SC28C94A1A ,Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)PIN CONFIGURATIONSThe 28C94 quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitterVCC(QUART) combines fou ..
SC28C94A1N ,Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)FEATURES• Vectored interrupts with programmable vector format• New low overhead interrupt control• ..
SC28L194A1A ,Quad UART for 3.3V and 5V supply voltagePIN CONFIGURATIONS9 80161 6110 60 1 6068-Pin PLCC 80-Pin LQFPTOP VIEW TOP VIEW26 44 20 4127 43 21 4 ..
SC28L194A1BE ,Quad UART for 3.3V and 5V supply voltageFEATURESThe Philips 28L194 Quad UART is a single chip CMOS-LSI• Single 3.3V and 5.0V power supplyco ..
SC28L194A1BE ,Quad UART for 3.3V and 5V supply voltage
SC28L194A1BE ,Quad UART for 3.3V and 5V supply voltageapplications such as clustered terminal– Interrupt vector modified with channel numbersystems. The ..
Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
Product specification
Replaces SC26C94 of 1995 May 01 and SC68C94 of 1995 May 01
IC17 Data Handbook
1998 Aug 19
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
DESCRIPTIONThe 28C94 quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
(QUART) combines four enhanced Philips Semiconductors
industry-standard UARTs with an innovative interrupt scheme that
can vastly minimize host processor overhead. It is implemented
using Philips Semiconductors’ high-speed CMOS process that
combines small die size and cost with low power consumption.
The operating speed of each receiver and transmitter can be
selected independently at one of eighteen fixed baud rates, a 16X
clock derived from a programmable counter/timer, or an external 1X
or 16X clock. The baud rate generator and counter/timer can
operate directly from a crystal or from external clock inputs. The
ability to independently program the operating speed of the receiver
and transmitter make the QUART particularly attractive for
dual-speed channel applications such as clustered terminal
Each receiver is buffered with eight character FIFOs (first-in-first-out
memories) and one shift register to minimize the potential for
receiver overrun and to reduce interrupt overhead in interrupt driven
systems. In addition, a handshaking capability is provided to disable
a remote UART transmitter when the receiver buffer is full. (RTS
The 28C94 provides a power-down mode in which the oscillator is
stopped and the register contents are stored. This results in reduced
power consumption on the order of several magnitudes. The
QUART is fully TTL compatible and operates from a single +5V
power supply.
FEATURES New low overhead interrupt control All commercial parts meet industrial timing and temperature
parameters Four Philips Semiconductors industry-standard UARTs Eight byte receive FIFO and eight byte transmit FIFO for each
UART Programmable data format:
5 to 8 data bits plus parity
Odd, even, no parity or force parity
1, 1.5 or 2 stop bits programmable in 1/16-bit increments Baud rate for the receiver and transmitter selectable from:
23 fixed rates: 50 to 230.4K baud Non-standard rates to 1.0M
User-defined rates from the programmable counter/timer
associated with each of two blocks
External 1x or 16x clock Parity, framing, and overrun error detection False start bit detection Line break detection and generation
Figure 1. Pin Configuration Programmable channel mode
Normal (full-duplex), automatic echo, local loop back, remote
loopback Programmable interrupt priorities Identification of highest priority interrupt Global interrupt register set provides data from interrupting
channel Vectored interrupts with programmable vector format IACKN and programmable DTACKN signals Built-in baud rate generator with choice of 18 rates Four I/O pins per UART for modem controls, clocks, etc. Power down mode High-speed CMOS technology 52-pin PLCC and 48-pin DIP Commercial and industrial temperature ranges available On-chip crystal oscillator TTL compatible Single +5V power supply with low power mode Two multifunction programmable 16-bit counter/timers 1MHz 16x mode operation 10ns data bus release time “Watch Dog” timer for each receiver
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
Figure 2. Pin Configurations (cont.)
NOTES: Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and
functional operation of the device at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operation section of this specification is not
implied. For operating at elevated temperatures, the device must be derated based on +150°C maximum junction temperature. This product includes circuitry specifically designed for the protection of its internal devices from damaging effects of excessive static
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
Figure 3. Block Diagram
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
Table 1. QUART Registers1
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
NOTES: Registers not explicitly reset by hardware reset power up
randomly. In X1/CLK divide by 2 all circuits receive the divided clock except
the BRG and change-of-state detectors.
FUNCTIONAL BLOCKSThe QUART is composed of four Philips Semiconductors
industry–standard UARTs, each having a separate transmit and
receive channel.
The Basic UART cells in the QUART are configured with 8-byte
Receive FIFOs and 8-byte Transmit FIFOs. Hardware supports
interrupt priority arbitration based on the number of bytes available
in the transmit and receive FIFOs, counter/timers, change of state
detectors, break detect or receiver error. Attempts to push a full
FIFO or pop an empty FIFO do not affect the count.
Baud Rate GeneratorThe baud rate generator used in the QUART is the same as that
used in other Philips Semiconductors industry standard UARTs. It
provides 18 basic Baud rates from 50 baud to 38,400 baud. It has
been enhanced to provide to provide other baud rates up to 230,400
baud based on a 3.6364MHz clock; with an 8.0MHz clock rates to
500K baud. Other rates are available by setting the BRG rate to high
at address 2D hex or setting Test 1 on at address 39 hex. See
Table 6. These two modes are controlled by writing 00 or 01 to the
addresses above. They are both set to 00 on reset. External Rx and
Tx clocks yield rates to 1MHz in the 16X mode.
BLOCK DIAGRAMAs shown in the block diagram, the QUART consists of: data bus
buffer, interrupt control, operation control, timing, and four receiver
and transmitter channels. The four channels are divided into two
different blocks, each block independent of the other.
Channel BlocksThere are two blocks (Block Diagram), each containing two sets of
receiver/transmitters. In the following discussion, the description
applies to Block A which contains channels a and b. However, the
same information applies to all channel blocks.
Data Bus BufferThe data bus buffer provides the interface between the external and
internal data buses. It is controlled by the operation control block to
allow read and write operations to take place between the controlling
CPU and the QUART.
Operation ControlThe operation control logic receives operation commands from the
CPU and generates appropriate signals to internal sections to
control device operation. It contains address decoding and read and
write circuits to permit communications with the microprocessor via
the data bus buffer. The functions performed by the CPU read and
write operations are shown in Table 1.
Mode registers (MR) 0, 1 and 2 are accessed via an address
counter. This counter is set to one (1) by reset or a command 1x to
the Command Register for compatibility with other Philips
Semiconductors software. It is set to 0 via a command Bx to the
Command Register (CR). The address counter is incremented with
each access to the MR until it reaches 2 at which time it remains at
2. All subsequent accesses to the MR will be to MR2 until the MR
counter is changed by a reset or an MR counter command.
Timing CircuitsThe timing block consists of a crystal oscillator, a baud rate
generator, power up/down logic and a divide by 2 selector. Closely
associated with the timing block are two 16-bit counter/timers; one
for each DUART.
OscillatorThe crystal oscillator operates directly from a 3.6864MHz crystal
connected across the X1/CLK and X2 inputs with a minimum of
external components. If an external clock of the appropriate
frequency is available, it may be connected to X1/CLK. If an external
clock is used instead of a crystal, X1 must be driven and X2 left
floating as shown in Figure 15. The clock serves as the basic timing
reference for the baud rate generator (BRG), the counter/timer, and
other internal circuits. A clock frequency, within the limits specified in
the electrical specifications, must be supplied even if the internal
BRG is not used.
The X1 pin always supplies the clock for the baud rate generator.
The X1 pin also has a feature such that it may be divided by 2. The
divide by two mode must always be used whenever the X1 pin is
above 4MHz. The baud rate generator supplies the standard rates
when X1 is at 3.6864MHz. In the divide by 2 mode, all circuits
receive the divide by two clock except baud rate generator and I/O
pin change-of-state detectors. The use of a 7.3738MHz X1 clock
doubles standard baud rates.
Baud Rate GeneratorThe baud rate generator operates from the oscillator or external
clock input and is capable of generating 18 commonly used data
communications baud rates ranging from 50 to 38.4K baud. The
eighteen BRG rates are grouped in two groups. Eight of the 18 are
common to each group. The group selection is controlled by ACR[7].
