SAK-C167CS-LM ,16-Bit Single-Chip MicrocontrollerData Sheet, V2.0, June 2000C167CS-4RC167CS-L16-Bit Single-Chip MicrocontrollerMicrocontrollersNe ve ..
SAK-C505CA-4EM ,8-Bit MicrocontrollersData Sheet, Dec. 2000C505C505CC505AC505CA8-Bit Single-Chip MicrocontrollerMicrocontrollersNe ve r ..
SAKC505CA-4EM ,8-Bit MicrocontrollersData Sheet, Dec. 2000C505C505CC505AC505CA8-Bit Single-Chip MicrocontrollerMicrocontrollersNe ve r ..
SAK-TC1762-128F66HL , SK-TC176x Family Starter Kit
SAK-TC1765N-L40EB ,32-Bit MicrocontrollersData Sheet, V1.2, Dec. 2002TC176532-Bit Single-Chip MicrocontrollerMicrocontrollersNe ve r st op t ..
SAK-TC1765T-L40EB ,32-Bit MicrocontrollersData Sheet, V1.2, Dec. 2002TC176532-Bit Single-Chip MicrocontrollerMicrocontrollersNe ve r st op t ..
16-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller
16-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller
Controller Area Network (CAN): License of Robert Bosch GmbH
Revision History:2000-06V2.0
Previous Version:1999-06
1999-03(Advance Information)
C167CS16-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller
C166 Family
C167CS-4R, C167CS-LHigh Performance 16-bit CPU with 4-Stage Pipeline80/60 ns Instruction Cycle Time at 25/33MHz CPU Clock400/303 ns Multiplication (16 × 16 bit), 800/606 ns Division (32/16 bit)Enhanced Boolean Bit Manipulation FacilitiesAdditional Instructions to Support HLL and Operating SystemsRegister-Based Design with Multiple Variable Register BanksSingle-Cycle Context Switching Support16 MBytes Total Linear Address Space for Code and Data1024 Bytes On-Chip Special Function Register Area16-Priority-Level Interrupt System with 56 Sources, Sample-Rate down to 40/30 ns8-Channel Interrupt-Driven Single-Cycle Data Transfer Facilities via
Peripheral Event Controller (PEC)Clock Generation via on-chip PLL (factors 1:1.5/2/2.5/3/4/5),
via prescaler or via direct clock inputOn-Chip Memory Modules3 KBytes On-Chip Internal RAM (IRAM)8 KBytes On-Chip Extension RAM (XRAM)32 KBytes On-Chip Program Mask ROMOn-Chip Peripheral Modules24-Channel 10-bit A/D Converter with Programmable Conversion Time
down to 7.8 μsTwo 16-Channel Capture/Compare Units4-Channel PWM UnitTwo Multi-Functional General Purpose Timer Units with 5 TimersTwo Serial Channels (Synchronous/Asynchronous and High-Speed-Synchronous)Two On-Chip CAN Interfaces (Rev. 2.0B active) with 2×15 Message Objects
(Full CAN/Basic CAN), can work on one bus with 30 objectsOn-Chip Real Time ClockUp to 16 MBytes External Address Space for Code and DataProgrammable External Bus Characteristics for Different Address RangesMultiplexed or Demultiplexed External Address/Data Buses with 8-Bit or 16-Bit
Data Bus WidthFive Programmable Chip-Select SignalsHold- and Hold-Acknowledge Bus Arbitration SupportIdle, Sleep, and Power Down Modes with Flexible Power ManagementProgrammable Watchdog Timer and Oscillator WatchdogUp to 111 General Purpose I/O Lines,
Supported by a Large Range of Development Tools like C-Compilers,Macro-Assembler Packages, Emulators, Evaluation Boards, HLL-Debuggers,
Simulators, Logic Analyzer Disassemblers, Programming BoardsOn-Chip Bootstrap Loader144-Pin MQFP Package
This document describes several derivatives of the C167 group. Table
1 enumeratesthese derivatives and summarizes the differences. As this document refers to all of these
derivatives, some descriptions may not apply to a specific product.
For simplicity all versions are referred to by the term C167CS throughout this document.
Table1C167CS Derivative Synopsis
Ordering InformationThe ordering code for Infineon microcontrollers provides an exact reference to the
required product. This ordering code identifies:the derivative itself, i.e. its function set, the temperature range, and the supply voltagethe package and the type of delivery.
