SA56004ED ,SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local digital temperature sensor with overtemperature alarmsGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe Philips SA56004X is an SMBus compatible, 11-bit remote/localdigital temperat ..
SA56004EDP ,SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local digital temperature sensor with overtemperature alarmsINTEGRATED CIRCUITSSA56004X±1 °C accurate, SMBus-compatible, 8-pin,remote/local digital temperature ..
SA56004FD ,SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local digital temperature sensor with overtemperature alarmsapplications. exceeds 100 mAThe SA56004ED/EDP with marking code 56004E/600E isaddress compatible wi ..
SA56004FD ,SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local digital temperature sensor with overtemperature alarmsFEATURES• Accurately senses temperature of remote microprocessor thermal• TSSOP8 and SO8 packagesdi ..
SA56004FD ,SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local digital temperature sensor with overtemperature alarmsapplications. exceeds 100 mAThe SA56004ED/EDP with marking code 56004E/600E isaddress compatible wi ..
SA56004FDP ,SA56004X; +/-1 Cel accurate, SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local digital temperature sensor with over temperature alarmsFEATURES• Accurately senses temperature of remote microprocessor thermal• TSSOP8 and SO8 packagesdi ..
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SA56004X; +/-1 Cel accurate, SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local digital temperature sensor with over temperature alarms
Product data sheet
Supersedes data of 2003 Sep 03
2004 Oct 06
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
SA56004X±1 °C accurate, SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local
digital temperature sensor with over temperature alarms
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe Philips SA56004X is an SMBus compatible, 11-bit remote/local
digital temperature sensor with over temperature alarms. The
remote channel of the SA56004 monitors a diode junction, such as a
substrate PNP of a microprocessor or a diode connected transistor
such as the 2N3904 (NPN) or 2N3906 (PNP). With factory trimming,
remote sensor accuracy of ±1°C is achieved.
Under and over temperature alert thresholds can be programmed to
cause the ALERT output to indicate when the on-chip or remote
temperature is out of range. This output may be used as a system
interrupt or SMBus alert. The T_CRIT output is activated when the
on-chip or remote temperature measurement rises above the
programmed T_CRIT threshold register value. This output may be
used to activate a cooling fan, send a warning or trigger a system
shutdown. To further enhance system reliability, the SA56004X
employs an SMBus time-out protocol. The SA56004X has a unique
device architecture which is patented (U.S. patent #6542020).
The SA56004X is available in the SO8 and TSSOP8 packages.
SA56004X has 8 factory-programmed, device address options.
The SA56004X is pin-compatible with the LM86, MAX6657/8, and
PatentsNotice is herewith given that the subject device uses one or more of
the following patents and that each of these patents may have
corresponding patents in other jurisdictions:
Patent No. US 6,542,020 B2 — owned by Koninklijke PhilipsElectronics N.V., Eindhoven (NL).
FEATURES• Accurately senses temperature of remote microprocessor thermal
diodes or diode connected transistors within ±1 °C• On-chip local temperature sensing• 11-bit, 0.125 °C resolution 8 different device addresses are available for server applications.
The SA56004ED/EDP with marking code 56004E/600E is
address compatible with the National LM86, the MAX6657/8 and
the ADM1032.• Offset registers available for adjusting the remote temperature
accuracy• Programmable under/overtemperature alarms: ALERT and T_CRIT SMBus 2.0 compatible interface, supports TIMEOUT• Operating voltage range: 3.0 V to 3.6 V I2C-bus standard and fast mode compatible TSSOP8 and SO8 packages• Programmable conversion rate (0.0625 Hz to 26 Hz) Undervoltage lockout prevents erroneous temperature readings• Latch-up testing is done to JESDEC Standard JESD78 which
exceeds 100 mA
APPLICATIONS• System thermal management in laptops, desktops, servers and
workstations• Computers and office electronic equipment• Electronic test equipment & instrumentation HVAC• Industrial controllers and embedded systems
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
SA56004X±1 °C accurate, SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local
digital temperature sensor with over temperature alarms
NOTE: Typical value; placed close to temperature sensor.
Figure 1. Simplified system diagram.
NOTE:There are 8 device slave address options (indicated by ‘X’ in the Type Number, and described in Table 1).
Table 1. Device slave address options
NOTES: The device slave address is factory-programmed in OTP device address register. The SA56004ED/EDP has the bus address of the National LM86, MAX6657/8 and the ADM1032.
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
SA56004X±1 °C accurate, SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local
digital temperature sensor with over temperature alarms
Figure 2. Pin configuration.
