SMBT2907 ,PNP Silicon Switching Transistor with...characteristicsCollector-emitter breakdown voltage V(BR)CE0 VIC = 10 mA SMBT 2907 40 – –SMBT 2907 A ..
SMBT2907A ,PNP Silicon Switching Transistor with...SMBT 2907APNP Silicon Switching Transistor3• High DC current gain: 0.1mA to 500 mA• Low collector-e ..
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SMBT3904E6327 ,NPN Silicon Switching Transistor with...Characteristics at T = 25°C, unless otherwise specified.AParameter Symbol Values Unitmin. typ. max. ..
SMBT3904E6327 ,NPN Silicon Switching Transistor with...CharacteristicsCollector-emitter breakdown voltage 40 - - VV(BR)CEOI = 1 mA, I = 0 C BCollector-bas ..
SMBT3904E6327 ,NPN Silicon Switching Transistor with...CharacteristicsCollector-emitter breakdown voltage 40 - - VV(BR)CEOI = 1 mA, I = 0 C BCollector-bas ..
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SN7002N ,Low Voltage MOSFETsFeatureV 60 VDS• N-ChannelR 5 ΩDS(on)• Enhancement modeI 0.2 AD• Logic LevelSOT-23• dv/dt ratedDrai ..
SN7400 ,Quad 2-input positive-NAND gates SDLS025D–DECEMBER 1983–REVISED MAY 20175 Pin Configuration and FunctionsSN5400 J, SN54xx00 J and W ..
PNP Silicon Switching Transistor with...
PNP Silicon Switching Transistors
0 High DC current gain: 0.1 mA to 500 mA
0 Low collector-emitter saturation voltage
0 Complementarytypes: SMBT 2222,
SMBT 2907
SMBT 2907 A
SMBT 2222 A (NPN)
Type Marking Ordering Code Pin Configuration Package')
(tape and reel) 1 2 3
SMBT 2907 $28 Q68000-A6501 B E C SOT-23
SMBT 2907 A s2F Q68000-A6474
Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Values Unit
SMBT 2907 SMBT 2907 A
Collector-emitter voltage cho 40 60 V
Collector-base voltage VCBo 60
Emitter-base voltage VEBO 5
Collector current Io 600 mA
Total power dissipation, Ts = 77 ( Ptot 330 mW
Junction temperature T, 150 (
Storage temperature range Tstg - 65 ... + 150
Thermal Resistance
Junction - ambient2) RthJA s 290 KNV
Junction - soldering point Rthos f 220
1) For detailed information see chapter Package Outlines.
2) Package mounted on epoxy pcb 40 mm x 40 mm x 1.5 mm/6 cm2 Cu.
1 5.91
Semiconductor Group
SMBT 2907 A
Electrical Characteristics
at TA = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified.
Parameter Symbol Values Unit
min. typ. max.
DC characteristics
Collector-emitter breakdown voltage V(BR)CEO V
fc = 10 mA SMBT 2907 40 - -
SMBT 2907 A 60 - -
Collector-base breakdown voltage V(amao
Ic = 10 PA SMBT 2907 60 - -
SMBT 2907 A 60 - -
Emitter-base breakdown voltage V(BR)EBO 5 - -
he = 10 “A
Collector cutoff current Icao
Vcs = 50 V SMBT 2907 - - 20 nA
Vca = 50 V SMBT 2907 A - - 10 nA
Vca = 50 V, TA = 150 ( SMBT 2907 - - 20 “A
Vca = 50 V, TA = 150 ( SMBT 2907 A - - 10 WA
Emitter cutoff current IEBO - - 10 nA
VEB = 3 V
DC current gain” hFE -
Ic = 100 PA, VCE = 10 V SMBT 2907 35 - -
SMBT 2907 A 75 - -
h: = 1 mA, VCE = 10 V SMBT 2907 50 - -
SMBT 2907 A 100 - -
IC = 10 mA, VCE = 10 V1) SMBT 2907 75 - -
SMBT 2907 A 100 - -
h: = 150 mA, VCE = 10 V1) SMBT 2907 100 - 300
SMBT 2907 A 100 - 300
Ic = 500 mA, VCE = 10 V1) SMBT 2907 30 - -
SMBT 2907 A 50 - -
Collector-emitter saturation voltagen VCEsat V
[0:150 mA,IB=15mA - - 0.4
h: = 500 mA, ha = 50 mA - - 1.6
Base-emitter saturation voltage') VBEsat
Ic=150mA,IB=15mA - - 1.3
Ic = 500 mA, h, = 50 mA - - 2.6
1) Pulse test conditions: ts 300 us, D = 2 %.
Semiconductor Group