See the Baud Rate Table 6. The clock outputs from the BRG are at
16X the actual baud rate. The counter/timer can be used as a timer
to produce a 16X clock for any other baud rate by counting down the
crystal clock or an external clock. The clock selectors allow the
independent selection, by the receiver and transmitter, of any of
these baud rates or an external timing signal.
Counter/TimerThe counter timer is a 16-bit programmable divider that operates in
one of three modes: counter, timer, time out. In the timer mode it
generates a square wave. In the counter mode it generates a time
delay. In the time out mode it monitors the time between received
characters. The C/T uses the numbers loaded into the
Counter/Timer Lower Register (CTLR) and the Counter/Timer Upper
Register (CTUR) as its divisor.
There are two counter/timers in the QUART; one for each block.
The counter/timer clock source and mode of operation (counter or
timer) is selected by the Auxiliary Control Register bits 6 to 4
(ACR[6:4]). The output of the counter/timer may be used for a baud
rate and/or may be output to the I/O pins for some external function
that may be totally unrelated to data transmission. The
counter/timer also sets the counter/timer ready bit in the Interrupt
Status Register (ISR) when its output transitions from 1 to 0.
A register read address (see Table 1) is reserved to issue a start
counter/timer command and a second register read address is
reserved to issue a stop command. The value of D(7:0) is ignored.
The START command always loads the contents of CTUR, CTLR to
the counting registers. The STOP command always resets the
ISR(3) bit in the interrupt status register.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
Timer ModeIn the timer mode a symmetrical square wave is generated whose
half period is equal in time to division of the selected counter/timer
clock frequency by the 16-bit number loaded in the CTLR CTUR.
Thus, the frequency of the counter/timer output will be equal to the
counter/timer clock frequency divided by twice the value of the
CTUR CTLR. While in the timer mode the ISR bit 3 (ISR[3]) will be
set each time the counter/timer transitions from 1 to 0. (High to low)
This continues regardless of issuance of the stop counter command.
ISR[3] is reset by the stop counter command. NOTE: Reading of
the CTU and CTL registers in the timer mode is not meaningful.
When the C/T is used to generate a baud rate and the C/T is
selected through the CSR then the receivers and/or transmitter will
be operating in the 16x mode. Calculation for the number ‘n’ to
program the counter timer upper and lower registers is shown below.
n=2 x 16 x Baud rate desired/(C/T Clock Frequency
Often this division will result in a non-integer number; 26.3 for
example. One can only program integer numbers to a digital divider.
Therefore 26 would be chosen. This gives a baud rate error of
0.3/26.3 which is 1.14%; well within the ability of the asynchronous
mode of operation.
Counter ModeIn the counter mode the counter/timer counts the value of the CTLR
CTUR down to zero and then sets the ISR[3] bit and sets the
counter/timer output from 1 to 0. It then rolls over to 65,365 and
continues counting with no further observable effect.
Reading the C/T in the counter mode outputs the present state of
the C/T. If the C/T is not stopped, a read of the C/T may result in
changing data on the data bus.
Timeout ModeThe timeout mode uses the received data stream to control the
counter. The time-out mode forces the C/T into the timer mode.
Each time a received character is transferred from the shift register
to the RxFIFO, the counter is restarted. If a new character is not
received before the counter reaches zero count, the counter ready
bit is set, and an interrupt can be generated. This mode can be used
to indicate when data has been left in the Rx FIFO for more than the
programmed time limit. If the receiver has been programmed to
interrupt the CPU when the receive FIFO is full, and the message
ends before the FIFO is full, the CPU will not be interrupted for the
remaining characters in the RxFIFO.
By programming the C/T such that it would time out in just over one
character time, the above situation could be avoided. The
processor would be interrupted any time the data stream had
stopped for more than one character time. NOTE: This is very
similar to the watch dog time of MR0. The difference is in the
programmability of the delay time and that the watchdog timer is
restarted by either a receiver load to the RxFIFO or a system read
from it.
This mode is enabled by writing the appropriate command to the
command register. Writing an ‘Ax’ to CRA or CRB will invoke the
timeout mode for that channel. Writing a ‘Cx’ to CRA or CRB will
disable the timeout mode. Only one receiver should use this mode
at a time. However, if both are on, the timeout occurs after both
receivers have been inactive for the timeout period. The start of the
C/T will be on the logical or of the two receivers.
The timeout mode disables the regular START/STOP counter
commands and puts the C/T into counter mode under the control of
the received data stream. Each time a received character is
bit, ISR[3], will be set. If IMR[3] is set, this will generate an interrupt.
Since receiving a character restarts the C/T, the receipt of a
character after the C/T has timed out will clear the counter ready bit,
ISR[3], and the interrupt. Invoking the ‘Set Timeout Mode On’
command, CRx=‘Ax’, will also clear the counter ready bit and stop
the counter until the next character is received.
The counter timer is controlled with six commands: Start/Stop C/T,
Read/Write Counter/Timer lower register and Read/Write
Counter/Timer upper register. These commands have slight
differences depending on the mode of operation. Please see the
detail of the commands under the CTLR CTUR Register
Time Out Mode CautionWhen operating in the special time out mode, it is possible to
generate what appears to be a “false interrupt”, i.e., an interrupt
without a cause. This may result when a time-out interrupt occurs
and then, BEFORE the interrupt is serviced, another character is
received, i.e., the data stream has started again. (The interrupt
latency is longer than the pause in the data strea.) In this case,
when a new character has been receiver, the counter/timer will be
restarted by the receiver, thereby withdrawing its interrupt. If, at this
time, the interrupt service begins for the previously seen interrupt, a
read of the ISR will show the “Counter Ready” bit not set. If nothing
else is interrupting, this read of the ISR will return a x’00 character.
This action may present the appearance of a spurious interrupt.
Receiver and TransmitterThe QUART has four full-duplex asynchronous
receiver/transmitters. The operating frequency for the receiver and
transmitter can be selected independently from the baud rate
generator, the counter/timer, or from an external input.
Registers associated with the communications channel are the
mode registers (MR0, MR1 and MR2) Clock Select Register (CSR),
Command Register (CR), Status Register (SR), Transmit FIFO
(TxFIFO), and the Receive FIFO (RxFIFO). The transmit and
receive FIFOs are each eight characters deep. The receive FIFO
also stores three status bits with each character.
TransmitterThe transmitter accepts parallel data from the CPU and converts it
to a serial bit stream on the TxD output pin. It automatically sends a
start bit followed by the programmed number of data bits, an
optional parity bit, and the programmed number of stop bits. The
least significant bit is sent first. Following the transmission of the
stop bits, if a new character is not available in the TxFIFO, the TxD
output remains high and the TxEMT bit in the SR will be set to 1.
Transmission resumes and the TxEMT bit is cleared when the CPU
loads a new character in the TxFIFO. In the 16X clock mode, this
also re-synchronizes the internal 1X transmitter clock so that
transmission of the new character begins with minimum delay.
If the transmitter is disabled it continues operating until the character
currently being transmitted and any characters in the TxFIFO,
including parity and stop bits, have been transmitted. New data
cannot be loaded to the TxFIFO when the transmitter is disabled.
The transmitter can be forced to send a break (a continuous low
condition) by issuing a START BREAK command via the CR
register. The break is terminated by a STOP BREAK command or a
transmitter reset..
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
mean five bytes may be loaded; 111 means 7, etc. Eight positions
will be indicated by a binary 111 and the FIFO empty bit will be set.
ReceiverThe receiver accepts serial data on the RxD pin, converts the serial
input to parallel format, checks for start bit, stop bit, parity bit (if any),
or break condition, and presents the assembled character to the
CPU via the receiver FIFO.
The receiver operates in two modes: the 1X and 16X. The 16X
mode is the more robust of the two. It allows the receiver to
establish a phase relation to the remote transmitter clock within 1/16
of a bit time and also allows validation of the start bit. The 1X mode
does not validate the start bit and assumes that the receiver clock
rising edge is centered in the data bit cell. The use of the 1X mode
implies that the transmitter clock is available to the receiver.
