SFH601-2 ,OptocouplersSFH601VISHAYVishay SemiconductorsOptocoupler, Phototransistor Output, With Base Connection
SFH601-2. ,Optocouplers Document Number 836634 Rev. 1.4, 26-Oct-0447SFH601VISHAYVishay SemiconductorsDCDCPulsbetriebPulsbe ..
SFH601-2X006 ,Optocouplers Document Number 836632 Rev. 1.4, 26-Oct-04SFH601VISHAYVishay Semiconductors
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SFH601Document Number 83663
Optocoupler, Phototransistor Output, With Base Connection
Features Isolation Test Voltage (1.0 s), 5300 V RMS
V CEsat 0.25 (≤ 0.4) V, IF = 10 mA, IC = 2.5 mA Built to conform to VDE Requirements Highest Quality Premium Device Long Term Stability Storage Temperature, - 55 ° to + 150°C Lead-free component Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC
and WEEE 2002/96/EC
Agency Approvals UL1577, File No. E52744 System Code H or J,
Double Protection DIN EN 60747-5-2 (VDE0884)
DIN EN 60747-5-5 pending
Available with Option 1 CSA 93751 BSI IEC60950 IEC60065
DescriptionThe SFH601 is an optocoupler with a Gallium
enide LED emitter which is optically coupled with a sil-
icon planar phototransistor detector. The component
is packaged in a plastic plug-in case 20
The coupler transmits signals between two electri-
cally isolated circuits.