SI9926DY ,Dual N-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFETSi9926DYJanuary 2001Si9926DY Dual N-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFET
SI9928DY ,N/P-Channel 20-V (D-S) Pair FaxBack 408-970-5600S-00652—Rev. G, 27-Mar-001Si9928DYVishay Siliconix
Dual N-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFET
Si9926DY January 2001 Si9926DY Dual N-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFET Features General Description These N-Channel 2.5V specified MOSFETs use • 6.5 A, 20 V. R = 0.030 Ω @ V = 4.5 V DS(ON) GS Fairchild Semiconductor’s advanced PowerTrench R = 0.043 Ω @ V = 2.5 V. DS(ON) GS process. It has been optimized for power management applications with a wide range of gate drive voltage • Optimized for use in battery protection circuits (2.5V – 10V). • ±10 V allows for wide operating voltage range GSS Applications • Low gate charge • Battery protection • Load switch • Power management D1 5 4 D1 D2 Q1 6 3 D2 7 2 Q2 G1 8 1 S1 SO-8 G2 S2 o Absolute Maximum Ratings T =25 C unless otherwise noted A Symbol Parameter Ratings Units V Drain-Source Voltage 20 V DSS V Gate-Source Voltage V GSS ±10 I Drain Current – Continuous (Note 1a) 6.5 A D – Pulsed 20 P Power Dissipation for Dual Operation 2 W D Power Dissipation for Single Operation (Note 1a) 1.6 (Note 1b) 1 (Note 1c) 0.9 T , T Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range -55 to +150 J STG °C Thermal Characteristics R Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient (Note 1a) 78 °C/W θJA Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Case (Note 1) 40 R °C/W θJC Package Marking and Ordering Information Device Marking Device Reel Size Tape width Quantity 9926 Si9926DY 13’’ 12mm 2500 units 2001 Fairchild Semiconductor International Si9926DY Rev A (W)