SDA9488X ,PIP IIIplus, Single-Chip Picture-in-P...Block DiagramV V V V V VSSA 1 DDA 1 DD SS DDA 2 SSA 2V 8 Bit Multi-REFH DCVBC UVADC standard8 8V Ga ..
SDA9488X ,PIP IIIplus, Single-Chip Picture-in-P...Product BriefSDA 9488XSingle-Chip Multi StandardPicture in Picture ICThe SDA 9488X integrates analo ..
SDA9488X ,PIP IIIplus, Single-Chip Picture-in-P...applications: SIMON Software for Windows or RGB outputbased PC to control evaluation TVs for NTSC, ..
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PIP IIIplus, Single-Chip Picture-in-P...
SDA 9488X
Single-Chip Multi Standard
Picture in Picture IC
The SDA 9488X integrates analog
(clamping, ADC, DAC, RGB switch)
and digital signal processing (color
decoding, decimation, storing, output
signal processing, data slicing etc.)
on a single silicon.
Potential Application ry
The SDA 9488X "PIP IV Basic" is a '3
cost-effective high performance sin-
gIe-chip Picture in Picture IC that re- D
quires only a small amount of exter-
nal components. It is suitable for the
following applications:
ta TVs for NTSC, PAL and n
SECAM (all versions each)
ta Multimedia and security
appliances n
I: Camera monitoring
El Videoteleconferencing
El Picture reduction to 1/9, 1/16
and 1/36 keeping picture
resolution vertically and horizon-
tally at highest level
ty Freely programmable position-
ing of subpicture on the main pic-
ture as well as POP positioning
El PIP frame control including
color, shape and width
16:9 compatibility
Digital signal processing for
picture quality optimization
Three CVBS inputs; at the
SDA 9588X version also
YUV (or full Y/C) signals may
be put to the inputs; analog YUV
or RGB output
Integrated high speed video
switch for inserting an external
RGB or YUV source onto the
screen (e.g. OSD)
Acquisition and filtering of
closed caption and WSS data
(e.g. for violence blocking pur-
Display on VGA and SVGA
screens at correct aspect ratio
Suitable for 100/120 Hz and
progressive scan applications
12C-Bus control
0.35 pm CMOS technology
3.3 V supply voltage
P-DSO-28 package
Full SDA 9489X compatibility
Development and
Support Package
Data sheet
Technical articles
PIP module and interface board
for evaluation
SIMON Software for Windows
based PC to control evaluation
boards via 12C Bus
SIMON interface module
Auto demo package for
Driver software for easy and fast
implementation of PIP feature
in programm code
(" http:llwww.infineon.com
SOA 9488X Block Diagram
V _- 8 Bit DCVBC Multi.. UV
REFH ADC standard
VREFL - Gain 8 Decoder 8
A A A D -F 7 _
CHR 8 E Y-peaking RGB ' DAC - y,
M Frame . r . [REF
" . Matrix 3x7 Bit
HN LP & 64_ U Insertion _
HYS/ggxrasuvgnws Decimation “tie; DI M545; Do 64 X _
p Skewcomp. X A e ry
A A V V r
CVBS1* -r 368 Kbit - GIY
Input fl - BIU
CVBS2/Y* » Switch t p 853% A- BLK
Clamp SYNC Insert Memo Di I arent » RN
* —> s nchron. _ ry , ISP ay Clock
CVB83/C -F y PLL Controller Control Synthesizer -e Gly
X k i A
X0 Data SDA 9488X 12C Psarent SEL
-F . . ync e
ag Slicer Receiver Processing
i t t 1 t t
XTAL Cl Analog Functions
20.25 MHz * On the SDA 9588X version the three input pins may alternatively be used for a YUV input signal Cl Digital Functions
The SDA 9488X integrates different functional blocks on a single chip
Output signal processing, e.g.
Input video switch
AD Converter
I:I Decimation logic
Signal clamping and 8-Bit
368 Kbit on-chip memory
Digital data slicer
Triple 7-Bit DA Converter
RGB/YUV Switch
SYNC processing/generation
and memory control logic
Samples of the SDA 9488X are available for evaluation with complete
documentation. Our highly experienced engineering support team, as
well as our worldwide FAE network can assist you with your design in
work. Please contact your local Infineon office for further details.
Ask for PIP IV driver software to simplify your development work.
SDA 9488X Application Example
CVBSI Select "
Cel] CVBS 2* PIPIV Basic G/Y -
(e.g.VCR) SDA 9488X B/U F
l CVBS 3* "
(e.g.SAT) g A A A L
VSYNC Processor
Teletext or
OSD Processor
eei''s CVBS Color Decoder G/Y
for Main Channel B/U
'The three input pins of the SDA 9488X may also be used for a WC and one CVBS signal
or on the SDA 9588X version for a YUV signal
How to reach us:
Published by
Infineon Technologies AG,
Bereich Kommunikation,
StMtartitr8trasse 53,
D-81541 Witteltim
(c) Infineon Technologies " 1999
All Rights Reserved.
Attention please!
The information herein is given to describe cer-
tain components and shall not be considered as
warranted characteristics.
Terms of delivery and rights to technical change
We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, in-
cluding but not limited to warranties of non-in-
fringement, regarding circuits, descriptions and
charts stated herein.
Infineon Technologies is an approved CECC
For further information on technology, delivery
terms and conditions and prices please contact
your nearest Infineon Technologies Office in
Germany or our Infineon Technologies Repre-
sentatives worldwide (see address list).
Due to technical requirements components may
contain dangerous substances. For information
on the types in question please contact your
nearest Infineon Technologies Omce.
Infineon Technologies Components may only be
used in life-support devices or systems with the
express written approval of Infineon Technologies,
if a failure of such components can reasonably
be expected to cause the failure of that life-sup-
port device or system, or to affect the safety or ef-
fectiveness of that device or system. Life support
devices or systems are intended to be implanted
in the human body, orto support and/or maintain
and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail,
it is reasonable to assume that the health of the
user or other persons may be endangered.
Published by Infineon Technologies AG
Ordering No, B111-H7499-X-X-7600
Printed in Germany
PS 08993.