When operating in the 16X mode and after the receiver has been
enabled the receiver state machine will look for a high to low
transition on the RxD input. The detection of this transition will cause
the divider being driven by the 16X clock to be reset to zero and
continue counting. When the counter reaches 7 the RxD input is
sampled again and if still low a valid START BIT will be detected. If
the RxD input is high at count 7 then an invalid start bit will have
been sensed and the receiver will then look for another high to low
transition and begin validating again.
When a valid start bit is detected the receiver state machine allows
the 16X divider circuit to continue counting 0 to 15. Each time the
receiver passes count 7 (the theoretical center of the bit time)
another data bit is clocked into the receiver shift register until the
proper number of bits have been received including the parity bit, if
used, and 1/2 stop bit. After the STOP BIT is detected the receiver
state machine will wait until the next falling edge of the 1X clock and
then clock the assembled character and its status bits into the
receiver FIFO on the next rising edge of the 1X clock. The delay
from the detection of the STOP BIT to the loading of the character to
the RxFIFO will be from one half to one and one half X1 crystal
clock periods, or twice that if X1/2 is used. Receiver Status Register
bits for FIFO READY, FIFO FULL, parity error, framing error, break
detect will also set at this time. The most significant bits for data
characters less than eight bits will be set to zero.
After the stop bit is detected, the receiver will immediately look for
the next start bit. However, if a non-zero character was received
without a stop bit (i.e. framing error) and RxD remains low for
one-half of the bit period after the stop bit was sampled, then the
receiver operates as if a new start bit transition had been detected at
that point (one-half bit time after the stop bit was sampled). The
parity error, framing error and overrun error (if any) are strobed into
the SR at the received character boundary, before the RxRDY
status bit is set.
If a break condition is detected (RxD is low for the entire character
including the stop bit), only one character consisting of all zeros will
be loaded in the FIFO and the received break bit in the SR is set to
1. The “Change of Break” bit in the ISR at position 2 or 6 is also set
at this time. Note that the “Change of Break” bit will set again when
the break condition terminates. The RxD input must return to high
for two (2) clock edges of the X1 crystal clock for the receiver to
recognize the end of the break condition and begin the search for a
start bit. This will usually require a high time of one X1 clock
period or 3 X1 edges since the clock of the controller is not
synchronous to the X1 clock.
NOTE: If the RxD input is low when the receiver is enabled and
remains low for at least 9/16 of a bit time a valid start bit will be
seen and data (probably random) will be clocked into the
RECEIVER FIFOThe RxFIFO consists of a first-in-first-out (FIFO) with a capacity of
eight characters. Data is loaded from the receive shift register into
the top-most empty position of the FIFO. The RxRDY bit in the
status register (SR) is set whenever one or more characters are
available to be read; a FFULL status bit is set if all eight stack
positions are filled with data. The number of filled positions is
encoded into a 3-bit value. This value is sent to the interrupt bidding
logic where it is used to generate an interrupt. A read of the RxFIFO,
outputs the data at the top of the FIFO. After the read cycle, the data
FIFO and its associated status bits are ‘popped’ thus emptying a
FIFO position for new data.
NOTE: The number of filled positions in the RxFIFO is coded
as actual number filled positions. Seven filled will be coded as
7. Eight filled positions will be coded as 7 and the RxFIFO full
status bit will be set.
StatusIn addition to the data word, three status bits (parity error, framing
error, and received break) are appended to each data character in
the FIFO. Status can be provided in two ways, as programmed by
the error mode control bit in the mode register. In the ‘character’
mode, status is provided on a character-by-character basis: the
status applies only to the character at the top of the FIFO. In the
‘block’ mode, the status provided in the SR for these three bits is the
logical OR of the status for all characters coming to the top of the
FIFO since the last reset error command was issued. In either
mode, reading the SR does not affect the FIFO. The FIFO is
‘popped’ only when the RxFIFO is read. Therefore, the SR should
be read prior to reading the corresponding data character.If the FIFO is full when a new character is received, that character is
held in the receive shift register until a FIFO position is available. If
an additional character is received while this state exists, the
contents of the FIFO are not affected: the character previously in the
shift register is lost and the overrun error status bit, SR[4], will be set
upon receipt of the start bit of the new (overrunning) character.
Watchdog TimerA “watchdog” timer is associated with each receiver. Its interrupt is
enabled by MR0[7]. The purpose of this timer is alerting the control
processor that characters are in the RxFIFO which have not been
read and/or the datastream has stopped. This situation may occur
at the end of a transmission when the last few characters received
are not sufficient to cause an interrupt.
This counter times out after 64 bit times. It is reset each time a
character is transferred from the Receive shift register to the
RxFIFO or a read of the RxFIFO is executed.
Each receiver is equipped with a watchdog timer. This timer is
enabled by MR0[7] and counts 64 RxC1X clocks. Its purpose is to
alert the controlling CPU that data is in the FIFO which has not been
read. This situation may occur at the end of a message when the
last group of characters was not long enough to cause an interrupt.
WAKE-UP MODE (MULTI-DROP OR 9-BIT)In addition to the normal transmitter and receiver operation described
above, the QUART incorporates a special mode which provides
automatic “wake up” of a receiver through address frame (or character)
recognition for multi-processor or multi-station communications. This
mode is selected by programming MR1[4:3] to ‘11’.
In this mode of operation a ‘master’ station transmits an address
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
setting MR1[4:3] to 11. When the receiver sees a one in the parity
position, it considers it an address bit and loads that character to the
RxFIFO and set the RxRDY bit in the status register. The user
would usually set the receiver interrupt to occur on RxRDY as well.
(All characters whose parity bits are set to 0 will be ignored). The
local processor at the slave station will read the ‘address’ character
just received. The local processor will test for an address match for
this station and if match occurs it will enable the local receiver and
receive the following data characters. The master will normally
follow an address character(s) with data characters. Since the data
characters transmitted by the master will have their parity bits set to
zero, stations other than the addressed one(s) will ignore the data.
NOTE: The time between address and data fields must be
enough for the local processor to test the address character
and enable the receiver. At bit times approaching 10μs this may
begin to be a point of concern.The parity (Address/Data) bit should not be changed until the last stop
bit of an address has been sent. Similarly the A/D bit should not be
changed to address until the last stop bit has been sent. Either of
these conditions will be indicated by an active TxEMT bit in the SR.
The parity bit is not part of the TxFIFO. It is in the transmitter state
machine. However, it could be controlled in the FIFO if 5, 6 or 7 bit
data was transmitted by using a 6, 7 or 8 bit character. The most
significant bit would then be in the ‘parity’ position and represent the
A/D bit. The design of the UART is based, however, on the A/D bit
being controlled from the MR register.
Parity should be changed immediately before the data bytes
will be loaded to the transmitter.A transmitted character consists of a start bit, the programmed
number of data and stop bits and an “address/data” bit. The parity
bit is used as the address or data indicator. The polarity of the A/D
bit is selected by setting MR1[2] to zero or one; zero indicates that
the current byte is data, while one indicates that the current byte is
addressed. The desired polarity of the A/D bit (parity) should be
programmed before the TxFIFO is loaded.
The receiver should be enabled before the beginning of the first data
bit. The time required is dependent on the interrupt latency of the
slave receivers. The transmitter is able to start data immediately
after the address byte has been sent.
While in this mode, the receiver continuously looks at the received
data stream, whether it is enabled or disabled. If disabled, it sets the
RxRDY status bit and loads the character in the RxFIFO if the
received A/D bit is a one, but discards the received character if the
received A/D bit is a zero. If enabled, all received characters are
then transferred to the CPU via the RxFIFO. In either case, the data
bits are loaded in the data FIFO while the A/D bit is loaded in the
status FIFO position normally used for parity error (SR[5]). Framing
error, overrun error, and break detect operate normally whether or
not the receiver is enabled.
INPUT OUTPUT (I/O) PINSThere are 16 multi-use pins; four for each UART. These pins are
accessed and controlled via the Input Port Register (IPR), I/O Port
Control Register (I/OPCR), Input Port Change Register (IPCR), and
Output Port Register (OPR). They may be individually programmed
to be inputs or outputs. See Table 5.
