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SFH Transmitters & Receivers
Plastic Fiber Optic Transmitter Diode
Plastic Connector Housing
Fiber Optics
Features2.2 mm Aperture holds Standard 1000 Micron
Plastic FiberNo Fiber Stripping RequiredGood Linearity (Forward current > 2 mA)Molded Microlens for Efficient Coupling
Plastic Connector HousingMounting Screw Attached to the ConnectorInterference Free Transmission from
light-Tight HousingTransmitter and Receiver can be flexibly positionedNo Cross TalkAuto insertable and Wave solderableSupplied in Tubes
ApplicationsHousehold ElectronicsPower ElectronicsOptical NetworksLight Barriers
Technical Data
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Characteristics (TA = 25°C)The output power coupled into plastic fiber is measured with a large area detector after a short fiber (aboutcm). This value must not used for calculating the power budget for a fiber optic system with a long fiber
because the numerical aperture of plastics fibers is decreasing on the first meters. Therefore the fiber seems
to have compared with the specified value a higher attenuation on the first meters.
Relative Spectral Emission Irel = f(λ)
Relative Output Power Ie/Ie(50 mA) = f(IF)
single pulse, duration = 20 µs
Forward Current IF = f(VF)
single pulse, duration = 20 µs
Maximum Permissible Forward CurrentF = f(TA), RthJA = 450 K/W
Permissible Pulse Handling CapabilityF = f(tP), duty cycle D = parameter, A = 25°C
Package Outlines