SA5532DR ,Dual Low-Noise Operational AmplifierFeatures 3 DescriptionThe NE5532, NE5532A, SA5532, and SA5532A1• Equivalent Input Noise Voltage:dev ..
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SA5534AD ,Dual and single low noise op amp
SA5534ADR ,Low-Noise Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics....... 512.2 Trademarks..... 167.6 Operating Characteristics...... 612.3 ..
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SA5534AN ,Dual and single low noise op amp
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Dual Low-Noise Operational Amplifier
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NE5532, NE5532A, SA5532, SA5532ASLOS075J–NOVEMBER 1979–REVISED JANUARY 2015
NE5532x, SA5532x Dual Low-Noise Operational Amplifiers Features 3 DescriptionThe NE5532, NE5532A, SA5532, and SA5532A Equivalent Input Noise Voltage: devices are high-performance operational amplifiers5 nV/√Hz Typat1 kHz combining excellent DC and AC characteristics. They• Unity-Gain Bandwidth:10 MHz Typ feature very low noise, high output-drive capability, Common-Mode Rejection Ratio: 100 dB Typ high unity-gain and maximum-output-swing
bandwidths, low distortion, high slew rate, input-• High DC Voltage Gain: 100 V/mV Typ protection diodes, and output short-circuit protection.• Peak-to-Peak Output Voltage Swing26V Typ These operational amplifiers are compensatedWith VCC±= ±15V andRL= 600Ω internally for unity-gain operation. These devices High Slew Rate:9 V/μs Typ have specified maximum limits for equivalent input
noise voltage.
Applications AV Receivers• Embedded PCs• Netbooks• Video Broadcasting andPlatforms• DVD Recorders and Players Multichannel Video Transcoders Pro Audio Mixers
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