SI4562DY-T1-E3 , N- and P-Channel 2.5-V (G-S) MOSFET
SI4564DY , N- and P-Channel 40 V (D-S) MOSFET
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SL324 , Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier
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SL339D , Quad Single Supply Comparator
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SL3S1002FTB1 ,SL3ICS1002/1202 UCODE G2XM and G2XLapplications where operating distances of several meters and high anti-collision rates are required ..
N/P-Channel 20-V (D-S) Pair
Vishay Siliconix
N- and P-Channel 2.5-V (G-S) MOSFET
VDs (V) rDS(on) (Q) ID (A)
0.025@VGS=4.5V i7.1
N-Channel 20
0.035@VGS= 2.5V $6.0
0.033 @ VGS = -4.5 V 21:62
P-Channel -20
0.050 @ VGS = -2.5 V i5.0
Top View
N-Channel MOSFET
ett 'isst
"i,set tlt 'sextsis
P-Channel MOSFET
Parameter Symbol N-Channel P-Channel Unit
Drain-Source Voltage VDS 20 -20
Gate-Source Voltage VGS l 12 k 12
TA=25°C $7.1 $6.2
Continuous Drain Current (TJ = 150°C)3 ID
TA-- 70°C $5.7 $4.9
Pulsed Drain Current Irv, d: 40 l 40
Continuous Source Current (Diode Conduction)" Is 1.7 -1.7
TA = 25°C 2.0 2.0
Maximum Power Dissipation" Po W
TA = 70''C 1.3 1.3
Operating Junction and Storage Temperature Range T J, Tstg -55 to 150 ''C
Parameter Symbol N- or P-Channel Unit
Maximum Junction-to-Ambient" RmJA 62.5 tM)
a. Surface Mounted on FR4 Board, t s 10 sec.
Document Number: 70717
S-54940-Rev, A, 29-Sep-97
www.vishay.com . FaxBack 408-970-5600
Vishay Siliconix
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typa Max Unit
VDS = Kas, ID = 250 MA N-Ch 0.6
Gate Threshold Voltage VGS(th) V
Vos = VGS, ID = -250 [JA P-Ch AJ.6
N-Ch d: 100
Gate-Body Leakage less Vos = 0 V, VGS = i 12 V nA
P-Ch d: 100
Vos = 20 V, VGS = O V N-Ch 1
VDS = -20 V, VGS = 0 V P-Ch -1
Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current 'Dss pA
VDS = 20 V, VGs = 0 V, TJ = 55°C N-Ch 5
1/ros=-20V, VGS= 0V, To-- 55°C P-Ch -5
Vos 2 5 V, VGS = 4.5 V N-Ch 20
On-State Drain Currentb 'D(on) A
1/ros s -5 V, VGS = -4.5 V P-Ch -20
VGS = 4.5 V, ID = 7.1A N-Ch 0.019 th025
VGS = -4.5 V, ID = -62 A P-Ch 0.027 0.033
Drain-Source On-State Resistanceb rDS(on) Q
VGS = 2.5 V, ID = 6.0 A N-Ch 0.025 0035
V93 = -2.5 v, ID = -5.0 A P-Ch 0.040 0.050
VDs=10V, ID=7.1 A N-Ch 27
Forward Transconductanceb git S
1/ros = -10 V, ID = -6.2 A P-Ch 20
ls=1.7A,VGs=0V N-Ch 1.2
Diode Forward Voltageb VSD V
Is = -1.7 A, VGS = 0 V P-Ch -1.2
N-Ch 25 50
Total Gate Charge 09
N-Channel P-Ch 22 35
V =1OV, V =4.5V,l =7.1 A
DS GS D N-Ch 6.5
Gate-Source Charge Qgs P-Channel nC
VDs=-10V, VGS=_4-5 V, lro---6.2A P-Ch 7
N-Ch 4
Gate-Drain Charge di
P-Ch 3.5
N-Ch 40 60
Turn-On Delay Time td(on)
P-Ch 27 50
VDD = 10 V, RL =10 Q N-Ch 40 60
RiseTime t I s1A,V =4.5V,R =69
r D GEN G P-Ch 32 50
T OffD I T t VDD---10V, RL=1OQ N-Ch 90 150
urn- e ay me d E - = . = ns
(oft) ID 1 A, VGEN -4 5V, RG 6 Q P-Ch 95 150
N-Ch 40 60
Fall Time k
P-Ch 45 70
IF = 1.7 A, di/dt = 100 Alps N-Ch 40 80
Source-Drain Reverse Recovery Time trr
IF = -1.7 A, di/dt = 100 Alps P-Ch 40 80
a. For design aid only; not subject to production testing.
b. Pulse test; pulse width s 300 us, duty cycle 5 2%.
