SFH551/1-1 ,SFH Transmitters & ReceiversFeatures• Bipolar IC with open-collector output Digital output, TTL compatible Sensitive in visib ..
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SFH Transmitters & Receivers
Integrated Photo Detector Receiver for Plastic Fiber
Plastic Connector Housing
Fiber Optics
FeaturesBipolar IC with open-collector outputDigital output, TTL compatibleSensitive in visible and near IR rangeLow switching thresholdTransfer rate ≤ 5 Mbit/s2.2 mm aperture holds standard 1000 micron
plastic fiberNo fiber stripping requiredMolded microlens for efficient coupling
Plastic Connector HousingMounting screw attached to the connectorInterference-free transmission from
light-tight housingTransmitter and receiver can be flexibly positionedNo cross talkAuto insertable and wave solderableSupplied in tubes
ApplicationsHousehold electronicsPower electronicsOptical networks
Block Diagram
Figure1A bypass capacitor (100 nF) near the device (distance ≤ 3 cm) is necessary between
ground and VCC. In critical applications the distance may be shorter.
DescriptionThe SFH551/1V is a transimpedance amplifier with digital TTL open collector output
stage and integrated photodiode. The active area of the detector in connection with the
molded microlens gives an efficient coupling from the end of a plastic fiber.
The receiver is fully DC coupled and therefore no line code is needed.
The SFH551/1V includes a Schmitt trigger function to provide stable output states over
the whole dynamic range. For optical input power levels above 6 µW typically the
electrical output will be logical “low” and vice versa. With noise free Vcc and GND no
undefined output signal is possible. SFH551/1 must not be used without shielding the
ambient light, because ambient light causes malfunction when reaching the threshold
level, noise or complete switching the output. Interference free transmission is possible
by using the SFH551/1V with the black plastic connector housing.
Technical Data
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Characteristics (TA = 25°C, VCC = 4.75 to 5.25 V)
Package Outlines
Revision History:2004-03-19DS1
Previous Version:2002-03-14