SDA555XFL ,TVText ProProduct Brief TVText ProSDA 555xThe latest innovation of Infineon Technologies TVText-family, the S ..
SDA5642-6 ,PDC Decodercharacteristics.Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved.For questions on technology, ..
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TVText Pro
TVText Pro
SDA 555x
The latest innovation of Infineon
Technologies TVText-family, the
SDA 555x-series, offers a maximum
feature set at a minimum price.
Potential Applications
With it's integrated 8051-based wc
incl. all necessary peripherals, Lev-
el 1.5 Teletext decoder and a pow-
erful display generator on board,
TVText Pro offers the perfect basis
for a wide range of TV-sets:
ta Lowend OSD-only or simple
ta Midrange TOP/FLOF-Teletext
EI Highend with up to 100 pages of
Teletext and EPG
Hardware Features
ta 8-Bit microcontroller core (8051
compatible) clocked at 33 MHz
(min. 360 ns)
Up to 128 KB internal ROM
Up to 1 MB external ROM/RAM
Up to 16 KB internal XRAM
Single external 6 MHz crystal for
all internal clock systems
Simultaneous reception of TTX,
VPS/PDC and WSS (16:9)
ta New digital slicer with automatic
distortion detection and com-
pensation for high-quality
VBl-line acquisition even under
bad signal conditions
0.25 um CMOS technology for
high performance and low
power dissipation (2.5/3.3 V)
El various power save modi (down
to < 5 mA possible)
a Two 16-Bit timers, one watch-
dog- and one IR control timer
PWM unit (two channels 14 Bit,
six channels 8 Bit)
El ADC (four channels 8 Bit)
UART interface
Display Features
Single character set for all
west-least-european and
arabic/farsi based languages
Programmable screen size
(25 rows x 33...64 columns)
Flexible character matrix
(12x9...16 pixel)
CLUT with up to 64 out of
4096 colors
Up to 256 Qynamically Redehn-
able Qharacters (up to 1024
DRCs in enhanced mode)
Up to 16 colors per character
Parallel attributes
Smooth scrolling hardware cur-
sor (pixel by pixel shiftable)
Support of progressive scan and
100 Hz
Free programmable pixel clock
from 10 up to 32 MHz (indepen-
dent from CPU clock)
Development Support and Tools
Worldwide tested Firm-
ware-modules for data
acquisition and IR-detection
Improved Display Editor
(TEDIPRO) for fast and easy
OSD- and font development
EPG firmware-package avail-
able (by TARA Systems)
Demo Board with Demo-SW
various emulators supported
(Hitex, Kleinhenz)
Flash version for development,
ramp up and small series
P-SDIP-52, P-MQFP-64
P-MQFP-100, P-LCC-84
(ROMIess versions)
(" http:llwww.infineon.com
Block Diagram SOA 555x
AOto 15, DO to 7,
A16 to A20 RO, INR
IRAM Extension A
256x8 Stack
128 x 8 Acquisition
ADC r r Programm ROM Acquisition
I WDT l» Interface Memory Interface
I Extension Unit '
Capture Control M8051 S XRAM
Peripheral [cCoujT0j , Bus 16 K x 8
F Bus A , r L Core < _ Arbiter
P0to 4 Interface Icraiter2 0 Character ROM
4—» Port Logic r 768 Char.
[u/iT]-, Interrupt (RA-M/Rosle-e;
- Clock& Contr0 er RAMIROM Interface V
Sync A
5 System Display Logic 4H—
Display Generator COR BLA
Display CLUT -r
V Tr V
How to reach us:
E‘HEBGEEB (mama) Ietitim50 GIliKqg7tifl 83231] .
i7iigHRaggg 'jlie,slrrieblhnta..gie, AG,
SDA 5550/M - < 1 Mb 10 1 Kb iiiiiriiirhtiiioiiiisastr'
. unc en
SDA 5521 32 Kb - - - filt1/iigg,1Jg9el.gies AG1999
lg S eserve .
SDA 5522 64 Kb - - - Attention please!
SDA 5551 32 Kb - 1 - The information herein is given to describe cer-
am componensan S a no econs: ere as
t . t g , It tb id d
SD A 5552 64 Kb - 1 - warranted characteristics.
SDA 5553 64 Kb 1 0 1 Kb Terms tgdelivery and rights to technical change
- reserve .
WeherebVdisclai dall ies,in-
SDA 5554 96 Kb - IO 1 Kb 2ed1egreLTt re'tcleiufg/v"g2,0it1s1rrtlt,':ii,r,l'
fringement, regarding circuits, descriptions and
SDA 5555 128 Kb - 1 0 1 Kb charts stated herein.
SDA 555xFL 128 Flash - IO 1 Kb [1lirn,rdn2ret.nolo9ies isanapproved CECC
F f h . f . h ,d r
Availability TL-u" ---.- w tSrmnaenay"is, o1f/'rf1llf,"Jl'fJl'/tles' £233.
G'C".. ..e1. u.,' , uct 'Pre..-- sentatives worldwide (see address list).
The SDA 555x is available in .
samples now and will be ready
for mass production from
beginning of year 2000 onwards.
Please contact your local
Infineon Office for further details.
TEDIPRO for Fast & Easy OSD-Development
Due to technical requirements components may
contain dangerous substances. For information
on the types in question please contact your
nearest Infineon Technologies Omce.
Infineon Technologies Components may only be
used in life-support devices or systems with the
express written approval of Infineon Technologies,
if a failure of such components can reasonably
be expected to cause the failure of that life-sup-
port device or system, or to affect the safety or ef-
fectiveness of that device or system. Life support
devices or systems are intended to be implanted
in the human body, orto support and/or maintain
and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail,
it is reasonable to assume that the health of the
user or other persons may be endangered.
Published by Infineon Technologies AG
Ordering No. B111-H7503-X-X-7600
Printed in Germany
PS 08993.