SN65HVD1050QDRQ1 ,Automotive Catalog EMC Optimized CAN Transceiver 8-SOIC -40 to 125features cross-wire, over-voltage,and loss of ground protection from –27 V to 40 V, over-temperatur ..
SN65HVD10D ,3.3V Differential TransceiverMaximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
SN65HVD10DR ,3.3V Differential TransceiverMaximum Ratings.. 4Changes from Revision M (July 2013) to Revision N Page• Added Pin Configuration ..
SN65HVD10DRG4 ,3.3 V Half-duplex RS-485 Transceiver, 32Mbps 8-SOIC -40 to 85Maximum Ratings(1) (2)over operating free-air temperature range unless otherwise notedMIN MAX UNITV ..
SN65HVD10MDREP ,Enhanced Product 3.3-V Rs-485 Transceiver 8-SOIC -55 to 125FEATURES APPLICATIONS• Digital Motor Control• Controlled Baseline• Utility Meters– One Assembly/Tes ..
SN65HVD10P ,3.3V Differential TransceiverFeatures... 19.3 Feature Description.... 172 Applications..... 19.4 Device Functional Modes.... 173 ..
SN74HC32DRG4 ,Quadruple 2-Input Positive-OR Gates 14-SOIC -40 to 85Logic Diagram (Positive Logic)AYBCopyright 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated1An IMPORTANT NOTIC ..
SN74HC32N ,Quadruple 2-Input Positive-OR GatesMaximum Ratings.. 411.1 Layout Guidelines.... 126.2 ESD Ratings: SN74HC32..... 411.2 Layout Example ..
SN74HC32NSR ,Quadruple 2-Input Positive-OR GatesMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITV S ..
SN74HC32PW ,Quadruple 2-Input Positive-OR GatesBlock Diagram..... 9Information..... 134 Revision HistoryNOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions ..
SN74HC32PWLE ,Quadruple 2-Input Positive-OR GatesLogic Diagram (Positive Logic)AYBCopyright 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated1An IMPORTANT NOTIC ..
SN74HC32PWR ,Quadruple 2-Input Positive-OR GatesMaximum Ratings.. 411.1 Layout Guidelines.... 126.2 ESD Ratings: SN74HC32..... 411.2 Layout Example ..
Automotive Catalog EMC Optimized CAN Transceiver 8-SOIC -40 to 125
Silent Mode
30 µA
30 µA
www.ti.com SLLS696C –MAY 2006–REVISED DECEMBER 2010
Checkfor Samples: SN65HVD1050-Q1
1FEATURES APPLICATIONS GMW3122 Dual-Wire CAN Physical Layer Qualified for Automotive Applications SAE J2284 High-Speed CAN for Automotive• Customer-Specific Configuration Control Can ApplicationsBe Supported Along With Major-Change SAE J1939 Standard Data Bus InterfaceApproval ISO 11783 Standard Data Bus Interface• Improved Drop-In Replacement for TJA1050 NMEA 2000 Standard Data Bus Interface• Meetsor Exceeds the Requirementsof Industrial AutomationISO 11898-2 DeviceNet™ Data Buses (VendorID #806)• GIFT/ICT Compliant ESD Protection upto±8 kV (Human-Body DESCRIPTIONModel) on Bus PinsThe SN65HVD1050 meets or exceeds the
• High Electromagnetic Immunity (EMI) specificationsof the ISO 11898 standard for usein
• Low Electromagnetic Emissions (EME) applications employinga Controller Area Network
Bus-Fault Protectionof –27Vto40V (CAN). The deviceis qualified for usein automotive
• Dominant Time-Out Function Thermal Shutdown Protection Asa CAN transceiver, this device provides differential
transmit capabilityto the bus and differential receive
• Power-Up/Down Glitch-Free Bus Inputs and capabilitytoa CAN controllerat signaling ratesupto
Outputs 1 megabit per second (Mbps)(1).
– High Input Impedance With Low VCC (1) The signaling rateofa lineisthe numberof voltage
– Monotonic Outputs During Power Cycling transitions thatare madeper second expressedinthe units
bps (bitsper second).