For the available ordering codes for the C167CS please refer to the “Product Catalog
Microcontrollers”, which summarizes all available microcontroller variants.Note:The ordering codes for Mask-ROM versions are defined for each product after
verification of the respective ROM code.
IntroductionThe C167CS derivatives are high performance derivatives of the Infineon C166Family
of full featured single-chip CMOS microcontrollers. They combine high CPU
performance (up to 16.5 million instructions per second) with high peripheral functionality
and enhanced IO-capabilities. They also provide clock generation via PLL and various
on-chip memory modules like program ROM, internal RAM, and extension RAM.
Figure1Logic Symbol
Pin Configuration(top view)
*) The marked pins of Port4 and Port8 can have CAN interface lines assigned to them.
Table2 on the pages below lists the possible assignments.
Table2Pin Definitions and Functions
Table2Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
Table2Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
Table2Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
Table2Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
Table2Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
Table2Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
Table2Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
Note:The following behaviour differences must be observed when the bidirectional reset
is active:Bit BDRSTEN in register SYSCON cannot be changed after EINIT and is cleared
automatically after a reset.The reset indication flags always indicate a long hardware reset.The PORT0 configuration is treated like on a hardware reset. Especially the bootstrap
loader may be activated when P0L.4 is low.
•Pin RSTIN may only be connected to external reset devices with an open drain output
driver.A short hardware reset is extended to the duration of the internal reset sequence.The CAN interface lines are assigned to ports P4 and P8 under software control. Within the CAN module
several assignments can be selected.
Table2Pin Definitions and Functions (cont’d)
Functional DescriptionThe architecture of the C167CS combines advantages of both RISC and CISC
processors and of advanced peripheral subsystems in a very well-balanced way. In
addition the on-chip memory blocks allow the design of compact systems with maximum
The following block diagram gives an overview of the different on-chip components and
of the advanced, high bandwidth internal bus structure of the C167CS.
All time specifications refer to a CPU clock of 33 MHz(see definition in the AC Characteristics section).
Figure3Block DiagramThe program memory, the internal RAM (IRAM) and the set of generic peripherals are
connected to the CPU via separate buses. A fourth bus, the XBUS, connects external
resources as well as additional on-chip resoures, the X-Peripherals (see Figure
3).The XBUS resources (XRAM, CAN) of the C167CS can be individually enabled or
disabled during initialization. Register XPERCON selects the required modules which
are then enabled by setting the general X-Peripheral enable bit XPEN (SYSCON.2).
Modules that are disabled consume neither address space nor port pins.
Note:The default value of register XPERCON after reset selects 2KByte XRAM and
Memory OrganizationThe memory space of the C167CS is configured in a Von Neumann architecture which
means that code memory, data memory, registers and I/O ports are organized within the
same linear address space which includes 16MBytes. The entire memory space can be
accessed bytewise or wordwise. Particular portions of the on-chip memory have
additionally been made directly bitaddressable.
The C167CS incorporates 32KBytes of on-chip mask-programmable ROM (not in the
ROM-less derivative, of course) for code or constant data. The 32KBytes of the on-chip
ROM can be mapped either to segment0 or segment1.KBytes of on-chip Internal RAM (IRAM) are provided as a storage for user defined
variables, for the system stack, general purpose register banks and even for code. A
register bank can consist of up to 16 wordwide (R0 to R15) and/or bytewide (RL0, RH0,
…, RL7, RH7) so-called General Purpose Registers (GPRs).
1024 bytes (2 × 512 bytes) of the address space are reserved for the Special Function
Register areas (SFR space and ESFR space). SFRs are wordwide registers which are
used for controlling and monitoring functions of the different on-chip units. Unused SFR
addresses are reserved for future members of the C166Family.KBytes of on-chip Extension RAM (XRAM), organized as two blocks of 2KByte andKByte, respectively, are provided to store user data, user stacks, or code. The XRAM
is accessed like external memory and therefore cannot be used for the system stack or
for register banks and is not bitaddressable. The XRAM permits 16-bit accesses with
maximum speed.
