SFF9240 ,P-CHANNEL POWER MOSFETFEATURESBV = -200 VDSS! Avalanche Rugged TechnologyR = 0.5 ΩDS(on) ! Rugged Gate Oxide Tech ..
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SI4835DY ,P-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFETS-31062—Rev. B, 26-May-031Si4835DYVishay SiliconixSPECIFICATIONS (T = 25C UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED)J ..
SI4836DY ,N-Channel 12-V (D-S) MOSFETS-03662—Rev. D, 14-Apr-031Si4836DYNew ProductVishay SiliconixSPECIFICATIONS (T = 25C UNLESS OTHERW ..
SI4837DY ,P-Channel 30-V (D-S) MOSFET With Schottky Diode S-04246—Rev. A, 16-Jul-01 1Si4837DYNew ProductVishay Siliconix Parameter Devi ..
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SI4838DY ,N-Channel 12-V (D-S) MOSFETS-03662—Rev. C, 14-Apr-031Si4838DYNew ProductVishay SiliconixSPECIFICATIONS (T = 25C UNLESS OTHERW ..
SFF9240 Avalanche Rugged Technology Rugged Gate Oxide Technology Lower Input Capacitance Improved Gate Charge Extended Safe Operating Area Lower Leakage Current : 10 μA(Max.) @ VDS = -200V Lower RDS(ON) : 0.344 Ω (Typ.)
Advanced Power MOSFET
Thermal Resistance
Absolute Maximum RatingsRev. A