SNJ5450W ,Dual 2-Wide 2-Input AND-OR-invert Gates (One Gate Expandable)logic diagram (positive logic)1; 1x- 121X ( )2A 1AB 2Y2 1B20 1V2D "positive logic: Y = AB+ D ID(wit ..
SNJ5451J ,AND-OR-invert Gates
SNJ5451W ,AND-OR-invert Gates
SNJ5454J ,4-Wide AND-OR-invert GatesSDLS115SN5454. SN54LS54. SN7454. SN74LS§44-WIDE MliMWllll1lERT GATESDECEMBER 1983-REViSED MARCH 198 ..
SNJ5472J ,And-Gated J-K Master-Slave Flip-Flops With Preset And Clearlogic diagram (positive logic)CLKschematics of inputs and outputsEQUIVALENT OF EACH INPUT TYPICAL O ..
SNJ5472W ,And-Gated J-K Master-Slave Flip-Flops With Preset And Clearlogic diagram (positive logic)CLKschematics of inputs and outputsEQUIVALENT OF EACH INPUT TYPICAL O ..
SPX2815AT-2-5 , 1.5A Low Dropout Voltage Regulator
SPX2815AT-3.3 , 1.5A Low Dropout Voltage Regulator Adjustable & Fixed Output, Fast Response
SPX2815AU , 1.5A Low Dropout Voltage Regulator Adjustable & Fixed Output, Fast Response
SPX2815AU-3.3 , 1.5A Low Dropout Voltage Regulator Adjustable & Fixed Output, Fast Response
SPX2815T , 1.5A Low Dropout Voltage Regulator Adjustable & Fixed Output, Fast Response
SPX29150T-1.8 , 1.5A Low Dropout Voltage Regulator Adjustable & Fixed Output, Fast Response Time
Dual 2-Wide 2-Input AND-OR-invert Gates (One Gate Expandable)
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