SA601 ,Low voltage LNA and mixerAPPLICATIONS• 900MHz cellular front-end (NADC, GSM, AMPS, TACS)• 900MHz cordless front-end (CT1, CT ..
SA601DK ,Low voltage LNA and mixerPIN CONFIGURATIONThe SA601 is a combined RF amplifier and mixer designed forDK Packagehigh-performa ..
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Low voltage LNA and mixer
Product data
Supersedes data of 1994 Dec 15
2004 Dec 14
Philips Semiconductors Product data
SA6011GHz low voltage LNA and mixer
DESCRIPTIONThe SA601 is a combined RF amplifier and mixer designed for
high-performance low-power communication systems from
800-1200MHz. The low-noise preamplifier has a 1.6dB noise figure
at 900MHz with 11.5dB gain and an IP3 intercept of -2dBm at the
input. The gain is stabilized by on-chip compensation to vary less
than ±0.2dB over -40 to +85°C temperature range. The
wide-dynamic-range mixer has a 9.5dB noise figure and IP3 of
–2dBm at the input at 900MHz. The nominal current drawn from a
single 3V supply is 7.4mA. The Mixer can be powered down to
further reduce the supply current to 4.4mA.
FEATURES Low current consumption: 7.4mA nominal, 4.4mA with the mixer
powered-down Outstanding LNA noise figure: 1.6dB at 900MHz High system power gain: 18dB (LNA + Mixer) at 900MHz Excellent gain stability versus temperature and supply voltage External >-7dBm LO can be used to drive the mixer
Figure 1. Pin Configuration
APPLICATIONS 900MHz cellular front-end (NADC, GSM, AMPS, TACS) 900MHz cordless front-end (CT1, CT2) 900MHz receivers
Figure 2. Block Diagram
Philips Semiconductors Product data
SA6011GHz low voltage LNA and mixer
NOTE: Transients exceeding 8V on VCC pin may damage product. Maximum dissipation is determined by the operating ambient temperature and the thermal resistance,
θJA: 20-Pin SSOP = 110°C/W Pins 9 and 10 are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD).
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSVCC = +3V, TA = 25°C; unless otherwise stated.
Philips Semiconductors Product data
SA6011GHz low voltage LNA and mixer
AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSVCC = +3V, TA = 25°C; LOIN = -7dBm @ 964MHz; unless otherwise stated.
NOTE: Simple L/C elements are needed to achieve specified return loss.
Philips Semiconductors Product data
SA6011GHz low voltage LNA and mixer
Figure 3. Application Circuit
Impedance Match: Intrinsic return loss at the input and output portsis 7dB and 9dB, respectively. With no external matching, the
associated LNA gain is ≈10dB and the noise figure is ≈1.4dB.
However, the return loss can be improved at 881MHz using
suggested L/C elements (Figure 5) as the LNA is unconditionally
Noise Match: The LNA achieves 1.6dB noise figure at 881MHzwhen S11 = -10dB. Further improvements in S11 will slightly
decrease the NF and increase S21.
Temperature Compensation: The LNA has a built-in temperaturecompensation scheme to reduce the gain drift to 0.003dB/°C from
–40°C to +85°C.
Supply Voltage Compensation: Unique circuitry provides gainstabilization over wide supply voltage range. The gain changes no
more than 0.5dB when VCC increases from 3V to 5V.
LO Drive Level: Resistor R1 can be replaced by an inductor of4.7nH and C3 should be adjusted to achieve a good return loss at
the LO port. Under this condition, the mixer will operate with less
than -10dBm LO drive.
IP3 Performance: C9 between Pin 16 and ground can be removedto introduce 3dB mismatch loss, while improving the IP3 to +3dBm.
The associated noise figure is 11dB.
Input Match: The mixer is configured for maximum gain and bestnoise figure. The user needs to supply L/C elements to achieve this
Power Gain: The gain can be increased by approximately 1.5dB byplacing R2 across C7, instead of C5.
Power Down: The mixer can be disabled by connecting Pin 7 toground. When the mixer is disabled, 3mA is saved.
Power Combining: The mixer output circuit features passivepower combining (patent pending) to optimize conversion gain and
noise figure performance without using extra DC current or
degrading the IP3. For IF frequencies significantly different than
83MHz, the component values must be altered accordingly.
Filter Interface: For system integration where a high impedancefilter of 1kΩ is to be cascaded at the mixer IF output, capacitors C5
and C6 need to be changed to 27pF and 1000pF, respectively.
Philips Semiconductors Product data
SA6011GHz low voltage LNA and mixer
Figure 4. SA601 Demoboard Layout (Not Actual Size)
Philips Semiconductors Product data
SA6011GHz low voltage LNA and mixer
Philips Semiconductors Product data
SA6011GHz low voltage LNA and mixer
Figure 6. LNA Transmission and Isolation Characteristics (at Device Pin)