MAXIMUM RATINGSAll voltages are referenced to GND.
NOTES: The D+ and D– pins are 1000 V HBM and 100 V MM due to the higher sensitivity of the analog pins that introduces a limitation to the circuit
protection structure.
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
SA56004X±1 °C accurate, SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local
digital temperature sensor with over temperature alarms
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTamb = 0 °C to +125 °C, VDD = 3.0 V to 3.6 V, unless otherwise specified.
NOTES: The SA56004X is optimized for 3.3 VDD operation. Definition of Under Voltage Lockout (UVL): The value of VDD below which the internal A/D converter is disabled. This is designed to be a
minimum of 200 mV above the power-on-reset. During the time that it is disabled, the temperature that is in the “read temperature registers”
will remain at the value that it was before the A/D was disabled. This is done to eliminate the possibility of reading unexpected false
temperatures due to the A/D converter not working correctly due to low voltage. In case of power-up (rising VDD), the reading that is stored
in the “read temperature registers” will be the default value of 0 °C. VDD will rise to the value of the UVL, at which point the A/D will function
correctly and the normal temperature will be read. VDD (rising edge) voltage below which the A/D converter is disabled. VDD (falling edge) voltage below which the logic is reset.
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
SA56004X±1 °C accurate, SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local
digital temperature sensor with over temperature alarms
SMBus INTERFACE AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSVDD = 3.0 V to 3.6 V; Tamb = 0 °C to +125 °C; unless otherwise noted.
These specifications are guaranteed by design and not tested in production.
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
SA56004X±1 °C accurate, SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local
digital temperature sensor with over temperature alarms
Figure 4. Typical IDD shutdown versus
temperature and VDD
Figure 5. Typical IDD quiescent current versus
temperature and VDD (conversion rate = 0.06 Hz)
Figure 6. Typical IDD quiescent current versus
temperature and VDD (conversion rate = 16 Hz)
Figure 7. Typical IDD quiescent current versus
temperature and conversion rate (VDD = 3.3 V)
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
SA56004X±1 °C accurate, SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local
digital temperature sensor with over temperature alarms
Figure 8. Typical T_CRIT IOL versus temperature and VDD
(VOL = 0.4 V)
Figure 9. Typical ALERT IOL versus temperature and VDD
(VOL = 0.4 V)
Figure 10. Typical UVL versus temperature and VDD
Figure 11. Typical POR versus temperature
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
SA56004X±1 °C accurate, SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local
digital temperature sensor with over temperature alarms
Figure 12. Functional block diagram.
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
SA56004X±1 °C accurate, SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local
digital temperature sensor with over temperature alarms
Serial bus interfaceThe SA56004X should be connected to a compatible two-wire serial
interface System Management Bus (SMBus) as a slave device
using the two device terminals SCLK and SDATA. The ALERT pin
can optionally be used with the SMBus protocol to implement the
ARA response. The controller will provide a clock signal to the
device SCLK pin and write/read data to/from the device through the
device SDATA pin. External pull-up resistors, about 10 kΩ each, are
needed for these device pins due to open drain circuitry.
Data of 8-bit digital byte or word are used for communication
between the controller and the device using SMBus 2.0 protocols
which are described more in the ‘SMBus Interface’ section on
page 17. The operation of the device to the bus is described with
details in the following sections.
Slave addressThe SA56004X has a 7-bit slave address register which is factory
programmed in OTP memory. Eight unique devices are available
with different slave addresses as defined in the ‘Ordering
information’ section in Table 1, ‘Device slave address options’. Up to
eight devices can reside on the same SMBus without conflict,
provided that their addresses are unique.
Register overviewThe SA56004X contains three types of SMBus addressable registers.
These are read only (R), write only (W), and read-write (R/W).
Attempting to write to any R-only register or read data from any
W-only register will produce an invalid result. Some of the R/W
registers have separate addresses for reading and writing operations.
The registers of the SA56004X serve four purposes:• Control and configuration of the SA56004X• Status reporting Temperature measurement storage• ID and manufacturer test registers.
Table 2 describes the names, addresses, power-on-reset (POR),
and functions of each register. The data of the temperature-related
registers is in 2’s complement format in which the MSB is the sign
bit. The 8-bit data of other registers is in 8-bit straight format.
