SDA9389XGEG ,PIP IIIplus, Single-Chip Picture in P...Block DiagramV V V V V VDDA1 SSA1 DD SS DDA2 SSA2DCVBS6U/RLine MemoryCVBS1 UDREFYOutput SignalSourc ..
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PIP IIIplus, Single-Chip Picture in P...
SDA 9389X
"PIP IIIplus"
Single-Chip Picture in Picture IC
with Built-ln Violence Blocking
The SDA 9389X integrates analog
(clamping, ADC, DAC, RGB switch)
and digital signal processing
(color decoding, decimation,
memory, output signal processing,
data slicing etc.) on a single silicon.
Potential Application
The SDA 9389X "PIP lIIplus” is a
cost-effective single-chip Picture in
Picture IC that requires only a small
amount of external components.
It is suitable for the following
El TVs for NTSC, PAL M and
PAL N markets
a Display and surveillance
ta Picture reduction to 1/9, 1/16
and 1/36 of original size
I: Freely programmable positioning
of PIP on the main picture
as well as POP positioning
I:I PIP frame control including
color, shape and width
Format matching of PIP to
16:9 screen
Digital signal processing for
picture quality optimization
Three CVBS inputs;
analog YUV or RGB output
Integrated high speed video
switch for inserting an external
RGB source onto the screen
(i.e. OSD)
Acquisition and filtering of
closed caption data to achieve
violence blocking
Display on VGA screen possible
I2C-Bus control
Full HW and SW compatibility
to SDA 9388X
Compatibility to PIP IV
0.5 gm CMOS technology
P-DSO-28 package
Documentation and
Support Package
D Data sheet
ta Technical articles
ta PIP module and interface board
for evaluation
EI SIMON Software for VNflndows
based PC to control evaluation
boards via Pc Bus
n SIMON interface module
a Auto demo package for
(" http:/Iwww.infineon.com
SDA 9389X Block Diagram
l ( DCVBS _ A A Line Memory U/R 6 ' 4
CVBS1 -F - A- D . F A- UREF
Source 7-Bit ADC , URI ll, o . M E ot/let) WG 6 Triple
. ecr. . "
CVBS2 " Select A Gain NTSC/PAL Lowpass mation U PIP Field » M RGB M atrix 7 DA
Clamp Control Chroma Ifl, d X Memory U Framing V/B 6 6-Bit
CVBSS " Decoder " 1 -+ uv X _
A A t t W l A t t L 3
VREFH Closed -F RN
FrRErn, J,if'ili1, t -r(UY
C] Analog Functions Inset Rea d /Write Picture Parent RGB A BIO
Cl Digital Functions Synthro- -v Controller - Position A- Clock S it h A- BLK
> nization Control Generation m e R
Parent ' l k Cr 3
' Cl kG ti Gen 120 Patents nc Si nalProcessin v " SEL
_ oc enera km Controller y g g
A A t f t t
The SDA 9389X integrates different functional blocks on a single chip
Output signal processing, e.g.
I:I Signal clamping and 7-Bit I:I
AD Converter
ty NTSC/PAL M/ PAL N Chroma n
decoder n
ta Data slicer n
u Decimation logic
ta 72-Kbit field memory
Triple 6-Bit DA Converter
RGB Switch
SYNC processing/generation
and memory control logic
Samples of the SDA 9389X are available for evaluation with complete
documentation. Infineon Technologies' highly experienced engineering
support team as well as our worldwide FAE network can assist you with
your design in work. Please contact your local Infineon Technologies
office for further details.
SDA 9389X Application Example
Tuner 1
(e.g. VCR)
l (eg SAT)
Tuner 2
Select _
A t A A A
Sync BLK R G B
Teletext or
OSD processor
CVBS ColorDecoder GIY F
for Main Channel BIO "
How to reach us:
Published by
Infineon Technologies AG,
Bereich Kommunikation,
St-Martin-Strasse 53,
D-81541 Miinehim
(c) Ir1rineon Technologies " 1999
All Rights Reserved.
Attention please!
The information herein is given to describe cer-
tain components and shall not be considered as
warranted characteristics.
Terms of delivery and rights to technical change
We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, in-
cluding but not limited to warranties of non-in-
mngement, regarding circuits, descriptions and
charts stated herein.
Infineon Technologies is an approved CECC
For further information on technology, delivery
terms and conditions and prices please contact
your nearest Infineon Technologies Ofhce in
Germany or our Infineon Technologies Repre-
sentatives worldwide (see address list),
Due to technical requirements components may
contain dangerous substances. For information
on the types in question please contact your
nearest Infineon Technologies Omce.
Infineon Technologies Components may only be
used in life-support devices or systems with the
express written approval of Infineon Technologies,
if a failure of such components can reasonably
be expected to cause the failure of that life-sup-
port device or system, orto affect the safety or ef-
fectiveness of that device or system. Life support
devices or systems are intended to be implanted
in the human body, or to support andlor maintain
and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail,
it is reasonable to assume that the health of the
user or other persons may be endangered.
Published by Infineon Technologies AG
Ordering No. B111-H7487-X-X-7600
Printed in Germany
PS 08993.