SAA1101P ,Universal sync generator (USG).
SAA1101P ,Universal sync generator (USG).
SAA1300 ,Tuner switching circuit
SAA1300 ,Tuner switching circuit
SAA1310 ,Control interface for VHS video recorders
SAA1310 ,Control interface for VHS video recorders
SC412A , Synchronous Buck Controller
SC41342P ,Encoder and decoder pair CMOS.MOTOROLATECHNICAL DATAEncoder and Decoder PairsCMOSThese devices are designed to be used as trncodg ..
SC41343P ,Encoder and Decoder PairsMAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages Referenced to V )SSThis device contains protection circuitry toRating Sy ..
SC41344P ,Encoder and Decoder Pairs**Order this documentby MC145026/DSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA * *CMOS**These devices are designed ..
SC41344P ,Encoder and Decoder PairsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS — MC145026*, MC145027, and MC145028 (Voltage Referenced to V )SSGuarante ..
SC41344P ,Encoder and Decoder PairsBlock DiagramMC145026•MC145027•MC145028•SC41343•SC41344 MOTOROLA24–BIT SHIFT REGISTERLATCH11CONTROL ..