SNJ54ALS10AJ ,Triple 3-Input Positive-NAND Gateselectrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range (unlessotherwise n ..
SNJ54ALS10AJ ,Triple 3-Input Positive-NAND Gates SDAS002B − MARCH 1984 − RE ..
SNJ54ALS11AJ ,Triple 3-Input Positive-AND Gateselectrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range (unlessotherwise n ..
SNJ54ALS1245AFK ,Octal Bus Transceivers With 3-State Outputs SN54ALS1245A, SN74ALS1245A OCTAL BUS TRANSCEIVERS WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS SDAS245A – DECEMBER 1982 – ..
SNJ54ALS133J ,13-Input Positive-NAND Gatesmaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)Supply voltage, V ..
SNJ54ALS133J. ,13-Input Positive-NAND Gateslogic diagram (positive logic)1A&12AB23BC34CD45DE56EF697FYG9710YGH1011HI1112IJ1213JK1314KL1415LM15M ..
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Triple 3-Input Positive-NAND Gates
descriptionThese devices contain three independent 3-input
positive-NAND gates. They perform the Boolean
functions Y = A • B • C or Y = A + B + C in positive
The SN54ALS10A and SN54AS10 are
characterized for operation over the full military
temperature range of −55°C to 125°C. The
SN74ALS10A and SN74AS10 are characterized
for operation from 0°C to 70°C.
(each gate)
logic symbol† logic diagram (positive logic)11A1B 131C2A 42B2C3A 103B3C†This symbol is in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Std 91-1984 and
IEC Publication 617-12.
Pin numbers shown are for the D, J, and N packages.
NC − No internal connection