In order to meet the needs of designs where more memory is required than is provided
on chip, up to 16MBytes of external RAM and/or ROM can be connected to the
External Bus ControllerAll of the external memory accesses are performed by a particular on-chip External Bus
Controller (EBC). It can be programmed either to Single Chip Mode when no external
memory is required, or to one of four different external memory access modes, which are
as follows:16-/18-/20-/24-bit Addresses, 16-bit Data, Demultiplexed16-/18-/20-/24-bit Addresses, 16-bit Data, Multiplexed16-/18-/20-/24-bit Addresses, 8-bit Data, Multiplexed16-/18-/20-/24-bit Addresses, 8-bit Data, Demultiplexed
In the demultiplexed bus modes, addresses are output on PORT1 and data is input/
output on PORT0 or P0L, respectively. In the multiplexed bus modes both addresses
and data use PORT0 for input/output.
Important timing characteristics of the external bus interface (Memory Cycle Time,
Memory Tri-State Time, Length of ALE and Read Write Delay) have been made
programmable to allow the user the adaption of a wide range of different types of
memories and external peripherals.
In addition, up to 4 independent address windows may be defined (via register pairs
ADDRSELx / BUSCONx) which control the access to different resources with different
bus characteristics. These address windows are arranged hierarchically where
BUSCON4 overrides BUSCON3 and BUSCON2 overrides BUSCON1. All accesses to
locations not covered by these 4 address windows are controlled by BUSCON0.
Up to 5 external CS signals (4 windows plus default) can be generated in order to save
external glue logic. The C167CS offers the possibility to switch the CS outputs to an
unlatched mode. In this mode the internal filter logic is switched off and the CS signals
are directly generated from the address. The unlatched CS mode is enabled by setting
Access to very slow memories or memories with varying access times is supported via
a particular ‘Ready’ function.
A HOLD/HLDA protocol is available for bus arbitration and allows to share external
resources with other bus masters. The bus arbitration is enabled by setting bit HLDEN
in register PSW. After setting HLDEN once, pins P6.7…P6.5 (BREQ, HLDA, HOLD)
are automatically controlled by the EBC. In Master Mode (default after reset) the HLDA
pin is an output. By setting bit DP6.7 to ‘1’ the Slave Mode is selected where pin HLDA
is switched to input. This allows to directly connect the slave controller to another master
controller without glue logic.
For applications which require less than 16 MBytes of external memory space, this
address space can be restricted to 1 MByte, 256 KByte, or to 64 KByte. In this case
Port4 outputs four, two, or no address lines at all. It outputs all 8 address lines, if an
address space of 16 MBytes is used.
Note:When one or both of the on-chip CAN Modules are used with the interface lines
assigned to Port4, the CAN lines override the segment address lines and the
segment address output on Port4 is therefore limited to 6/4 bits i.e. address lines
A21/A19…A16. CS lines can be used to increase the total amount of
addressable external memory.
Central Processing Unit (CPU)The main core of the CPU consists of a 4-stage instruction pipeline, a 16-bit arithmetic
and logic unit (ALU) and dedicated SFRs. Additional hardware has been spent for a
separate multiply and divide unit, a bit-mask generator and a barrel shifter.
Based on these hardware provisions, most of the C167CS’s instructions can be
executed in just one machine cycle which requires 60ns at 33MHz CPU clock. For
example, shift and rotate instructions are always processed during one machine cycle
independent of the number of bits to be shifted. All multiple-cycle instructions have been
optimized so that they can be executed very fast as well: branches in 2 cycles, a 16 × 16
bit multiplication in 5 cycles and a 32-/16 bit division in 10 cycles. Another pipeline
optimization, the so-called ‘Jump Cache’, allows reducing the execution time of
repeatedly performed jumps in a loop from 2 cycles to 1 cycle.
The CPU has a register context consisting of up to 16 wordwide GPRs at its disposal.
These 16 GPRs are physically allocated within the on-chip RAM area. A Context Pointer
(CP) register determines the base address of the active register bank to be accessed by
the CPU at any time. The number of register banks is only restricted by the available
internal RAM space. For easy parameter passing, a register bank may overlap others.
A system stack of up to 1024 words is provided as a storage for temporary data. The
system stack is allocated in the on-chip RAM area, and it is accessed by the CPU via the
stack pointer (SP) register. Two separate SFRs, STKOV and STKUN, are implicitly
compared against the stack pointer value upon each stack access for the detection of a
stack overflow or underflow.
