SM320F28335GHHAEP ,Enhanced Product Digital Signal Controller 179-BGA MICROSTAR -40 to 85Features ........ 101.2 SUPPORTS DEFENSE, AEROSPACE, AND MEDICAL APPLICATIONS .... 112 Introduction ..
SM320F28335GJZMEP ,Enhanced Product Digital Signal Controller 176-BGA -55 to 125Electrical Specification and Timing ....... 1236.13 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Timing ...... ..
SM32C6713BGDPM30EP ,Enhanced Product Floating-Point Digital Signal Processor 272-BGA -55 to 125FEATURES .... 92 SUPPORTS DEFENSE, AEROSPACE, AND MEDICAL APPLICATIONS . 103 DEVICE INFORMATION ... ..
SM32DM355GCEM216EP ,Digital Media System-on-Chip (DMSoC) 337-NFBGA -55 to 125 SPRS575–JULY 20091.3 DescriptionThe DM355 is a highly integrated, programmable platform for digita ..
SM340A , Schottky Barrier Rectifiers Reverse Voltage 20 to100V Forward Current 3.0A
SM340A , Schottky Barrier Rectifiers Reverse Voltage 20 to100V Forward Current 3.0A
SMP04 ,CMOS Quad Sample-and-Hold AmplifierSpecifications are subject to change without notice.REV. D–2–SMP04ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSPackage T ..
SMP04EP ,CMOS Quad Sample-and-Hold AmplifierCHARACTERISTICSPower Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR – 5 V £ V £ – 6 V 60 75 dBDD Supply Current I 3.5 ..
SMP04EQ ,CMOS Quad Sample-and-Hold Amplifierapplications, including amplifier offset or VCA gain adjust-ments. One or more can be used with sin ..
SMP04ES ,CMOS Quad Sample-and-Hold AmplifierGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe SMP04 offers significant cost and size reduction overThe SMP04 is a monolith ..
SMP04ES ,CMOS Quad Sample-and-Hold AmplifierSpecifications are subject to change without notice.REV. D–2–SMP04ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSPackage T ..
SMP08FP ,Octal Sample-and-Hold with Multiplexed InputGENERAL DESCRIPTIONSW 4 CH OUT7The SMP08 is a monolithic octal sample-and-hold; it has eightHOLD CA ..
Enhanced Product Digital Signal Controller
SM320F28335-EP Digital Signal Controller (DSC) Data Manual PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. Literature Number: SPRS581D June 2009–Revised May 2012