SI7810DN ,N-Channel 100-V (D-S) MOSFETS-04559—Rev. A, 27-Aug-01 1Si7810DNNew ProductVishay Siliconix ..
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N-Channel 100-V (D-S) MOSFET
New Product
Vishay Siliconix
N-Channel 1oo-v (D-S) MOSFET
Vos (V) rDS(on) (Q) ID (A)
100 0.062 @VGS=10V 5.4
0.084 @ VGS = 6 V 4.6
PowerPAK TM 1212-8
Bottom Ihew
TrenchFET© Power MOSFET
New Low Thermal Resistance
PowerPAK'" 1212-8 Package with Low
1.07-mm Profile
PWM Optimized
Primary Side Switch
ln-Rush Current Limiter
N-Channel MOSFET
Parameter Symbol 10 secs Steady State Unit
Drain-Source Voltage VDS 100
Gate-Source Voltage VGs $20
TA = 25''C 5.4 3.4
Continuous Drain Current (To = 150°c)a ID
TA = 70°C 4.3 2.8
Pulsed Drain Current IBM 20
Continuous Source Current (Diode Conduction)a Is 3.2 1.3
Single Avalanche Current IAS 19
L = 0.1 mH
Single Avalanche Energy EAS 18 mJ
TA = 25°C 3.8 1.5
Maximum Power Dissipation" PD W
TA = 70°C 2.0 0.8
Operating Junction and Storage Temperature Range TJ, Tstg -55 to 150 °C
Parameter Symbol Typical Maximum Unit
t s 10 sec 26 33
Maxi J tiorrto-Ambienta R
ax1mum unc Ion o m Ien Steady State WA 65 81 °CNV
Maximum Junction-to-Case (Drain) Steady State RthJC 1.9 2.4
a. Surface Mounted on 1" x l" FR4 Board.
Document Number: 70689 www.vishay.com
S-04559-Rev. A, 27-Aug-01
Vishay SiliConix New Product
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit
Gate Threshold Voltage VGS(th) VDs = Kas, ID = 250 MA 2 V
Gate-Body Leakage IGSS VDS = 0 V, VGS = 120 V d: 100 nA
VDs=80V,VGs=0V 1
Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current IDSS WA
VDS=8OV,VGS=0V,TJ=55°C 5
On-State Drain Currenta |D(on) Vos 2 5 V, VGs = 10 V 20 A
VGS = 10 V, ID = 5.4 A 0.052 0.062
Drain-Source On-State Resistancea rDs(on) Q
V68 = 6 V, ID = 4.6 A 0.070 0.084
Forward Transconductancea 9ts VDs = 15 V, ID = 5.4 A 12 S
Diode Forward Voltage" I/sro Is = 3.2 A, Veg = 0 V 0.78 1.2
Total Gate Charge Qg 13.5 17
Gate-Source Charge Qgs VDs = 50 V, VGS = 10 V, ID = 5.4 A 3 nC
Gate-Drain Charge di 4.6
Turn-On Delay Time td(on) IO 15
Rise Time tr VDD = 50 V, RL = 50 g 15 25
Turn-Off Delay Time td(ott) lo E 1 A, VGEN = 10 V, Rs = 6 Q 20 30 ns
Fall Tlme k 15 25
Source-Drain Reverse Recovery Time trr IF = 3.2 A, di/dt = 100 Alps 45 90
a. Pulsetest; pulse width 5 300 us, duty cycle 3 2%.
b. Guaranteed by design, not subject to production testing.
Output Characteristics Transfer Characteristics
20 I _ 20
1/Gs=10thru7V 6V I
m..----""' I
g.'. g, //
E 12 E 12
E s A 7
g 8 g 8
I I TC = 125 C /
o 5 V o I
- 4 - 4
25°C \1 I
4 v J -55''C
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
VDS - Drain-to-Source Voltage (V) VGS - Gate-to-Source Voltage (V)
www.vishay.com Document Number: 70689
2 S-04559-Reu A, 27-Aug-01
“3% Si7810DN
New Product Vishay Siliconix
On-Resistance vs. Drain Current Capacitance
0.20 1000
9/ 0.16 A 800 Ciss
E 0.12 8 600
6 o 08 Vss = 6 V I 8 400
I m...-''''"
A ------""" VGS = 10 V I
S, 0 Coss
L 0.04 200 Ns,.. Crss
0.00 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 0 20 40 60 80
ID - Drain Current (A) VDS - Drain-to-Source Voltage (V)
10 Gate Charge 2 2 On-Resistance vs. Junction Temperature
S' VDs=50V /" 2.0 - VGS=10V /
8-ID--5-4 A A Iro=5.4 A
g, - Cir 1.8 l
fi,' v/ g G" 1.6
b' 6 " .3 g
3 a) E 1.4
J) 1 , g
S. O o .
ot. 4 / I E 1 2
o l "ii,' 1.0
It!) / if 1
>0 2 L 0.8 /
0.6 ,/
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Qg - Total Gate Charge (nC) TJ - Junction Temperature (°C)
Source-Drain Diode Forward Voltage On-Resistance vs. Gate-to-Source Voltage
To = 150°C
A 10 a 0.12
g .9. lo = 5.4 A
8 g-,'
8 g 0.08 \
_ J?,- 0.04
1 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 o 2 4 6 8 10
V30 - Source-to-Drain Voltage (V) VGS - Gate-to-Source Voltage (V)
Document Number: 70689 www.vishay.com
S-04559-Rev. A, 27-Aug-01 3
Vishay Siliconix New Product
Threshold Voltage
Single Pulse Power, Juncion-To-Ambient
0.6 l l 50
0.4 "s. - l
'ss. ID - 250 “A
0.2 40
'l, E 30
.9 -0 2 "
E" -0.4 , D. k
5, 'ss. 20 It,
> 0.6 'N. \
-0 8 N
. N 10 " 's,
-1.0 \ 'ss..
N "'''ss,,
-1.2 0
-50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 0.01 1 10 100 600
T J - Temperature CC) Time (sec)
Normalized Thermal Transient Impedance, Junction-to-Ambient
li' Duty Cycle = 0.5
I' 8 0.2
ilr', a th1 T
g F, 0.1 PDM
(i,' _ 0.05
g -21 t2 tt
a 0.02 1. Duty Cycle, D = T2
2. Per Unit Base = RNA = 65°CIW
. 3. TJM - TA = PDMZthAm
Single Pulse 4. Surface Mounted
Ity-A 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10 100 600
Square Wave Pulse Duration (sec)
Normalized Thermal Transient Impedance, Junction-to-Case
5 Duty Cycle = 0.5
I' a 0.2
8 g 0.1
"jiif 0.1 Single Pulse
f, 0.05
z 0.02
1o-4 1o-3 10-2 IO-I 1
Square Wave Pulse Duration (sec)
www.vishay.com Document Number: 70689
S-04559-Reu A, 27-Aug-01