I/O0x and I/O1x pins have change of state detectors. The change of
state detectors sample the input ports every 26.04μs (with the X1
clock at 3.686400MHz) and set the change bit in the IPCR if the pin
has changed since it was last read. Whether the pins are
programmed as inputs or outputs the change detectors still operate
Interrupt Priority SystemThe interrupt control for the QUART has been designed to provide
very low interrupt service overhead for the controlling processor
while maintaining a high degree of flexibility in setting the
importance of interrupts generated in different functional blocks of
the device.
This is accomplished by allowing each function of the QUART (18
total) which may cause an interrupt to generate a variable numeric
code which contains the identity of the source, channel number and
severity level. This code is compared (at the X1 clock rate or the X1
clock rate divided by 2) to an interrupt threshold. When the interrupt-
ing source generates a code that is numerically greater than the
interrupt threshold the IRQN is asserted
This is referred to as the bidding process. The winning bid contains,
in different fields, all the characteristics of the winning bidder. This
data may be used in several ways to steer the controlling processor
to the proper type and amount of service required (usually the
amount of service refers to the number of bytes written to the trans-
mitter or read from the receiver). Access to the winning bidder is
provided via the CIR (Current Interrupt Register), interrupt vectors,
modified interrupt vectors and Global registers.
NOTE: IRQN is essentially a level output. It will go active on an
interrupt condition and stays active until all interrupting sources are
IRQN is designed to be an open drain active low level output. It will
go low under the control of the arbitration system and remain low
until the arbitration has determined that no more sources require
When only one Rx or Tx is interrupting, it is possible to see the
IRQN assert more than once if, during an access to the FIFO, the
CEN input is inactive for more than two cycles of the X1 clock or X1
divide by 2 if that feature is enabled.
IACKN may be thought of as a special read input. Driving IACKN
low will update the CIR and then read the Interrupt Vector Register
or the Interrupt Vector Register modified by the CIR.
Functional Description of the Interrupt ArbitrationFor the purpose of this description, a ‘source’ is any one of the 18
QUART circuits that may generate an interrupt. The QUART
contains eighteen sources which may cause an interrupt: Four receiver data FIFO filled functions. Four receiver BREAK detect functions. Four transmitter FIFO space available functions. Four “Change of State” detectors. Two counter/timers.
The interrupt logic at each source produces a numeric code that
identifies its interrupt priority condition currently pending. This code
is compared to a programmable Interrupt Threshold via the
arbitration logic which determines if the IRQN should be asserted.
The arbitration logic only judges those possible interrupt sources
which have been allowed to bid via the IMR (Interrupt Mask
The arbitration logic produces a value which is the concatenation of
the channel number, interrupt type, FIFO fill level and user-defined
fields. The channel number and interrupt type fields are hardwired.
During the “bid arbitration” process all bids from enabled sources
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
The interrupt arbitration logic insures that the interrupt with the
numerically largest bid value will be the only source driving the
interrupt bus at the end of the arbitration period. The arbitration
period follows the period of the X1 clock. The maximum speed is
4.0MHz. If a higher speed X1 clock is used then the X1 clock “divide
by 2” feature must be used.
The value of the winning bid determined during the arbitration cycle
is compared to the “Interrupt Threshold” contained in the ICR
(Interrupt Control Register). If the winning bid exceeds the value of
the ICR the IRQN is asserted.
Priority Arbitration and BiddingEach of the five “types” of interrupts has slightly different “bid” value,
as follows:
Break Detect
Change of State
Counter/Timer 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2
Please see “Interrupt Notes” at the end of this specification.Bits shown above as ‘0’ or ‘1’ are hard-wired inputs to the arbitration
logic. Their presence allows determination of the interrupt type and
they insure that no bid will have a value of all zeros (a condition that
is indistinguishable from not bidding at all). They also serve to set a
default priority among the non-receive/transmit types when the
programmable fields are all zeros.
The channel number always occupies the two LSBs. Inclusion of
the channel number insures that a bid value generated will be
unique and that a single “winner” will drive the Interrupt Bus at the
end of the arbitration interval. The channel number portion of each
UARTs bid is hard-wired with UARTa being channel number 0 and
so forth.
As can be seen above, bits 4:2 of the winning bid value can be used
to identify the type of interrupt, including whether data was received
correctly or not. Like the Channel number field, these bits are
hard-wired for each interrupt source.
The “# rcv’d” and “# avail” fields indicate the number of bytes
present in the receiver FIFO and the number of empty bytes in the
transmitter FIFO, respectively.
NOTE: When there are zero bytes in the receiver’s FIFO, it does
NOT bid. Similarly, a full transmitter FIFO makes NO bid. In the
case where all bids have been disabled by the Interrupt Mask
Register or as a result of their byte counts, the active-low Interrupt
Bus will return FFh. This value always indicates no interrupt source
is active and IRQN will be negated.
The high order bit of the transmitter “bid” is always zero. An empty
interrupts vs. transmitter interrupts. It is output to the Interrupt Bus
to allow inclusion of good data vs. problem data information in the
Current Interrupt Register.
The high order bits of bids for received break, CoS (Change of
State) and Counter/Timer events are all programmable. By
programming ones in these fields, the associated interrupt source
can be made more significant than most receiver and all transmitter
interrupts. Values near zero in these fields makes them lower
priority classes of interrupt.
The channel address for C/T ab will be encoded as channel B (01)
The channel address for C/T cd will be encoded as channel D (11)
As shown in Figure 8, the bid arbitration process is controlled by the
EVAL/HOLDN signal derived from the oscillator clock.
Receipt of an IACKN signal from the host MPU latches the latest
“winning bid” from the latched Interrupt Bus into the Current Interrupt
Register (CIR). This logic is diagrammed in Figure 9.
If the IACKN falling edge of Figure 8 occurs during EVAL time, the
result from the last arbitration (captured by the Interrupt Bus latches)
is stored in CIR. Otherwise, the next EVAL pulse is inhibited and the
value in the Interrupt Bus Latches is stored in CIR.
Clearing the InterruptActivities which change the state of the ISR will cause the IRQN to
assert or negate. In addition, the accessing of a global or local
RxFIFO or TxFIFO reduces the associated byte count for transmitter
and receiver data interrupts. If the byte count falls below the
threshold value, the interrupt request is withdrawn. Other interrupt
conditions are cleared when the interrupting source is cleared.
Once the interrupt is cleared, the programmable value lowered or its
byte count value reduced by one of the methods listed above, a
different bidder (or no bidder at all) will win the on-going arbitration.
When the winning bid drops below the Interrupt Threshold
Register’s value, the IRQN pin will negate.
Arbitration - AftermathAt the end of the arbitration, i.e., the falling edge of EVAL, the
winning interrupt source is driving its Channel number, number of
bytes (if applicable) and interrupt type onto the Interrupt Bus. These
values are captured into a latch by the trailing edge of EVAL. The
output of this latch is used by the Interrupt Threshold comparator;
the winning value is captured into another set of latches called the
Current Interrupt Register (CIR) at the time of an Interrupt
Acknowledge cycle or execution of the “Update CIR” command.
The Current Interrupt Register and associated read logic is shown in
Figure 9. Interrupting channel number and the three bit interrupt
type code and FIFO fill level are readable via the Internal Data Bus.
The contents of the appropriate receiver or transmitter byte
“counter”, as captured at the time of IACKN assertion, make up bits
7:5 of the CIR. If the interrupt type stored in the Current Interrupt
Register is not a receiver or transmitter data transfer type, the
CIR7:5 field will read as the programmable fields of their respective
bid formats.
The buffers driving the CIR to the DBUS also provide the means of
implementing the Global Interrupting Channel and Global Byte
Count Registers, described in a later section.