The high performance offered by the hardware implementation of the CPU can efficiently
be utilized by a programmer via the highly efficient C167CS instruction set which
includes the following instruction classes:Arithmetic InstructionsLogical InstructionsBoolean Bit Manipulation InstructionsCompare and Loop Control InstructionsShift and Rotate InstructionsPrioritize InstructionData Movement InstructionsSystem Stack InstructionsJump and Call InstructionsReturn InstructionsSystem Control InstructionsMiscellaneous Instructions
The basic instruction length is either 2 or 4 bytes. Possible operand types are bits, bytes
and words. A variety of direct, indirect or immediate addressing modes are provided to
specify the required operands.
Interrupt SystemWith an interrupt response time within a range from just 5 to 12 CPU clocks (in case of
internal program execution), the C167CS is capable of reacting very fast to the
occurrence of non-deterministic events.
The architecture of the C167CS supports several mechanisms for fast and flexible
response to service requests that can be generated from various sources internal or
external to the microcontroller. Any of these interrupt requests can be programmed to
being serviced by the Interrupt Controller or by the Peripheral Event Controller (PEC).
In contrast to a standard interrupt service where the current program execution is
suspended and a branch to the interrupt vector table is performed, just one cycle is
‘stolen’ from the current CPU activity to perform a PEC service. A PEC service implies a
single byte or word data transfer between any two memory locations with an additional
increment of either the PEC source or the destination pointer. An individual PEC transfer
counter is implicity decremented for each PEC service except when performing in the
continuous transfer mode. When this counter reaches zero, a standard interrupt is
performed to the corresponding source related vector location. PEC services are very
well suited, for example, for supporting the transmission or reception of blocks of data.
The C167CS has 8 PEC channels each of which offers such fast interrupt-driven data
transfer capabilities.
A separate control register which contains an interrupt request flag, an interrupt enable
flag and an interrupt priority bitfield exists for each of the possible interrupt sources. Via
its related register, each source can be programmed to one of sixteen interrupt priority
levels. Once having been accepted by the CPU, an interrupt service can only be
interrupted by a higher prioritized service request. For the standard interrupt processing,
each of the possible interrupt sources has a dedicated vector location.
Fast external interrupt inputs are provided to service external interrupts with high
precision requirements. These fast interrupt inputs feature programmable edge
detection (rising edge, falling edge or both edges).
Software interrupts are supported by means of the ‘TRAP’ instruction in combination with
an individual trap (interrupt) number.
Table3 shows all of the possible C167CS interrupt sources and the correspondinghardware-related interrupt flags, vectors, vector locations and trap (interrupt) numbers.
Note:Interrupt nodes which are not used by associated peripherals, may be used to
generate software controlled interrupt requests by setting the respective interrupt
request bit (xIR).
Table3C167CS Interrupt Nodes
Table3C167CS Interrupt Nodes (cont’d)
The C167CS also provides an excellent mechanism to identify and to process
exceptions or error conditions that arise during run-time, so-called ‘Hardware Traps’.
Hardware traps cause immediate non-maskable system reaction which is similar to a
standard interrupt service (branching to a dedicated vector table location). The
occurence of a hardware trap is additionally signified by an individual bit in the trap flag
register (TFR). Except when another higher prioritized trap service is in progress, a
hardware trap will interrupt any actual program execution. In turn, hardware trap services
can normally not be interrupted by standard or PEC interrupts.
Table4 shows all of the possible exceptions or error conditions that can arise during run-time:
Table4Hardware Trap Summary
Capture/Compare (CAPCOM) UnitsThe CAPCOM units support generation and control of timing sequences on up tochannels with a maximum resolution of 16TCL. The CAPCOM units are typically
used to handle high speed I/O tasks such as pulse and waveform generation, pulse
width modulation (PMW), Digital to Analog (D/A) conversion, software timing, or time
recording relative to external events.
Four 16-bit timers (T0/T1, T7/T8) with reload registers provide two independent time
bases for the capture/compare register array.
The input clock for the timers is programmable to several prescaled values of the internal
system clock, or may be derived from an overflow/underflow of timer T6 in module GPT2.
This provides a wide range of variation for the timer period and resolution and allows
precise adjustments to the application specific requirements. In addition, external count
inputs for CAPCOM timers T0 and T7 allow event scheduling for the capture/compare
registers relative to external events.
