SI4410DY ,Single N-Channel Logic Level PowerTrench MOSFETSi4410DYMay 1999Si4410DY*
Single N-Channel Logic Level PowerTrench MOSFET
Si4410DY May 1999 Si4410DY* â Single N-Channel Logic Level PowerTrench MOSFET General Description Features This N-Channel Logic Level MOSFET is produced using � 10 A, 30 V. R = 0.0135 Ω @ V = 10 V DS(ON) GS Fairchild Semiconductor’s advanced PowerTrench process R = 0.020 Ω @ V = 4.5 V that has been especially tailored to minimize on-state DS(ON) GS resistance and yet maintain superior switching performance. � Low gate charge. This device is well suited for low voltage and battery � Fast switching speed. powered applications where low in-line power loss and � High performance trench technology for extremely fast switching are required. low R . DS(ON) Applications � High power and current handling capability. � Battery switch � Load switch � Motor controls ’ ’ ’ ’ * 6 6 62�� 6 L$EVROXWH�0D[LPXP�5DWLQJV��7$ 6\PERO 3DUDPHWHU 5DWLQJV 8QLWV 9H9 9H96± ,$’ GH 3QLVZRH3:’ 7W&-*° 7KHUPDO�&KDUDFWHULVWLFV EPD°5θ D5° θ 3DFNDJH�2XWOLQHV�DQG�2UGHULQJ�,QIRUPDWLRQ ’HYLFH�0DUNLQJ ’HYLFH 5HHO�6L]H 7DSH�:LGWK 4XDQWLW\ ,6P ������GXIUEMHFDQJHZUL� 1999 Si4410DY Rev. B DQ’LHPDQDFWXULQJVRXVXFHWWRFKLWKRXWSRUQRWLILFDWLRQ XQLWVP¶¶’< -& &:1RWH7KHUPO5HVLVWDQFH-XQFWLRQWR&DVH -$ &:1RWHD7KHUPO5HVLVWDQFH-XQFWLRQWR$LHQW 67 WR2SHUDWLQJDQG6RUDJH-XQFWLRQ7HPSHUDWXUH5DQJH7 1RWHF 1RWHE U’LVSDWLRQIRU6LQJOH2SHUDWLR 1RWHD 3XOV 1RWHD&RQWLQXRXV’UDLQ&XUUHQW *6 *DWH6RXUF9ROWDJH ’66 ’UDLQ6RXUF9ROWDJH &XQO HVVRWKHUZVHQRWHG