SA555DR ,Precision TimerFeatures list 1• Added Applications........ 1• Added Device Information table...... 1• Moved T to H ..
SA555DRG4 ,Precision Timer 8-SOIC -40 to 85Maximum Ratings . 411 Device and Documentation Support........ 197.2 Handling Ratings. 411.1 Relate ..
SA555DT ,GENERAL PURPOSE SINGLE BIPOLAR TIMERSABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol Parameter Value UnitV Supply Voltage 18 VccoT Operating Free Air Tem ..
SA555DX ,Qual Timerwww www www www.f .f .f .fai ai ai airch rch rch rchild ild ild ildse se se semi mi mi mi.c .c .c . ..
SA555N ,TimerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSoTamb = +25 C, VCC = +5V to +15V (unless otherwise specified)SE555 NE555 ..
SA555P ,Precision TimerFeatures 3 DescriptionThese devices are precision timing circuits capable of1• Timing From Microsec ..
SC2602L , Synchronous Voltage Mode Controller for Distributed Power Supply
SC2602L , Synchronous Voltage Mode Controller for Distributed Power Supply
SC2602LSTRT , Synchronous Voltage Mode Controller for Distributed Power Supply
SC2602STRT , Synchronous Voltage Mode Controller for Distributed Power Supply Applications
SC2604MSTRT , Simple PWM Boost Controller with Input Disconnect FET Drive
SC2608A , Simple, Synchronous Voltage Mode PWM Controller
Precision Timer 8-SOIC -40 to 85
RESET8 anda single external capacitor.All Parameters Are Tested Unless Otherwise
The threshold and trigger levels are two-Noted. OnAll Other Products, Production thirds and one-third, respectively, TheseProcessing Does Not Necessarily Include levels can be altered by useTestingofAll Parameters. terminal. When the trigger input trigger
level, the flip-flopis set, and the high.If
2 Applications the trigger inputis above the and the Fingerprint Biometrics threshold inputis above the threshold the flip-
flopis reset and the outputis low. (RESET)• Iris Biometrics input can overrideall other inputs usedto• RFID Reader initiatea new timing cycle. When low,
the flip-flopis reset, and the output When
the outputis low,a low-impedance provided
between discharge (DISCH) and
The output circuitis capableof sourcing
current up to 200 mA. Operation for
suppliesof5Vto 15V. With output
Simplified Schematic