Both of the two capture/compare register arrays contain 16 dual purpose capture/
compare registers, each of which may be individually allocated to either CAPCOM timer
T0 or T1 (T7 or T8, respectively), and programmed for capture or compare function.
Each register has one port pin associated with it which serves as an input pin for
triggering the capture function, or as an output pin to indicate the occurrence of a
compare event.
When a capture/compare register has been selected for capture mode, the current
contents of the allocated timer will be latched (‘capture’d) into the capture/compare
register in response to an external event at the port pin which is associated with this
register. In addition, a specific interrupt request for this capture/compare register is
generated. Either a positive, a negative, or both a positive and a negative external signal
transition at the pin can be selected as the triggering event. The contents of all registers
which have been selected for one of the five compare modes are continuously compared
with the contents of the allocated timers. When a match occurs between the timer value
and the value in a capture/compare register, specific actions will be taken based on the
selected compare mode.
Table5Compare Modes (CAPCOM)
Figure5CAPCOM Unit Block Diagram
PWM ModuleThe Pulse Width Modulation Module can generate up to four PWM output signals using
edge-aligned or center-aligned PWM. In addition the PWM module can generate PWM
burst signals and single shot outputs. The frequency range of the PWM signals coversHz to 16.5MHz (referred to a CPU clock of 33MHz), depending on the resolution of
the PWM output signal. The level of the output signals is selectable and the PWM
module can generate interrupt requests.
General Purpose Timer (GPT) UnitThe GPT unit represents a very flexible multifunctional timer/counter structure which
may be used for many different time related tasks such as event timing and counting,
pulse width and duty cycle measurements, pulse generation, or pulse multiplication.
The GPT unit incorporates five 16-bit timers which are organized in two separate
modules, GPT1 and GPT2. Each timer in each module may operate independently in a
number of different modes, or may be concatenated with another timer of the same
Each of the three timers T2, T3, T4 of module GPT1 can be configured individually for
one of four basic modes of operation, which are Timer, Gated Timer, Counter, and
Incremental Interface Mode. In Timer Mode, the input clock for a timer is derived from
the CPU clock, divided by a programmable prescaler, while Counter Mode allows a timer
to be clocked in reference to external events.
Pulse width or duty cycle measurement is supported in Gated Timer Mode, where the
operation of a timer is controlled by the ‘gate’ level on an external input pin. For these
purposes, each timer has one associated port pin (TxIN) which serves as gate or clock
input. The maximum resolution of the timers in module GPT1 is 16TCL.
The count direction (up/down) for each timer is programmable by software or may
additionally be altered dynamically by an external signal on a port pin (TxEUD) to
facilitate e.g. position tracking.
In Incremental Interface Mode the GPT1 timers (T2, T3, T4) can be directly connected
to the incremental position sensor signals A and B via their respective inputs TxIN and
TxEUD. Direction and count signals are internally derived from these two input signals,
so the contents of the respective timer Tx corresponds to the sensor position. The third
position sensor signal TOP0 can be connected to an interrupt input.
Timer T3 has an output toggle latch (T3OTL) which changes its state on each timer over-
flow/underflow. The state of this latch may be output on pin T3OUT e.g. for time out
monitoring of external hardware components, or may be used internally to clock timers
T2 and T4 for measuring long time periods with high resolution.
In addition to their basic operating modes, timers T2 and T4 may be configured as reload
or capture registers for timer T3. When used as capture or reload registers, timers T2
and T4 are stopped. The contents of timer T3 is captured into T2 or T4 in response to a
signal at their associated input pins (TxIN). Timer T3 is reloaded with the contents of T2
or T4 triggered either by an external signal or by a selectable state transition of its toggle
latch T3OTL. When both T2 and T4 are configured to alternately reload T3 on opposite
state transitions of T3OTL with the low and high times of a PWM signal, this signal can
be constantly generated without software intervention.
Figure6Block Diagram of GPT1With its maximum resolution of 8TCL, the GPT2 module provides precise event control
and time measurement. It includes two timers (T5, T6) and a capture/reload register
(CAPREL). Both timers can be clocked with an input clock which is derived from the CPU
clock via a programmable prescaler or with external signals. The count direction (up/
down) for each timer is programmable by software or may additionally be altered
dynamically by an external signal on a port pin (TxEUD). Concatenation of the timers is
supported via the output toggle latch (T6OTL) of timer T6, which changes its state on
each timer overflow/underflow.