The winning bid channel number and interrupt type fields can also
be used to generate part of the Interrupt Vector, as defined by the
Interrupt Control Register.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
Interrupt ContextThe channel number of the winning “bid” is used by the address
decoders to provide data from the interrupting UART channel via a
set of Global pseudo-registers. The interrupt Global
pseudo-registers are:
1. Global Interrupting Byte Count
2. Global Interrupting Channel
3. Global Receive Holding Register
4. Global Transmit Holding Register
The first two Global “registers” are provided by Current Interrupt
Register fields as shown in Figure 9. The interrupting channel
number latched in CIR modifies address decoding so that the
Receive or Transmit Holding Register for the interrupting channel is
accessed during I/O involving the Global Receive and Transmit
Holding Registers. Similarly, for data interrupts from the transmitter
and receiver, the number of characters available for transfer to the
CPU or the number of transmit FIFO positions open is available by
reading the Global Interrupt Byte Count Register. For non-data
interrupts, a read of the Global Interrupt Byte Count Register yields
a value equal to the highest programmable filed.
In effect, once latched by an IACK or the Update CIR command, the
winning interrupt channel number determines the contents of the
global registers. All Global registers will provide data from the
interrupting UART channel.
Interrupt Threshold CalculationThe state of IRQN is determined by comparison of the winning “bid”
value to the Interrupt Threshold field of the Interrupt Control
The logic of the bidding circuit is such that when no interrupt source
has a value greater than the interrupt threshold then the interrupt is
not asserted and the CIR (Current Interrupt Register) is set to all
ones. When one or more of the 18 interrupt sources which are
enabled via the IMR (Interrupt Mask Register) exceed the threshold
then the interrupt threshold is effectively disconnected from the
bidding operation while the 18 sources now bid against each other.
The final result is that the highest bidding source will disable all
others and its value will be loaded to the CIR and the IRQN pin
asserted low. This all occurs during each cycle of the X1, X2 crystal
Table 2. Receiver FIFO Interrupt Fill LevelFor the receiver these bits control the number of FIFO positions
empty when the receiver will attempt to interrupt. After the reset the
receiver FIFO is empty. The default setting of these bits cause the
receiver to attempt to interrupt when it has one or more bytes in it.
Table 3. Transmitter FIFO Interrupt Fill LevelFor the transmitter these bits control the number of FIFO positions
empty when the receiver will attempt to interrupt. After the reset the
is competely empty. As soon as one byte is loaded, it is no longer
empty and hence will withdraw its interrupt request.
*These conditions, for interrupt purposes, make the RxFIFO look
like a 3 byte FIFO; the TxFIFO a 1 byte FIFO. This is to allow
software compatibility with previous Philips UART devices. Both
FIFOs accept 8 bytes of data regardless of this bit setting. Only the
interrupt is affected.
For the receivers and transmitters, the bidding of any particular
unit may be held off unless one of four FIFO fill levels is
attained. This is done by setting the RxINT and TxINT bits in
MR0 and MR1 to non-zero values. This may be used to prevent
a receiver or transmitter from generating an interrupt even
though it is filed above the bid threshold. Although this is not
in agreement with the idea that each enabled interrupt source
bid with equal authority, it does allow the flexibility of giving
particular receiver or transmitters more interrupt importance
than others.
This may be used when the Interrupt Threshold is set at or
above 100000. Note than in this case the transmitter cannot
generate an interrupt. If the interrupt threshold MSBs were set
to 011 and the ‘Receiver Interrupt Bits’ on the MR registers set
to a value other than 00 then the RxFIFO could not generate
and interrupt until it had 4, 6 or 8 bytes. This in effect partially
defeats the hardwired characteristic that the receiver interrupts
should have more importance than the transmitter. This
characteristic has been implemented by setting the MSB of the
transmitter bid to zero.
Vectored InterruptsThe QUART responds to an Interrupt Acknowledge (IACK) initiated
by the host by providing an Interrupt Acknowledge Vector on D7:0.
The interrupt acknowledge cycle is terminated with a DACKN pulse.
The vector provided by the QUART can have one of the three forms
under control of the IVC control field (bits 1:0 of the Interrupt Control
With IVC = 00 (IVR only)
With IVC = 01 (channel number)
With IVC = 10 (type & channel number)SD00163
A code of 11 in the Interrupt Vector Control Field of the ICR results
in NO interrupt vector being generated. The external data bus is
driven to a high impedance throughout the IACK cycle. A DACKN
will be generated normally for the IACK cycle, however.
NOTE: If IACKN is not being used then the command “UPDATE
CIR” must be issued for the global and interrupt registers to be
PROGRAMMING UART CONTROL REGISTERSThe operation of the QUART is programmed by writing control
words into the appropriate registers. Operational feedback is
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
Table 4. Register Bit Formats, Duart ab. [duplicated for Duart cd]
MR0 (Mode Register 0)
MR1 (Mode Register 1)
NOTE: *In block error mode, block error conditions must be cleared by using the error reset command (command 4x) or a receiver reset.
MR2 (Mode Register 2)
NOTE: Add 0.5 to values shown above for 0–7, if channel is programmed for 5 bits/char.
CSR (Clock Select Register)
CR (Command Register)
NOTE: Issuing commands contained in the upper four bits of the “Command Register” should be separated in time by at least three (3) X1clock edges. Allow four (4) edges if the “X1 clock divide by 2” mode is used. A disabled transmitter cannot be loaded.
SR (Status Register)
NOTE: These status bits are appended to the corresponding data character in the receive FIFO. A read of the status register provides thesebits [7:5] from the top of the FIFO together with bits [4:0]. These bits are cleared by a reset error status command. Unless reset with the ‘Error
Reset’ (CR command 40) or receiver reset, these bits will remain active in the Status Register after the RxFIFO is empty. In block error mode,
block error conditions must be cleared by using the error reset command (command 4x) or a receiver reset.
ACR (Auxiliary Control Register)
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
Table 4. Register Bit Formats, Duart ab. [duplicated for Duart cd] (continued)
ISR (Interrupt Status Register)
IMR (Interrupt Mask Register)
CTUR (Counter/Timer Upper Register)
CTUR (Counter/Timer Lower Register)
IPR (Input Port Register)
Mode Registers 0, 1 and 2The addressing of the Mode Registers is controlled by the MR
Register pointer. On any access to the Mode Registers this pointer
is always incremented. Upon reaching a value of 2 it remains at 2
until changed by a CR command or a hardware reset.
MR0 – Mode Register 0Mode Register 0 (MR0) is part of the UART configuration registers.
It controls the watch dog timer and the encoding of the number of
characters received in the RxFIFO. The lower four bits of this
register are not implemented in the hardware of the chip. MR0 is
normally set to either 80h or 00h. A read of this register will return
1111 (Fh) in the lower four bits.
The MR0 register is accessed by setting the MR Pointer to zero (0)
via the command register command 1011 (Bh).
MR0[7]: This bit enables or disables the RxFIFO watch dog timer.MR0[7] = 1 enable watchdog timer
MR0[7] = 0 disable watchdog timer
MR0[6:4]: These bits are normally set to 0 except as noted in the“Interrupt Threshold Calculation” description.
MR0[3:0]: These bits are not implemented in the chip. These bitsshould be be considered “reserved.”
MR1 – Mode Register 1
MR1[7] – Receiver Request-to-Send Flow ControlThis bit controls the deactivation of the RTSN output (I/O2x) by the
receiver. This output is manually asserted and negated by
commands applied via the command register. MR1[7] = 1 causes
RTSN to be automatically negated upon receipt of a valid start bit if
the receiver FIFO is full. RTSN is re-asserted when an empty FIFO
position is available. This feature can be used to prevent overrun in
the receiver by using the RTSN output signal to control the CTS
input (the QUART I/O0 pin) of the transmitting device.
Use of this feature requires the I/O2 pin to be programmed as output
via the I/OPCR and to be driving a 0 via the OPR. When the RxFIFO
is full and the start bit of the ninth character is sensed the receiver
logic will drive the I/O2 pin high. This pin will return low when
another RxFIFO position is vacant.
