SFH620AGB ,5.3 kV TRIOS Optocoupler AC Voltage Inputabsolute Maximum Ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the devi ..
SFH6286-2 ,OptocouplersElectrical CharacteristicsT = 25 °C, unless otherwise specifiedambMinimum and maximum values are te ..
SFH6286-2T , Optocoupler, Phototransistor Output, AC Input, Low Input Current
SFH6286-2T , Optocoupler, Phototransistor Output, AC Input, Low Input Current
SFH6286-3T , Optocoupler, Phototransistor Output, AC Input, Low Input Current
SFH628A-3 ,Optocouplersabsolute Maximum Ratings can cause permanent damage to the devise. Functional operation of the devi ..
SI5433BDC-T1-E3 , P-Channel 20-V (D-S) MOSFET
SI5433DC-T1 ,P-Channel 20-V (D-S) MOSFETSi5433DCVishaySiliconixP-Channel 20-V (D-S)MOSFETPRODUCTSUMMARYV (V) r (Ω) I (A)DS DS(on) D0.040@V ..
SI5435DC ,P-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETSi5435DCVishaySiliconixP-Channel 30-V (D-S)MOSFETPRODUCTSUMMARYV (V) r (Ω) I (A)DS DS(on) D0.050@V ..
SI5435DC-T1 ,P-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETS-21251—Rev.B,05-Aug-022-1Si5435DCVishaySiliconixSPECIFICATIONS(T =25_CUNLESSOTHERWISENOTED)JParame ..
SI5435DC-T1 ,P-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETSi5435DCVishaySiliconixP-Channel 30-V (D-S)MOSFETPRODUCTSUMMARYV (V) r (Ω) I (A)DS DS(on) D0.050@V ..
SI54-3R3 , SMT Power Inductor
Optocoupler, AC Input, 5300 VRMS
SFH620AA/ SFH620AGBDocument Number 83676
Optocoupler, AC Input, 5300 V
Features High Current Transfer Ratios at 5 mA: 50-600 % at 1.0 mA: 45 % typical (> 13) Low CTR Degradation Good CTR Linearity Depending on
Forward Current Isolation Test Voltage, 5300 V RMS High Collector-emitter Voltage, V CEO = 70 V Low Saturation Voltage Fast Switching Times Temperature Stable Low Coupling Capacitance End-stackable, .100‘(2.54 mm) Spacing High Common-mode Interference Immunity
(Unconnected Base) SMD Option, See SFH620A/SFH6206 Data Sheet
Agency Approvals UL - File No. E52744 System Code H or J DIN EN 60747-5-2(VDE0884)
DIN EN 60747-5-5 pending
Available with Option 1 CSA 93751 BSI IEC60950 IEC60965
DescriptionThe SFH620AA/ SFH620AGB features a high current
transfer ratio, low coupling capacitance and high iso-
lation voltage. These couplers have a GaAs infrared