The state of this latch may be used to clock timer T5, and/or it may be output on pin
T6OUT. The overflows/underflows of timer T6 can additionally be used to clock the
CAPCOM timers T0 or T1, and to cause a reload from the CAPREL register. The
CAPREL register may capture the contents of timer T5 based on an external signal
transition on the corresponding port pin (CAPIN), and timer T5 may optionally be cleared
after the capture procedure. This allows the C167CS to measure absolute time
differences or to perform pulse multiplication without software overhead.
The capture trigger (timer T5 to CAPREL) may also be generated upon transitions of
GPT1 timer T3’s inputs T3IN and/or T3EUD. This is especially advantageous when T3
operates in Incremental Interface Mode.
Figure7Block Diagram of GPT2
Real Time ClockThe Real Time Clock (RTC) module of the C167CS consists of a chain of 3 divider
blocks, a fixed 8:1 divider, the reloadable 16-bit timer T14, and the 32-bit RTC timer
(accessible via registers RTCH and RTCL). The RTC module is directly clocked with the
on-chip oscillator frequency divided by 32 via a separate clock driver (fRTC = fOSC/32)
and is therefore independent from the selected clock generation mode of the C167CS.
All timers count up.
The RTC module can be used for different purposes:System clock to determine the current time and dateCyclic time based interrupt48-bit timer for long term measurements
Figure8RTC Block DiagramNote:The registers associated with the RTC are not affected by a reset in order to
maintain the correct system time even when intermediate resets are executed.
A/D ConverterFor analog signal measurement, a 10-bit A/D converter with 24 multiplexed input
channels (16standard channels and 8extension channels) and a sample and hold
circuit has been integrated on-chip. It uses the method of successive approximation. The
sample time (for loading the capacitors) and the conversion time is programmable and
can so be adjusted to the external circuitry.
Overrun error detection/protection is provided for the conversion result register
(ADDAT): either an interrupt request will be generated when the result of a previous
conversion has not been read from the result register at the time the next conversion is
complete, or the next conversion is suspended in such a case until the previous result
has been read.
For applications which require less than 24 analog input channels, the remaining
channel inputs can be used as digital input port pins.
The A/D converter of the C167CS supports four different conversion modes. In the
standard Single Channel conversion mode, the analog level on a specified channel is
sampled once and converted to a digital result. In the Single Channel Continuous mode,
the analog level on a specified channel is repeatedly sampled and converted without
software intervention. In the Auto Scan mode, the analog levels on a prespecified
number of channels (standard or extension) are sequentially sampled and converted. In
the Auto Scan Continuous mode, the number of prespecified channels is repeatedly
sampled and converted. In addition, the conversion of a specific channel can be inserted
(injected) into a running sequence without disturbing this sequence. This is called
Channel Injection Mode.
The Peripheral Event Controller (PEC) may be used to automatically store the
conversion results into a table in memory for later evaluation, without requiring the
overhead of entering and exiting interrupt routines for each data transfer.
After each reset and also during normal operation the ADC automatically performs
calibration cycles. This automatic self-calibration constantly adjusts the converter to
changing operating conditions (e.g. temperature) and compensates process variations.
These calibration cycles are part of the conversion cycle, so they do not affect the normal
operation of the A/D converter.
In order to decouple analog inputs from digital noise and to avoid input trigger noise
those pins used for analog input can be disconnected from the digital IO or input stages
under software control. This can be selected for each pin separately via registers
P5DIDIS (Port 5 Digital Input Disable) and P1DIDIS (PORT1 Digital Input Disable).
Serial ChannelsSerial communication with other microcontrollers, processors, terminals or external
peripheral components is provided by two serial interfaces with different functionality, an
Asynchronous/Synchronous Serial Channel (ASC0) and a High-Speed Synchronous
Serial Channel (SSC).
The ASC0 is upward compatible with the serial ports of the Infineon 8-bit microcontrollerfamilies and supports full-duplex asynchronous communication at up to 781KBaud/
1.03MBaud and half-duplex synchronous communication at up to 3.1/4.1MBaud (@ 25/MHz CPU clock).
