SA58672UK ,3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifierFeaturesn Output poweru 3.0 W into 4 Ω at 5 Vu 1.6 W into 4 Ω at 3.6 Vu 1.7 W into 8 Ω at 5 Vu 800 ..
SA594D ,Vacuum fluorescent display driver
SA594D ,Vacuum fluorescent display driver
SA594N ,Vacuum fluorescent display driver
SC3031B , 390.0 MHz Differential Sine-Wave Clock
SC3200UCL-266 ,266 MHz, 1.8 V, geode SC3200 webPAD system on a chipGeneral DescriptionThe Geode™ SC3200 WebPAD™ System On a Chip • The Core Logic module includes: PC/ ..
SC338 , Ultra Low Output Voltage Dual Linear FET Controller
SC338AIMSTRT , Ultra Low Output Voltage Dual Linear FET Controller
SC-35G , Rating at 25℃ Ambient temp. Unless otherwise specified. Single phase, half sine wave, 60HZ,resistive or inductive load.
3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifier
General descriptionThe SA58672 is a mono, filter-free class-D audio amplifier which is available in a 9 bump
WLCSP (Wafer Level Chip-Size Package) and 10-terminal HVSON packages.
The SA58672 features shutdown control. Improved immunityto noise and RF rectification
is increased by high PSRR and differential circuit topology. Fast start-up time and very
small WLCSP package makes it an ideal choice for both cellular handsets and PDAs.
The SA58672 delivers 1.7Wat5V and 800 mWat 3.6V into8Ω.It delivers 3.0Wat5V
and 1.6 W at 3.6 V into 4 Ω. The maximum power efficiency is excellent at 90 % into 8Ω
and 84 % to 88 % into 4 Ω. The SA58672 provides thermal and short-circuit shutdown
Features Output power 3.0 W into 4 Ω at 5V 1.6 W into 4 Ω at 3.6V 1.7 W into 8 Ω at 5V 800 mW into 8 Ω at 3.6V Power supply range: 2.0 V to 5.5V Shutdown control High SVRR: −77 dB at 217 Hz Fast start-up time: 7.0 ms Low supply current Low shutdown current Short-circuit and thermal protection Space savings with 1.66 mm× 1.71 mm× 0.6 mm 9 bump WLCSP package Low junction to ambient thermal resistance of 100 K/W with adequate heat sinking of
WLCSP Enhanced power dissipation with 3.0 mm× 3.0 mm× 0.85 mm HVSON10 package
3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifier
Rev. 04 — 8 June 2009 Product data sheet
NXP Semiconductors SA58672
3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifier Applications Wireless and cellular handsets and PDAs Portable DVD player USB speakers Notebook PC Portable radio and gaming Educational toys
Ordering information Block diagram
Table 1. Ordering informationSA58672TK HVSON10 plastic thermal enhanced very thin small outline package; no leads; terminals; body 3×3× 0.85 mm
SA58672UK WLCSP9 wafer level chip-size package; 9 bumps; 1.66× 1.71× 0.6 mm SA58672UK
NXP Semiconductors SA58672
3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifier Pinning information
6.1 Pinning
NXP Semiconductors SA58672
3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifier
6.2 Pin description Limiting values
Table 2. Pin descriptionINP A1 4 channel positive input
AVDD B1 2 analog supply voltage (level same as PVDD)
INM C1 3 channel negative input
AGND A2 5 analog ground
PVDD B2 9 power supply voltage (level same as AVDD) C2 1 channel shutdown input (active LOW)
OUTM A3 7 channel negative output
PGND B3 8 power ground
OUTP C3 10 channel positive output
n.c. - 6 not connected
DAP - (DAP) exposed die attach paddle; connect to ground plane heat
Table 3. Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
VDD supply voltage Active mode −0.3 +6.0 V
Shutdown mode −0.3 +7.0 V input voltage pin SD GND VDD V
other pins −0.3 VDD+ 0.3 V power dissipation WLCSP9;
derating factor10 mW/K
Tamb =25°C - 1250 mW
Tamb =75°C - 750 mW
Tamb =85°C - 650 mW
derating factor25 mW/K
Tamb =25°C - 3.12 W
Tamb =75°C - 1.87 W
Tamb =85°C - 1.62 W
Tamb ambient temperature operating in free air −40 +85 °C junction temperature operating −40 +150 °C
Tstg storage temperature −65 +150 °C
VESD electrostatic discharge
human body model ±2500 - V
machine model ±100 - V
charged-device model ±750 - V
NXP Semiconductors SA58672
3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifier Static characteristics[1] VDD is the supply voltage on pin PVDD and pin AVDD.
