SGR15N40L ,IGBTapplicationsApplication Strobe flash.C CCG GD-PAKG EI-PAKGE CE EAbsolute Maximum Ratings T = 2 ..
SGR15N40L ,IGBTFeaturesInsulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) with a trench • High input impedancegate structu ..
SGR20N40LTF ,Discrete, IGBTapplications• Straight Lead : SGU20N40L
SGR20N40LTF ,Discrete, IGBTFeaturesInsulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) with a trench • High input impedancegate structu ..
SGR20N40LTM ,Discrete, IGBTApplicationStrobe flash.C CCG GD-PAKG EI-PAKGE CE EAbsolute Maximum Ratings T = 25°C unless oth ..
SGS13N60UFDTU ,Discrete, High Performance IGBT with DiodeElectrical Characteristics of IGBT T = 25°C unless otherwise notedCSymbol Parameter Test Conditions ..
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SGR15N40L / SGU15N40L IGBT SGR15N40L / SGU15N40L General Description Features Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) with a trench • High input impedance gate structure provide superior conduction and switching • High peak current capability (130A) performance in comparison with transistors having a planar • Easy gate drive gate structure. They also have wide noise immunity. These devices are very suitable for strobe applications Application Strobe flash. C C C G G D-PAK G E I-PAK GE C E E Absolute Maximum Ratings T = 25°C unless otherwise noted C Symbol Description SGR / SGU15N40L Units V Collector - Emitter Voltage 400 V CES V Gate - Emitter Voltage ± 6V GES I Pulsed Collector Current 130 A CM (1) P Maximum Power Dissipation @ T = 25°C45 W C C T Operating Junction Temperature -40 to +150 °C J T Storage Temperature Range -40 to +150 °C stg Maximum Lead Temp. for soldering T 300 °C L purposes, 1/8” from case for 5 seconds Notes : (1) Repetitive rating : Pulse width limited by max. junction temperature Thermal Characteristics Symbol Parameter Typ. Max. Units R Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Case -- 3.0 °C/W θJC R (D-PAK) Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient (PCB Mount) -- 50 °C/W θJA (2) R (I-PAK) Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient -- 110 °C/W θJA Notes : (2) Mounted on 1” square PCB (FR4 or G-10 Material) ©2002 SGR15N40L / SGU15N40L Rev. A1