SMBT2907A ,PNP Silicon Switching Transistor with...SMBT 2907APNP Silicon Switching Transistor3• High DC current gain: 0.1mA to 500 mA• Low collector-e ..
SMBT3904 ,NPN Silicon Switching Transistor with...SMBT 3904NPN Silicon Switching Transistor3• High DC current gain: 0.1mA to 100mA• Low collector-emi ..
SMBT3904E6327 ,NPN Silicon Switching Transistor with...Characteristics at T = 25°C, unless otherwise specified.AParameter Symbol Values Unitmin. typ. max. ..
SMBT3904E6327 ,NPN Silicon Switching Transistor with...CharacteristicsCollector-emitter breakdown voltage 40 - - VV(BR)CEOI = 1 mA, I = 0 C BCollector-bas ..
SMBT3904E6327 ,NPN Silicon Switching Transistor with...CharacteristicsCollector-emitter breakdown voltage 40 - - VV(BR)CEOI = 1 mA, I = 0 C BCollector-bas ..
SMBT3904E-6327 ,NPN Silicon Switching Transistor with...SMBT 3904NPN Silicon Switching Transistor3• High DC current gain: 0.1mA to 100mA• Low collector-emi ..
SN65MLVD2DRBT ,Single Channel M-LVDS Type-1 Receiver 8-SON -40 to 85FEATURES APPLICATIONS• Parallel Multipoint Data and Clock• Low-Voltage Differential 30-Ω to 55-Ω Li ..
SN67060 , Speech Controller
SN7000 , SIPMOS Small-Signal Transistor
SN7002N ,Low Voltage MOSFETsFeatureV 60 VDS• N-ChannelR 5 ΩDS(on)• Enhancement modeI 0.2 AD• Logic LevelSOT-23• dv/dt ratedDrai ..
SN7400 ,Quad 2-input positive-NAND gates SDLS025D–DECEMBER 1983–REVISED MAY 20175 Pin Configuration and FunctionsSN5400 J, SN54xx00 J and W ..
SN7400N ,Quad 2-input positive-NAND gatesPin Functions (continued)PINI/O DESCRIPTIONCDIP, CFP, SOIC, SO CFPNAME LCCCPDIP, SO, SSOP (SN74xx00 ..
PNP Silicon Switching Transistor with...
SMBT 2907A
PNP Silicon Switching Transistor• High DC current gain: 0.1mA to 500 mA
• Low collector-emitter saturation voltage
• Complementary type: SMBT 2222A (NPN)
Maximum Ratings
Thermal Resistance
SMBT 2907A
Electrical Characteristicsn at TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified.
DC Characteristics
SMBT 2907A
Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified.
AC Characteristics
SMBT 2907A
Test circuits
Delay and rise timeEHN00053
< 5 nstr200
= 50
< 2ns
Storage and fall time+15 V
< 2 ns
= 50
Oscillograph: R > 100Ω, C < 12pF, tr < 5ns
SMBT 2907A
Total power dissipation PS)
* Package mounted on epoxy0
Collector-base capacitance C = f (VCB)
f = 1MHz
Transition frequency fT = f (IC)CE = 5V
Permissible pulse loadtotmax / PtotDC = f (tp)1010-5-4-3-20
SMBT 2907A
Delay time t
Rise time tEHP00751mA1100125,105,
Saturation voltage I)FE = 1010V
BE sat-10
CE satV,2-2
Storage time tstg = f(IC)10
Fall time tf = f (IC)
EHP007531012= 30 V