GND is the ground supply voltage on pin PGND and pin AGND.
Table 4. Static characteristicsTamb =25 °C, unless otherwise specified[1]
VDD supply voltage 2.0 - 5.5 V
|VO(offset)| output offset voltage measured differentially;
inputs AC grounded;=6 dB;
VDD= 2.0Vto 5.5V 5 25 mV
PSRR power supply rejection ratio VDD= 2.0Vto 5.5V - −93 −70 dB
Vi(cm) common-mode input voltage VDD= 2.0Vto 5.5V 0.5 - VDD− 0.8 V
CMRR common mode rejection ratio inputs are shorted together;
VDD= 2.0Vto 5.5V −69 −50 dB
IIH HIGH-level input current VDD= 5.5 V; VI =VDD -- 50 μA
IIL LOW-level input current VDD= 5.5 V; VI =0V - - 5 μA
IDD supply current VDD= 5.5 V; no load - 3.4 4.2 mA
VDD= 5.0 V; no load 3.2 4.0 mA
VDD= 3.6 V; no load - 2.6 3.4 mA
VDD= 2.5 V; no load - 2.2 3.0 mA
IDD(sd) shutdown mode supply current no input signal; VSD= GND - 10 1000 nA
VSD voltage on pin SD device ON 1.3 - VDD V
device OFF GND - 0.35 V input impedance VDD= 2.0Vto 5.5V 260 300 340 kΩ
RDSon drain-source on-state
static; VDD= 5.5V - 430 - mΩ
static; VDD= 3.6V - 475 - mΩ
static; VDD= 2.5V - 550 - mΩ
Zo(sd) shutdown mode output
VSD= 0.35V - 2 - kΩ
fsw switching frequency VDD= 2.5 V to 5.5V 250 300 350 kHz
Gv(cl) closed-loop voltage gain VDD= 2.0 V to 5.5 V; Ri in kΩ 260kΩ
NXP Semiconductors SA58672
3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifier Dynamic characteristics[1] VDD is the supply voltage on pins PVDD and pin AVDD.
Table 5. Dynamic characteristicsTamb =25 °C; RL =8 Ω; unless otherwise specified[1] output power f=1 kHz; THD+N=10% =8 Ω; VDD= 5.0V - 1.7 - W =8 Ω; VDD = 3.6V - 800 - mW =4 Ω; VDD= 5.0V - 3.0 - W =4 Ω; VDD= 3.6V - 1.6 - W=1 kHz; THD+N=1% =8 Ω; VDD= 5.0V - 1.6 - W =8 Ω; VDD = 3.6V - 0.75 - W =4 Ω; VDD= 5.0V - 2.4 - W =4 Ω; VDD= 3.6V - 1.2 - W
THD+N total harmonic
VDD =5V; Gv=6 dB; RL =8Ω;=1 kHz; Po =1W 0.08 - %
VDD =3V; RL =3 Ω; Po=1W -3 -%
ηpo output power efficiency Po(RMS)= 2.0 W; RL =4Ω -85 - %
Po(RMS)= 1.3 W; RL =8Ω -90 - %
SVRR supply voltage ripple rejection Gv=6 dB; f= 217Hz
VDD= 5.0V - −77 - dB
VDD= 3.6V - −73 - dB
CMRR common mode rejection ratio VDD =5V; Gv=6 dB; f= 217Hz - −69 - dB
td(sd-startup) delay time from shutdown to
VDD= 3.6V - 7.0 - ms
Vn(o) output noise voltage VDD= 3.6 V; f=20Hzto20 kHz;
inputs are AC grounded
no weighting - 35 - μV
A weighting - 27 - μV
NXP Semiconductors SA58672
3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifier
10. Typical characterization curves
NXP Semiconductors SA58672
3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifier
NXP Semiconductors SA58672
3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifier
NXP Semiconductors SA58672
3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifier
NXP Semiconductors SA58672
3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifier
NXP Semiconductors SA58672
3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifier
NXP Semiconductors SA58672
3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifier
11. Application information
11.1 Power supply decoupling considerationsThe SA58672 is a mono class-D audio amplifier that requires proper power supply
decouplingto ensure the rated performancefor THD+N and power efficiency.To decouple
high frequency transients, power supply spikes and digital noise on the power bus line, a
low Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) capacitor, of typically 1 μF is placed as close as
possible to the PVDD terminals of the device. It is important to place the decoupling
capacitor at the power pins of the device because any resistance or inductance in the
PCB trace between the device and the capacitor can causea lossin efficiency. Additional
decoupling using a larger capacitor, 4.7 μF or greater may be done on the power supply
connection on the PCB to filter low frequency signals. Usually this is not required due to
high PSRR of the device.