A dedicated baud rate generator allows to set up all standard baud rates without
oscillator tuning. For transmission, reception and error handling 4 separate interrupt
vectors are provided. In asynchronous mode, 8- or 9-bit data frames are transmitted or
received, preceded by a start bit and terminated by one or two stop bits. For
multiprocessor communication, a mechanism to distinguish address from data bytes has
been included (8-bit data plus wake up bit mode).
In synchronous mode, the ASC0 transmits or receives bytes (8 bits) synchronously to a
shift clock which is generated by the ASC0. The ASC0 always shifts the LSB first. A loop
back option is available for testing purposes.
A number of optional hardware error detection capabilities has been included to increase
the reliability of data transfers. A parity bit can automatically be generated on
transmission or be checked on reception. Framing error detection allows to recognize
data frames with missing stop bits. An overrun error will be generated, if the last
character received has not been read out of the receive buffer register at the time the
reception of a new character is complete.
The SSC supports full-duplex synchronous communication at up to 6.25/8.25MBaud25/33MHz CPU clock). It may be configured so it interfaces with serially linked
peripheral components. A dedicated baud rate generator allows to set up all standard
baud rates without oscillator tuning. For transmission, reception and error handling 3
separate interrupt vectors are provided.
The SSC transmits or receives characters of 2…16 bits length synchronously to a shift
clock which can be generated by the SSC (master mode) or by an external master (slave
mode). The SSC can start shifting with the LSB or with the MSB and allows the selection
of shifting and latching clock edges as well as the clock polarity.
A number of optional hardware error detection capabilities has been included to increase
the reliability of data transfers. Transmit and receive error supervise the correct handling
of the data buffer. Phase and baudrate error detect incorrect serial data.
CAN-ModulesThe integrated CAN-Modules handle the completely autonomous transmission and
reception of CAN frames in accordance with the CAN specification V2.0 part B (active),
i.e. the on-chip CAN-Modules can receive and transmit standard frames with 11-bit
identifiers as well as extended frames with 29-bit identifiers.
The modules provide Full CAN functionality on up to 15 message objects each. Message
object 15 may be configured for Basic CAN functionality. Both modes provide separate
masks for acceptance filtering which allows to accept a number of identifiers in Full CAN
mode and also allows to disregard a number of identifiers in Basic CAN mode. All
message objects can be updated independent from the other objects and are equipped
for the maximum message length of 8 bytes.
The bit timing is derived from the XCLK and is programmable up to a data rate ofMBaud. Each CAN-Module uses two pins of Port4 or Port8 to interface to an external
bus transceiver. The interface pins are assigned via software.
Module CAN2 is identical with the first one, except that it uses a separate address areaand a separate interrupt node.
The two CAN modules can be internally coupled by assigning their interface pins to the
same two port pins, or they can interface to separate CAN buses.
Note:When any CAN interface is assigned to Port4, the respective segment address
lines on Port4 cannot be used. This will limit the external address space.
Watchdog TimerThe Watchdog Timer represents one of the fail-safe mechanisms which have been
implemented to prevent the controller from malfunctioning for longer periods of time.
The Watchdog Timer is always enabled after a reset of the chip, and can only be
disabled in the time interval until the EINIT (end of initialization) instruction has been
executed. Thus, the chip’s start-up procedure is always monitored. The software has to
be designed to service the Watchdog Timer before it overflows. If, due to hardware or
software related failures, the software fails to do so, the Watchdog Timer overflows and
generates an internal hardware reset and pulls the RSTOUT pin low in order to allow
external hardware components to be reset.
The Watchdog Timer is a 16-bit timer, clocked with the system clock divided by 2/4/128/
256. The high byte of the Watchdog Timer register can be set to a prespecified reload
value (stored in WDTREL) in order to allow further variation of the monitored time
interval. Each time it is serviced by the application software, the high byte of the
Watchdog Timer is reloaded. Thus, time intervals between 15.5μs and 508ms can be
monitored (@ 33MHz).
The default Watchdog Timer interval after reset is 3.97ms (@ 33MHz).
Parallel PortsThe C167CS provides up to 111 I/O lines which are organized into eight input/output
ports and one input port. All port lines are bit-addressable, and all input/output lines are
individually (bit-wise) programmable as inputs or outputs via direction registers. The I/O
ports are true bidirectional ports which are switched to high impedance state when
configured as inputs. The output drivers of five I/O ports can be configured (pin by pin)
for push/pull operation or open-drain operation via control registers. During the internal
reset, all port pins are configured as inputs.