Table 2. Register assignments
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
SA56004X±1 °C accurate, SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local
digital temperature sensor with over temperature alarms
Power-on-reset (POR)When power is applied to the SA56004X, the device will enter into
its power-on-reset state and its registers are reset to their default
values. The configuration, status, and temperature-reading registers
remain in these states until after the first conversion. As shown in
Table 2, this results in: Command register set to 00h. Local Temperature register (LTHB and LTLB) set to 0 °C. Remote Diode Temperature register (RTHB and RTLB) set to
0 °C until the end of the first conversion. Status register (SR) set to 00h. Configuration register (CON) set to 00h; Interrupt latches are
cleared, the ALERT and T_CRIT output drivers are off and the
ALERT and T_CRIT pins are pulled HIGH by the external pull-up
resistors. Local T_CRIT temperature setpoints (LCS) and Remote T_CRIT
temperature setpoints (RCS) at 85 °C. Local HIGH setpoint (LHS) and remote HIGH temperature
setpoint (RHSHB) at 70 °C. Local LOW setpoint (LLS) and Remote LOW temperature
setpoints (RLSHB) at 0 °C. Conversion Rate register (CR) is set to 8h; the default value of
about 16 conversions/s.
Starting conversionUpon POR, the RUN/STOP bit 6 of the configuration register is zero
(default condition), then, the device will enter into its free-running
operation mode in which the device A/D converter is enabled and
the measurement function is activated. In this mode, the device
cycles the measurements of the local and remote temperature
automatically and periodically. The conversion rate is defined by the
programmable conversion rate stored in the conversion rate register.
It also performs comparison between readings and limits of the
temperature in order to set the flags and interruption accordingly at
the end of every conversion. Measured values are stored in the
temp registers, results of the limit comparisons are reflected by the
status of the flag bits in the status register and the interruption is
reflected by the logical level of the ALERT and T_CRIT output. If the
power-on temperature limit is not suitable, the temp limit values
could be written into the limit registers during the busy-conversion
duration of about 38 ms of the first conversion after power-up.
Otherwise, the status register must be read and the configuration
bit 7 must be reset in order to recover the device from interruption
caused by the undesired temp limits.
Low power software standby modeThe device can be placed in a software standby mode by setting the
RUN/STOP bit 6 in the configuration register HIGH (to 1). In
standby, the free-running oscillator is stopped, the supply current is
less than 10 μA if there is no SMBus activity, all data in the registers
is retained. However, the SMBus is still active and reading and
writing registers can still be performed. A one-shot command will
initiate a single conversion which has the same effect as any
conversion that occurs when the device is in its free-running mode.
To restore the device to free running mode, set the RUN/STOP bit 6
Temperature data formatThe temperature data can only be read from the Local and Remote
Temperature registers; the setpoint registers (e.g. T_CRIT, LOW,
HIGH) are read/write.
Both local and remote temperature reading data is represented by
an 11-bit, 2’s complement word with the LSB (Least Significant
Bit) = 0.125 °C. The temperature setpoint data for the remote
channel is also represented by an 11-bit, 2’s complement word with
the LSB = 0.125 °C. The temperature setpoint data for both the local
channel and the T_CRIT setpoints are represented by 8-bit, 2’s
complement words with the LSB = 1.0 °C. For 11-bit temp data, the
data format is a left justified, 16-bit word available in two 8-bit
registers (high byte and low byte). For 8-bit temp data, the data is
available in a single 8-bit register (high byte only).
Table 3. Temperature data format
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
SA56004X±1 °C accurate, SMBus-compatible, 8-pin, remote/local
digital temperature sensor with over temperature alarms
Command RegisterThe command register selects which register will be read or written
to. Data for this register should be transmitted during the Command
Byte of the SMBus write communication.
Local and Remote Temperature registers
Table 4. Local and Remote Temperature registers
bit assignmentHigh Byte (Read only address 00h, 01h)
Low Byte (Read only address 10h)
Configuration registerThe configuration register is an 8-bit register with read address 03h
and write address 09h. Table 5 shows how the bits in this register
are used.
Table 5. Configuration Register (CON)
bit assignments
Status registerThe contents of the status register reflects condition status resulting
from all activities: comparison between temperature measurements
and temperature limits, the status of A/D conversion, and the
hardware condition of external diode to the device. Bit assignments
are listed in Table 6. This register is read only and its address is 02h.
Upon POR, all bits are set to zero.
Note: any one of the fault conditions, with the exceptions of Diode
OPEN and A/D BUSY, introduces an Alert interrupt (see Alert
interrupt section on page 14). Also, whenever a one-shot command
is executed, the status byte should be read after the conversion is
completed, which is about 38 ms (1 conversion time period) after the
one-shot command is sent.