,Low-Power RS-485 Full-Duplex Drivers/Receivers 10-VSSOP -40 to 85FEATURESDGS PACKAGE• Low Quiescent Power(TOP VIEW)– 375μA (Typical) Enabled Mode– 2 nA (Typical) Sh ..
SN65HVD3083EDGSG4 ,Low-Power RS-485 Full-Duplex Drivers/Receivers 10-VSSOP -40 to 85 SLLS771E –NOVEMBER 2006–REVISED NOVEMBER 2012SUPPLY CURRENTover recommended operating conditions u ..
SN65HVD3085ED ,Low-power Half-duplex RS-485 Transceiver SLLS562J–AUGUST 2009–REVISED OCTOBER 20175 Pin Configuration and FunctionsD, P, and DGK Packages8- ..
SN65HVD3085EDR ,Low-power Half-duplex RS-485 TransceiverMaximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
SN74HC377DWR ,Octal D-Type Flip-Flops With Clock Enable/sc/package.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, an ..
SN74HC377N ,Octal D-Type Flip-Flops With Clock Enablelogic diagram (positive logic)1CLKEN11CLKC1231Q1D1DC1542Q1D2DC1673Q3D 1DC1984Q1D4DC112135Q5D 1DC115 ..
SN74HC377NSR ,Octal D-Type Flip-Flops With Clock Enable SCLS307B– JANUARY 1996 – REVISED JANUARY ..
SN74HC393D ,Dual 4-Bit Binary Counters/sc/package.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, an ..
SN74HC393DBR ,Dual 4-Bit Binary Countersmaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
Half-Duplex RS-485 Transceiver 8-VSSOP -40 to 85
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Support &
SNx5HVD308xE Low-Power RS-485 Transceivers, Availableina Small MSOP-8 Package Features Availableina Small MSOP-8 Package Meetsor Exceeds the Requirementsof the
TIA/EIA-485A Standard Low Quiescent Power 0.3-mA Active Mode 1-nA Shutdown Mode 1/8 Unit Load upto 256 Nodes ona Bus Bus-Pin ESD Protectionupto 15kV Industry-Standard SN75176 Footprint Failsafe Receiver (Bus Open, Bus Shorted,
Bus Idle) Glitch-Free Power-Up and Power-Down Bus
Inputs and Outputs
Applications Energy Meter Networks Motor Control Power Inverters Industrial Automation Building Automation Networks Battery-Powered Applications Telecommunications Equipment
DescriptionThe SNx5HVD308xE devices are half-duplex
transceivers designed for RS-485 data bus networks.
Powered bya 5-V supply, they are fully compliant
with TIA/EIA-485A standard. With controlled transition
times, these devices are suitable for transmitting data
over long twisted-pair cables. SN65HVD3082E and
SN75HVD3082E devices are optimized for signaling
ratesupto 200 kbps. The SN65HVD3085E deviceis
suitable for data transmissionupto1 Mbps, whereas
the SN65HVD3088E device is suitable for require signaling rates up to
These devices are designedto operate with very low
supply current, typically 0.3 mA, exclusiveof the load.
Whenin the inactive-shutdown mode, the supply
current dropstoa few nanoamps, which makes these
devices idealfor power-sensitive applications.
The wide common-mode range and high ESD-
protection levels of these devices makes them
suitable for demanding applications such as energy
meter networks, electrical inverters, status and
command signals across telecom racks, cabled
chassis interconnects, and industrial automation
networks where noise toleranceis essential. These
devices match the industry-standard footprintof the
SN75176 device. Power-on-reset circuits keep the
outputsina high-impedance state until the supply
voltage has stabilized.A thermal-shutdown function
protects the device from damage dueto system fault
conditions. The SN75HVD3082Eis characterized for
operation from 0°Cto 70°C and SN65HVD308xE are
characterized for operation from –40°Cto 85°C air
temperature. The D package version of the
SN65HVD3082E has been characterized for
operation from –40°Cto 105°C.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Simplified Schematic