MR1[6] – Receiver Interrupt Select 1This bit is normally set to 0 except as noted in the “Interrupt
Threshold Calculation” description. MR1[6] operates with MR0[6] to
prevent the receiver from bidding until a particular fill level is
attained. For software compatibility this bit is designed to emulate
the RxFIFO interrupt function of previous Philips Semiconductors
MR1[5] – Error Mode SelectThis bit selects the operating mode of the three FIFOed status bits
(received break, FE, PE). In the character mode, status is provided
on a character-by-character basis; the status applies only to the
character at the top of the FIFO.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
In the “Block Error” mode the ORing of the error status bits and the
presentation of them to the status register takes place as the bytes
enter the RxFIFO. This allows an indication of problem data when
the error occurs after the leading bytes have been received. In the
character mode the error bits are presented to the status register
when the corresponding byte is at the top of the FIFO.
MR1[4:3] – Parity Mode SelectIf “with parity” or “force parity” is selected, a parity bit is added to the
transmitted character and the receiver performs a parity check on
incoming data. MR1[4:3] = 11 selects the channel to operate in the
special wake-up mode (see ‘Wake-Up Mode’).
MR1[2] – Parity Type SelectThis bit selects the parity type (odd or even) if the “with parity” mode
is programmed by MR1[4:3], and the polarity of the forced parity bit
if the “force parity” mode is programmed. It has no effect if the “no
parity” mode is programmed. In the special “wake-up” mode, it
selects the polarity of the transmitted A/D bit.
MR1[1:0] – Bits per Character SelectThis field selects the number of data bits per character to be
transmitted and received. The character length does not include the
start, parity, and stop bits.
MR2 – Mode Register 2MR2 is accessed when the channel MR pointer points to MR2,
which occurs after any access to MR1. Accesses to MR2 do not
change the pointer.
MR2[7:6] – Mode SelectThe QUART can operate in one of four modes. MR2[7:6] = 00 is the
normal mode, with the transmitter and receiver operating
independently. MR2[7:6] = 01 places the channel in the automatic
echo mode, which automatically re-transmits the received data. The
following conditions are true while in automatic echo mode: Received data is re-clocked and retransmitted on the TxD
output. The receive clock is used for the transmitter. The receiver must be enabled, but the transmitter need not be
enabled. The TxRDY and TxEMT status bits are inactive. The received parity is checked, but is not regenerated for
transmission, i.e., transmitted parity bit is as received.
Two diagnostic modes can also be selected. MR2[7:6] = 10 selects
local loopback mode. In this mode: The transmitter output is internally connected to the receiver
input. The transmit clock is used for the receiver. The TxD output is held high. The RxD input is ignored. The transmitter must be enabled, but the receiver need not be
enabled. CPU to transmitter and receiver communications continue normally.
The second diagnostic mode is the remote loopback mode, selected
by MR2[7:6] = 11. In this mode:
1. Received data is re-clocked and retransmitted on the TxD output.
2. The receive clock is used for the transmitter.
3. Received data is not sent to the local CPU, and the error status
conditions are inactive.
4. The received parity is not checked and is not regenerated for trans-
mission, i.e., the transmitted parity bit is as received.
6. Character framing is not checked, and the stop bits are retrans-
mitted as received.
7. A received break is echoed as received until the next valid start bit
is detected.
The user must exercise care when switching into and out of the
various modes. The selected mode will be activated immediately
upon mode selection, even if this occurs in the middle of a received
or transmitted character. Likewise, if a mode is deselected, the
device will switch out of the mode immediately. An exception to this
is switching out of autoecho or remote loopback modes; if the
deselection occurs just after the receiver has sampled the stop bit
(indicated in autoecho by assertion of RxRDY), and the transmitter
is enabled, the transmitter will remain in autoecho mode until the
entire stop bit has been retransmitted.
MR2[5] – Transmitter Request-to-Send Control
NOTE: When the transmitter controls the I/O2 pin (usually used
for the RTSN signal) the meaning of the pin is not RTSN at all!
Rather it signals that the transmitter has finished transmission.
(i.e., end of block).This bit controls the deactivation of the RTSN output (I/O2) by the
transmitter. This output is manually asserted and negated by
appropriate commands issued via the command register. MR2[5] = 1
causes RTSN to be reset automatically one bit time after the
characters in the transmit shift register and in the TxFIFO (if any)
are completely transmitted (includes the programmed number of
stop bits if the transmitter is not enabled). This feature can be used
to automatically terminate the transmission as follows: Program auto-reset mode: MR2[5] = 1. Enable transmitter. Assert RTSN via command. Send message. Disable the transmitter after the last byte of the message is
loaded to the TxFIFO. At the time the disable command is
issued, be sure that the transmitter ready bit is on and the
transmitter empty bit is off. If the transmitter empty bit is on (the
indication of transmitter underrun) when the disable is issued,
the last byte(s) will not be sent. The last character will be transmitted and RTSN will be reset one
bit time after the last stop bit.
MR2[4] – Transmitter Clear-to-Send Flow ControlThe sate of this bit determines if the CTSN input (I/O0) controls the
operation of the transmitter. If this bit is 0, CTSN has no effect on the
transmitter. If this bit is a 1, the transmitter checks the sate of CTSN
each time it is ready to send a character. If it is asserted (Low), the
character is transmitted. If it is negated (High), the TxD output
remains in the marking state and the transmission is delayed until
CTSN goes Low. Changes in CTSN, while a character is being
transmitted do not affect the transmission of that character. This
feature can be used to prevent overrun of a remote receiver.
MR2[3:0] – Stop Bit Length SelectThis field programs the length of the stop bit appended to the
transmitted character. Stop bit lengths of 9/16 to 1 and 1–9/16 to 2
bits, in increments of 1/16 bit, can be programmed for character
lengths of 6, 7, and 8 bits. For a character length of 5 bits, 1–1/16 to
2 stop bits can be programmed in increments of 1/16 bit. If an
external 1X clock is used for the transmitter, MR2[3] = 0 selects one
stop bit and MR2[3] = 1 selects two stop bits to be transmitted.
RECEIVER NOTE: In all cases, the receiver only checks for a
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
time into the stop bit position). At this time the receiver has
finished processing the present character and is ready to
search for the start bit of the next character.
Table 5. Bit Rate Generator Characteristics
Crystal or Clock = 3.6864MHz
CR – Command RegisterCR is used to write commands to the QUART.
CR[7:4] – Miscellaneous CommandsIssuing commands contained in the upper four bits of the “Command
Register” should be separated in time by at least three (3) X1 clock
edges. Allow four (4) edges if the “X1 clock divide by 2” mode is
used. The encoded value of this field can be used to specify a single
command as follows:
0000 No command.
0001 Reset MR pointer. Causes the MR pointer to point to MR1.
0010 Reset receiver. Resets the receiver as if a hardware reset
had been applied. The receiver is disabled and the FIFO
pointer is reset to the first location.
0011 Reset transmitter. Resets the transmitter as if a hardware
reset had been applied.
0100 Reset error status. Clears the received break, parity error,
framing error, and overrun error bits in the status register
(SR[7:4]}. Used in character mode to clear OE status
(although RB, PE, and FE bits will also be cleared), and in
block mode to clear all error status after a block of data
has been received.
0101 Reset break change interrupt. Causes the break detect
change bit in the interrupt status register (ISR[2 or 6]) to
be cleared to zero.
0110 Start break. Forces the TxD output low (spacing). If the
transmitter is empty, the start of the break condition will be
delayed up to two bit times. If the transmitter is active, the
break begins when transmission of the character is
completed. If a character is in the TxFIFO, the start of break
is delayed until that character or any others loaded after it
have been transmitted (TxEMT must be true before break
begins). The transmitter must be enabled to start a break
0111 Stop break. The TxD line will go high (marking) within two
bit times. TxD will remain high for one bit time before the
next character, if any, is transmitted.
1001 Negate RTSN. Causes the RTSN output to be negated
1010 Set Timeout Mode On. The register in this channel will
restart the C/T as each receive character is transferred
from the shift register to the RxFIFO. The C/T is placed in
the counter mode, the START/STOP counter commands
are disabled, the counter is stopped, and the Counter
Ready Bit, ISR[3], is reset.
Only one receiver should use this mode at a time.
However, if both are on, the timeout occurs after both
receivers have been inactive for the timeout. The start of
the C/T will be on the logical ‘OR’ of the two receivers.