11.2 Voltage gainThe SA58672 is comprised of an analog amplifier stage and a comparator stage. The
output of the analog amplifier stage is compared with the periodic ramp signal from the
sawtooth ramp generator. The resulting output of the comparator is a Pulse Width
Modulated (PWM) signal. The final stage is a power NMOS and PMOS H-bridge that
converts the PWM into a high power output signal capable of driving low-impedance
The input resistor, Ri sets the gain of the amplifier according to Equation1:
11.3 Input capacitor selectionThe SA58672 does not require input coupling capacitors when used with a differential
audio source thatis biased from 0.5Vto VDD− 0.8V.In other words, the input signal must
be biased within the common-mode input voltage range. If high-pass filtering is required
or if it is driven using a single-ended source, input coupling capacitors are required.
The3 dB cut-off frequency createdby the input coupling capacitor and the input resistors
is calculated by Equation2:
Using an input resistor of 150 kΩ, the gain is set to 2 V/V. At this gain setting, for input
capacitor values from 220 nF to 2.2 μF , the 3 dB cut-off frequency may be set between Hz and 220 Hz. Since the values of the input coupling capacitor and the input resistor
affects the low frequency performance of the audio amplifier, it is important to consider in
the system design. Small speakersin wireless and cellular phones usuallydo not respond
wellto low frequency signals. Their low frequency response maybe only 600 Hz; typically kHz. Thus, the 3 dB cut-off frequency should be increased to block the low frequency
signals to the speakers.
Gain 2 150 kΩ()i ---------------------------= 3dB– 1 Ri× Ci×------------------------------=
NXP Semiconductors SA58672
3.0 W mono class-D audio amplifierFor a required 3 dB cut-off frequency, Equation 3 is used to determine Ci:
The input signal may be DC-coupled, but not using input coupling capacitors may
increase the output offset voltage.
11.4 PCB layout considerationsThe component location is very important for performance of the SA58672. Place all
external components very close to the device. Placing decoupling capacitors directly at
the power supply pins increases efficiency because the resistance and inductance in the
trace between the device power supply pins and the decoupling capacitor causesa lossin
power efficiency.
The trace width and routing are also very important for power output and noise
For high current terminals (PVDD, PGND and audio output), the trace widths should be
maximized to ensure proper performance and output power. Use at least 500 μm wide
For the input pins (INP, INM), the traces must be symmetrical and run side-by-side to
maximize common-mode cancellation.
11.5 Evaluation demo boardThe SA58672 evaluation demo board schematic is shown in Figure 14. An evaluation
demo board is available and it may be used for either differential or single-ended (SE)
input configuration.A component positionon the PCBis providedto AC ground oneof the
inputs usinga0Ω chip resistor. When driving SE, the undriven input mustbeat the same
DC level as driven input. If the input is driven from an iPOD or MP3 player, the undriven
input is AC grounded; however, if driven from a CODEC, the undriven input is AC
decoupled to the same level as the CODEC output. Usually, a Vref is provided on the
CODEC.i 1 Ri× f 3dB–× --------------------------------------=