The input threshold of Port2, Port3, Port7, and Port8 is selectable (TTL or CMOS like),
where the special CMOS like input threshold reduces noise sensitivity due to the input
hysteresis. The input threshold may be selected individually for each byte of the
respective ports.
All port lines have programmable alternate input or output functions associated with
them. All port lines that are not used for these alternate functions may be used as general
purpose IO lines.
PORT0 and PORT1 may be used as address and data lines when accessing external
memory, while Port4 outputs the additional segment address bits A23/19/17…A16 in
systems where segmentation is enabled to access more than 64 KBytes of memory.
Port 2, Port 8 and Port 7 (and parts of PORT1) are associated with the capture inputs or
compare outputs of the CAPCOM units and/or with the outputs of the PWM module.
Port 6 provides optional bus arbitration signals (BREQ, HLDA, HOLD) and chip select
Port 3 includes alternate functions of timers, serial interfaces, the optional bus control
signal BHE, and the system clock output CLKOUT (or the programmable frequency
output FOUT).
Port5 (and parts of PORT1) is used for the analog input channels to the A/D converter
or timer control signals.
The edge characteristics (transition time) and driver characteristics (output current) of
the C167CS’s port drivers can be selected via the Port Output Control registers
Oscillator WatchdogThe Oscillator Watchdog (OWD) monitors the clock signal generated by the on-chip
oscillator (either with a crystal or via external clock drive). For this operation the PLL
provides a clock signal which is used to supervise transitions on the oscillator clock. This
PLL clock is independent from the XTAL1 clock. When the expected oscillator clock
transitions are missing the OWD activates the PLL Unlock/OWD interrupt node and
supplies the CPU with the PLL clock signal. Under these circumstances the PLL will
oscillate with its basic frequency.
In direct drive mode the PLL base frequency is used directly (fCPU = 2…5 MHz).
In prescaler mode the PLL base frequency is divided by 2 (fCPU = 1…2.5 MHz).
Note:The CPU clock source is only switched back to the oscillator clock after a
hardware reset.
The oscillator watchdog can be disabled by setting bit OWDDIS in register SYSCON.In this case (OWDDIS=‘1’) the PLL remains idle and provides no clock signal, while the
CPU clock signal is derived directly from the oscillator clock or via prescaler or SDD. Also
no interrupt request will be generated in case of a missing oscillator clock.
Note:At the end of a reset bit OWDDIS reflects the inverted level of pin RD at that time.
Thus the oscillator watchdog may also be disabled via hardware by (externally)
pulling the RD line low upon a reset, similar to the standard reset configuration via
Power ManagementThe C167CS provides several means to control the power it consumes either at a given
time or averaged over a certain timespan. Three mechanisms can be used (partly in
Power Saving Modes switch the C167CS into a special operating mode (control viainstructions).
Idle Mode stops the CPU while the peripherals can continue to operate.
Sleep Mode and Power Down Mode stop all clock signals and all operation (RTC may
optionally continue running). Sleep Mode can be terminated by external interrupt
Clock Generation Management controls the distribution and the frequency ofinternal and external clock signals (control via register SYSCON2).
Slow Down Mode lets the C167CS run at a CPU clock frequency of fOSC/1…32 (half
for prescaler operation) which drastically reduces the consumed power. The PLL can
be optionally disabled while operating in Slow Down Mode.
External circuitry can be controlled via the programmable frequency output FOUT.
Peripheral Management permits temporary disabling of peripheral modules (controlvia register SYSCON3).
Each peripheral can separately be disabled/enabled. A group control option disables
a major part of the peripheral set by setting one single bit.
The on-chip RTC supports intermittend operation of the C167CS by generating cyclic
wakeup signals. This offers full performance to quickly react on action requests while the
intermittend sleep phases greatly reduce the average power consumption of the system.
Instruction Set Summary
Table6 lists the instructions of the C167CS in a condensed way.The various addressing modes that can be used with a specific instruction, the operation
of the instructions, parameters for conditional execution of instructions, and the opcodes
for each instruction can be found in the “C166 Family Instruction Set Manual”.
This document also provides a detailled description of each instruction.
Table6Instruction Set Summary