S186 ,Silicon PIN PhotodiodeAbsolute Maximum RatingsT = 25
Silicon PIN Photodiode
Vishay Telefunkenwww.vishay.de • FaxBack +1-408-970-5600Document Number 81536
Silicon PIN Photodiode
DescriptionS186P is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photo-
diode in a flat side view plastic package. The epoxy
package itself is an IR filter, spectrally matched to
GaAs or GaAs on GaAlAs IR emitters ( p 900 nm).
The large active area combined with a flat case gives
a high sensitivity at a wide viewing angle
Features Fast response times Small junction capacitance High radiant sensitivity Large radiant sensitive area A=7.5 mm2 Wide angle of half sensitivity ϕ = ± 65 Plastic case with IR filter (950 mm) Suitable for near infrared radiation
94 8490
ApplicationsHigh speed photo detector
Absolute Maximum RatingsTamb = 25C