www.vishay.com . FaxBack 408-970-5600 Document Number: 70717
2-2 S-54940-Rev. A, 29-Sep-97
Vishay Siliconix
Output Characteristics Transfer Characteristics
40 I I 40
I/cs = 5 thru 3 V J,
2.5 V l
30 r - 30 I
5?, iii::'
E» I E»
g 20 / ts 20
t5 2 V 5
I I Tc = 125°C
0 10 I Cl 10 i
25°C /
1, 1.5 v 's
I -55''C
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
VDs - Drain-to-Source Voltage (V) VGS - Gate-to-Source Voltage (V)
On-Resistance vs. Drain Current Capacitance
0.10 4000
A 0.08 3200 y
cy A Ns,,.., Ciss
8 Su; _'--.--,
fsi, 0.06 8 2400
ll) P:
o 0.04 o 1600
L VGS = 2.5 v I
3, _....K o l Coss
F? 0.02 800
VGS = 4.5 V
l Crss
0 10 20 30 40 0 4 8 12 16 20
ID - Drain Current (A) VDs - Drain-to-Source Voltage (V)
5 Gate Charge 1 6 On-Resistance vs. Junction Temperature
I . I I
VD3=10V VGs=4.5V
ID=7.1A ID=7.1A
fi? 4 / A 1.4
g 3 I g A 1 2 l/
a) S TD . /
e 1’ h' "
3 tn =
J,', $2
ii,'. 2 _ 6 ii. 1.0
O / g "-"'
w 1 8 0.8
0 5 10 15 20 25 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Qg - Total Gate Charge (nC) T: - Junction Temperature CC)
Document Number: 70717 www.vishay.com . FaxBack 408-970-5600
S-54940-Rev, A, 29-Sep-97
Vishay Siliconix
Source-Drain Diode Forward Voltage On-Resistance vs. Gate-to-Source Voltage
ID = 7.1 A
A 0.08
g g 0.06
g 6 0.04
w sf.?,
- 3 0.02
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0 1 2 3 4 5
VSD - Source-to-Drain Voltage (V) VGS - Gate-to-Source Voltage (V)
Threshold Voltage Single Pulse Power
0.4 30 l
0.2 's, 24
v I = 250
g Aho D WA g 18
g Ah2 k kl 12
8 's, N
-0.4 6
-0.6 O
-50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
TJ - Temperature (°C) Time (sec)
Normalized Thermal Transient Impedance, Junction-to-Ambient
Duty Cycle = 0.5
t g Notes:
.2 8 -T-
"g g PDM
iii E 0.1 1
ID ID t1 _
'i-lf-' -ly-l tg t.
g 1. Duty Cycle, D = T2
JI 2. Per Unit Base = Rth0A = 62.5°CNV
3. TJM - TA = PDMZthoA(t)
Single Pulse 4. Surface Mounted
10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 IO 30
Square Wave Pulse Duration (sec)
www.vishay.com . FaxBack 408-970-5600 Document Number: 70717
b4 S-54940-Rev. A, 29-Sep-97
Vishay Siliconix
Output Characteristics
40 I 1 1
VGS = 5, 4.5, 4, 3.5 v
32 / 3 v -
Ci:] f)
§ 2.5 v
(i, 16 1’
Cl 2 v
o 1 2 3 4 5
VDs - Drain-to-Source Voltage (V)
On-Resistance vs. Drain Current
A 0.08
I-'; 0.06 - vss = 2.5V I
a; '.,"L,",,.-2
8 0.04 --=--"'''" VGS = 4.5 v
9 0.02
o 8 16 24 32 40
ID - Drain Current (A)
5 Gate Charge
A VDS = 10 v
ty 4 - ID = 6.2 A
S. 2 ''"
0 5 10 15 20 25
Qg - TotalGate Charge(nC)
I’DS(on)— On-Resistance( Q)
| D — Drain Current (A)
C — Capacitance (pF)
Transfer Characteristics
TC = -55oC Jf
125''C -
1 2 3 4
VGS - Gate-to-Source Voltage (V)
3600 t Ciss
Coss Crss
4 8 12 16 20
VDS - Drain-to-Source Voltage (V)
On-Resistance vs. Junction Temperature
VGS=4.5V o,,,,,,,''''''''
1.4 - ID=6.2A
-25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150
TJ - Junction Temperature (°C)
Document Number: 70717
S-54940-Rev, A, 29-Sep-97
www.vishay.com . FaxBack 408-970-5600
Vishay Siliconix
| s — Source Current (A)
VGS(th)Variance (V)
Normalized Effective Transient
Thermal Impedance
Source-Drain Diode Forward Voltage
T: =150°c
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Vso - Source-to-Drain Voltage (V)
Threshold Voltage
I’DS(on)— On-Resistance( Q )
Power (W)
On-Resistance vs. Gate-to-Source Voltage
0.06 ( ID = 6.2 A
0 1 2 3 4 5
VGS - Gate-to-Source Voltage (V)
Single Pulse Power
12 'N,
0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
Time (sec)
Normalized Thermal Transient Impedance, Junction-to-Ambient
I =25O w'''''
0.3 D HA wr'''
-50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150
To - Temperature (°C)
Duty Cycle = 0.5
Single Pulse
IO-A 1o-3 10-2
Square Wave Pulse Duration (sec)
-ly-1 _
1. Duty Cycle, D = T2
2. Per Unit Base = RmJA = 62.5°CNV
3. TJM - TA = PDMZmJA“)
4. Surface Mounted
www.vishay.com . FaxBack 408-970-5600
Document Number: 70717
S-54940-Rev. A, 29-Sep-97