See “Timeout Mode Caution” paragraph.
1011 Set MR Pointer to 0.
1100 Disable Timeout Mode. This command returns control of
the C/T to the regular START/STOP counter commands.
It does not stop the counter, or clear any pending
interrupts. After disabling the timeout mode, a ‘Stop
Counter’ command should be issued.
1101 Set Block Error Mode. Sets error bits in states register as
bytes are loaded to the FIFO. Normal byte error reporting
occurs when a byte is read from the FIFO on a per
character basis. This mode enables the error to be set as
the byte is loaded to the FIFO. This allows the control
software to “See” the error as soon as the byte is received.
Block error reporting (enabled by MR0 [5] = 1) accumulates
the error for the entire block of data. This will make it difficult
to locate the error on the particular byte(s) causing the error.
The block error mode of error accumulation is cleared
only by software reset of the individual receiver or by a
hardware reset of the entire chip.
111x Reserved for testing.
CSR – Clock Select Register
CSR[7:4] – Receiver Clock SelectWhen using a 3.6864MHz crystal or external clock input, this field
selects the baud rate clock for the receiver as shown in Table 6.
The receiver clock is always a 16X clock, except for CSR[7:4] =
1111. I/O2x is external input.
CSR[3:0] – Transmitter Clock SelectThis field selects the baud rate clock for the transmitter. The field
definition is as shown in Table 6, except as follows:
CSR[3:0] ACR[7] = 0 ACR[7] = 11 1 1 0 I/O3x – 16X I/O3x – 16X
1 1 1 1 I/O3x – 1X I/O3x – 1X
CR[3] – Disable TransmitterThis command terminates transmitter operation and resets the
TxRDY and TxEMT status bits. However, if a character is being
transmitted or if a character is in the TxFIFO when the transmitter is
disabled, the transmission of the character(s) is completed before
assuming the inactive state.
While the transmitter is disabled (or a disable is pending), the
TxFIFO may not be loaded.
CR[2] – Enable TransmitterEnables operation of the transmitter. The TxRDY and TxEMT status
bits will be asserted.
CR[1] – Disable ReceiverThis command terminates operation of the receiver immediately – a
character being received will be lost. However any unread characters
in the RxFIFO area are still available. Disable is not the same as a
“receiver reset”. With a receiver reset any characters not read are
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
other control registers. If the special wake–up mode is programmed,
the receiver operates even if it is disabled (see Wake-up Mode).
CR[0] – Enable ReceiverEnables operation of the receiver. If not in the special wake-up
mode, this also forces the receiver into the search for start bit state.
Table 6. Baud Rate
SR – Channel Status Register
SR[7] – Received BreakThis bit indicates that an all zero character of the programmed
length has been received without a stop bit. Only a single FIFO
position is occupied when a break is received; further entries to the
FIFO are inhibited until the RxDA line returns to the marking state
for at least one-half bit time two successive edges of the internal or
external 1X clock. This will usually require a high time of one X1
clock period or 3 X1 edges since the clock of the controller is
not synchronous to the X1 clock.When this bit is set, the change in break bit in the ISR (ISR[6 or 2])
is set. ISR[6 or 2] is also set when the end of the break condition, as
defined above, is detected. The break detect circuitry is capable of
detecting breaks that originate in the middle of a received character.
However, if a break begins in the middle of a character, it must last
until the end of the next character in order for it to be detected.
SR[6] – Framing Error (FE)This bit, when set, indicates that a stop bit was not detected when
the corresponding data character in the FIFO was received. The
stop bit check is made in the middle of the first stop bit position.
SR[5]– Parity Error (PE)This bit is set when the ‘with parity’ or ‘force parity’ mode is
programmed and the corresponding character in the FIFO was
received with incorrect parity. In ‘wake-up mode’, the parity error bit
stores the received A/D (Address/Data) bit.
In the wake-up mode this bit follows the polarity of the A/D parity bit
as it is received. A parity of 1 would normally mean address and
therefore, the end of a data block.
SR[4] – Overrun Error (OE)This bit, when set, indicates that one or more characters in the
received data stream have been lost. It is set upon receipt of a new
character when the FIFO is full and a character is already in the
receive shift register waiting for an empty FIFO position. When this
occurs, the character in the receive shift register (and its break
detect, parity error and framing error status, if any) is lost. This bit is
SRA[3] – Channel A Transmitter Empty (TxEMTA)This bit will be set when the transmitter underruns, i.e., both the
TxEMT and TxRDY bits are set. This bit and TxRDY are set when
the transmitter is first enabled and at any time it is re-enabled after
either (a) reset, or (b) the transmitter has assumed the disabled
state. It is always set after transmission of the last stop bit of a
character if no character is in the THR awaiting transmission.
It is reset when the THR is loaded by the CPU, a pending
transmitter disable is executed, the transmitter is reset, or the
transmitter is disabled while in the underrun condition.
SR[2] – Transmitter Ready (TxRDY)This bit, when set, indicates that the TxFIFO has at least one empty
location that may be loaded by the CPU. It sets when the transmitter
is first enabled. It is cleared when the TxFIFO is full (eight bytes);
the transmitter is reset; a pending transmitter disable is executed;
the transmitter is disabled when it is in the underrun condition. When
this bit is not set characters written to the TxFIFO will not be loaded
or transmitted; they are lost.
SR[1] – RxFIFO Full (FFULL)This bit is set when a character is transferred from the receive shift
register to the receive FIFO and the transfer causes the FIFO to
become full, i.e., all eight FIFO positions are occupied. It is reset
when the CPU reads the FIFO and there is no character in the
receive shift register. If a character is waiting in the receive shift
register because the FIFO is full, FFULL is not reset after reading
the FIFO once.
SR[0] – RxFIFO Ready (RxRDY)This bit indicates that a character has been received and is waiting
in the FIFO to be read by the CPU. It is set when the character is
transferred from the receive shift register to the FIFO and reset
when the CPU reads the RxFIFO, and no more characters are in the
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
ACR – Auxiliary Control Register
ACR[7] – Baud Rate Generator Set SelectThis bit selects between two sets of baud rates that are available
within each baud rate group generated by the BRG. See Table 6.
Set 1: 50, 110, 134.5, 200, 300, 600, 1.05k, 1.2k, 2.4k, 4.8k, 7.2k,
9.6k, and 38.4k baud.
Set 2: 75, 110, 150, 300, 600, 1.2k, 1.8k, 2.0k, 2.4k, 4.8k, 9.6k,
19.2k, and 38.4k baud.
The selected set of rates is available for use by the receiver and
ACR[6:4] – Counter/Timer Mode and Clock Source SelectThis field selects the operating mode of the counter/timer and its
clock source (see Table 7).
The I/O pins available for counter/timer clock source is I/O1a and
I/O1c. The counter/timer clock selection is connected to the I/O1 pin
and will accept the signal on this pin regardless of how it is
programmed by the I/OPCR.
Table 7. ACR[6:4] C/T Clock and Mode Select
ACR[3:0] – I/O1b, I/O0b, I/O1a, I/O0a Change-of-State Interrupt
EnableThis field selects which bits of the input port change register (IPCR)
cause the input change bit in the interrupt status register, ISR[7], to
be set and thus allow the Change of State Detectors to enter the
bidding process. If a bit is in the ‘on’ state, the setting of the
corresponding bit in the IPCR will also result in the setting of ISR[7],
which may result in the generation of an interrupt output if IMR[7] =
1. If a bit is in the ‘off’ state, the setting of that bit in the IPCR has no
effect on ISR[7].
IPCR – Input Port Change Register
IPCR[7:4] – I/O1b, I/O0b, I/O1a, I/O0a Change-of-State DetectorsThese bits are set when a change of state, as defined in the Input
Port section of this data sheet, occurs at the respective pins. They
are cleared when the IPCR is read by the CPU. A read of the IPCR
also clears ISR[7], the input change bit in the interrupt status
register. The setting of these bits can be programmed to generate
an interrupt to the CPU.
