SDA9206GEG ,Triple 8-Bit Analog to Digital ConvertersICs for Consumer ElectronicsADC with Built in Antialiasing filter andClock generation UnitSABACUSS ..
SDA9220-5 ,Memory Sync ControllerFeaturebox is possible in conjunction with the signal MUXsupplied by the MSC III.Other major output ..
SDA9220-5GEG ,Memory Sync ControllerFeatures● Large area flicker elimination through field doubling● Additional elimination of interlin ..
SDA9251-2X ,868352-Bit Dynamic Sequential Access ...Features● 212 x 64 x 16 x 4-bit organization● Triple port architecture● One 16 x 4-bit input shift ..
SDA9251-2X ,868352-Bit Dynamic Sequential Access ...applications● Refresh-free operation possible● 5 V ± 10 % power supply● 0 … 70 °C operating tempera ..
SDA9251-2XGEG ,868352-Bit Dynamic Sequential Access ...Applications: TV, VCR, image processing,video printers, data compressors, delay lines,time base cor ..
SH69P20 , SH69P20
SH69P20 , SH69P20
SH69P20 , SH69P20
SH69P20 , SH69P20
SHA2410 , Very High Accuracy, Low Noise, Sample-and-Hold Amplifier
SHB105 , Supports unbuffered-ECC memory
Triple 8-Bit Analog to Digital Converter
Cs for Consumer Electronics
ADC with Built in Antialiasing filter and
Clock generation UnitS
SDA 9206
Data Sheet 1999-02-10
Edition 1999-02-10
This edition was realized using
the software system FrameMaker
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