IPCR[3:0] – I/O1b, I/O0b, I/O1a, I/O0a State of I/O PinsThese bits provide the current state of the respective inputs. The
ISR – Interrupt Status Register
Important: The setting of these bits and those of the IMR are
essential to the interrupt bidding process.This register provides the status of all potential interrupt sources.
The contents of this register are masked by the interrupt mask
register (IMR). If a bit in the ISR is a ‘1’ and the corresponding bit in
the IMR is also a ‘1’, then the interrupt source represented by this bit
is allowed to enter the interrupt arbitration process. It will generate
an interrupt (the assertion of INTRN low) only if its bid exceeds the
interrupt threshold value. If the corresponding bit in the IMR is a
zero, the state of the bit in the ISR has no effect on the INTRN
output. Note that the IMR does not mask the reading of the ISR; the
complete status is provided regardless of the contents of the IMR.
ISR[7] – I/O Change-of-StateThis bit is set when a change-of-state occurs at the I/O1b, I/O0b,
I/O1a, I/O0a input pins. It is reset when the CPU reads the IPCR.
ISR[6] – Channel b Change in BreakThis bit, when set, indicates that the receiver has detected the
beginning or the end of a received break. It is reset when the CPU
issues a reset break change interrupt command.
ISR[5] – Receiver Ready or FIFO Full Channel bNormally the ISR[5] bit being set to one indicates the RxFIFO is
filled with one or more bytes and/or the receiver watch dog timer
(when enabled) has timed out.
The meaning of ISR[5] is controlled by the MR0[6] and MR1[6] bits
which are normally set to 00. The ISR[5] bit setting to one allows
the receiver to present its bid to the arbitration logic. This function is
explained in the “Interrupt Note On 28C94” and under the “Receiver
Interrupt Fill Level”.
ISR[5], if set, will reset when the RxFIFO is read. If the reading of
the FIFO does not reduce the fill level below that determined by the
MR bits, then ISR[5] sets again within two X1 clock times. Further, if
the MR fill level is set at 8 bytes AND there is a byte in the receiver
shift register waiting for an empty FIFO location, then a read of the
RxFIFO will cause ISR[5] to reset. It will immediately set again upon
the transfer of the character in the shift register to the FIFO.
NOTE: The setting of ISR[5] means that the receiver has entered
the bidding process. It is necessary for this bit to set for the receiver
to generate an interrupt. It does not mean it is generating an
ISR[4] – Transmitter Ready Channel bThe function of this bit is programmed by MR0[5:4] (normally set to
00). This bit is set when ever the number of empty TxFIFO
positions exceeds or equals the level programmed in the MR0
register. This condition will almost always exist when the transmitter
is first enabled. It will reset when the empty TxFIFO positions are
reduced to a level less than that programmed in MR0[5:4] or the
transmitter is disabled or reset.
The ISR[4] bit will reset with each write to the TxFIFO. If the write to
the FIFO does not bring the FIFO above the fill level determined by
the MR bits, the ISR[4] bit will set again within two X1 clock times.
NOTE: The setting of ISR[4] means that the transmitter has entered
the bidding process. It is necessary for this bit to set for the
transmitter to generate an interrupt. It does not mean it is
generating an interrupt.
ISR[3] – Counter ReadyIn the counter mode of operation, this bit is set when the counter
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
SC28C94Quad universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (QUART)
In the timer mode, this bit is set once each cycle of the generated
square wave (every other time the C/T reaches zero count). The bit
is reset by a stop counter command. The command, however, does
not stop the C/T.
ISR[2] – Channel a Change in BreakThis bit, when set, indicates that the receiver has detected the
beginning or the end of a received break. It is reset when the CPU
issues a reset break change interrupt command.
ISR[1] – Receiver Ready or FIFO Full Channel aSee the description of ISR[5]. The channel ‘a’ receiver operation is
the same as channel ‘b’.
ISR[0] – Transmitter Ready Channel aSee the description of ISR[4]. Channel “a” transmitter operates in
the same manner as channel “b.”
IMR – Interrupt Mask RegisterThe programming of this register selects which interrupt sources will
be allowed to enter the interrupt arbitration process. This register is
logically ANDED with the interrupt status register. Its function is to
allow the interrupt source it represents to join the bidding process if
the corresponding IMR and ISR bits are both 1. It has no effect on
the value in the ISR. It does not mask the reading of the ISR.
CTUR and CTLR – Counter/Timer RegistersThe CTUR and CTLR hold the eight MSBs and eight LSBs,
respectively, of the value to be used by the counter/timer in either
the counter or timer modes of operation. The minimum value which
may be loaded into the CTUR/CTLR registers is H‘0002’. Note that
these registers are write-only and cannot be read by the CPU.
In the timer (programmable divider) mode, the C/T generates a
square wave with a period of twice the value (in clock periods) of
the CTUR and CTLR. If the value in CTUR or CTLR is changed, the
current half-period will not be affected, but subsequent half-periods
will be. The C/T will not be running until it receives an initial ‘Start
Counter’ command (read address at A5–A0 0Eh for C/T ab or read
address 1Eh for C/T cd ). After this, while in timer mode, the C/T will
run continuously. Receipt of a subsequent start counter command
causes the C/T to terminate the current timing cycle and to begin a
new cycle using the values in the CTUR and CTLR.
The counter ready status bit (ISR[3]) is set once each cycle of the
square wave. The bit is reset by a “Stop Counter” command (read
address at A5–A0 0Fh for C/T ab or read address 1Fh for C/T cd).
The command, however, does not stop the C/T. It only resets the
ISR[3] bit; the C/T continues to run. The ISR[3] bit will set again as
the counter passes through 0. The generated square wave is output
on an I/O pin if it is programmed to be the C/T output.
In the counter mode, the C/T counts down the number of pulses
loaded in CTUR and CTLR by the CPU. Counting begins upon
receipt of a start counter command. Upon reaching the terminal
count H‘0000’, the counter ready interrupt bit (ISR[3]) is set. The
counter rolls over to 65535 and continues counting until stopped by
the CPU. If I/O is programmed to be the output of the C/T, the output
remains High until the terminal count is reached, at which time it
goes Low. The output returns to the High state and ISR[3] is cleared
when the counter is stopped by a stop counter command. The CPU
may change the values of CTUR and CTLR at any time, but the new
count becomes effective only on the next start counter command. If
new values have not been loaded, the previous values are
preserved and used for the next count cycle.
In the counter mode, the current value of the upper and lower eight
bits of the counter (CTU, CTL) may be read by the CPU. It is
recommended that the counter be stopped when reading to prevent
potential problems which may occur if a carry from the lower eight
bits to the upper eight bits occurs between the times that both
halves of the counter is read. However, note that a subsequent start
counter command will cause the counter to begin a new count cycle
using the values in CTUR and CTLR.
I/O LOGICThe QUART has four I/O pins for each channel. These pins may be
individually programmed as an input or output under control of the
I/OPCR (I/O Port Control Register). Functions which may use the
I/O pins as inputs (Rx or Tx external clock, for example) are always
sensitive to the signal on the I/O pin regardless of it being
programmed as an input or an output. For example if I/O1a was
programmed to output the RxC1X clock and the Counter/Timer was
programmed to use I/O pin as its clock input the result would be the
Counter/Timer being clocked by the RxC1X clock.
The 16 I/O ports are accessed and/or controlled by five (5) registers:
IPR, ACR, I/OPCR, IPCR, OPR. They are shown in Table 8 of this
document. Each UART has four pins. Two of these pins have
“Change of State Detectors” (COS). These detectors set
whenever the pin to which they are attached changes state. (1 to 0
or 0 to 1) The “Change of State Detectors” are enabled via the
ACR. When enabled the COS devices may generate interrupts via
the IMR and IPCR registers. Note that when the COS interrupt is
enabled that any one or more of the four COS bits in the IPCR will
enable the COS bidding. Each of the channel’s four I/O lines are
configured as inputs on reset.
The Change of State detectors sample the I/O pins at the rate of the
38.4KHz clock. A change on the pin will be required to be stable for
at least 26.04μs and as much as 52.08μs for the COS detectors to
confirm a change. Note that changes in the X1/clock frequency will
effect this stability requirement.
COS detectors are reset by a read of the IPCR.