S153 ,Silicon PIN PhotodiodeAbsolute Maximum RatingsT = 25
Silicon PIN Photodiode
Vishay Telefunkenwww.vishay.de • FaxBack +1-408-970-5600Document Number 81535
Silicon PIN Photodiode
DescriptionS153P is a high speed and high sensitive PIN photo-
diode in a hermetically sealed short TO–5 package.
Due to its flat, waterclear glass window the device is
sensitive to visible and near infrared radiation.
The large active area combined with a flat case gives
a high sensitivity at a wide viewing angle.
Features High photo sensitivity Large radiant sensitive area A=7.5 mm2 Fast response times Small junction capacitance For photodiode and photovoltaic operation Hermetically sealed case Wide angle of half sensitivity ϕ = ± 55 Suitable for visible and near infrared radiation Suitable to couple with glass fiber
94 8482
ApplicationsApplications requiring high speed and high sensitive PIN photodiodes in hermetically sealed packages.
Absolute Maximum RatingsTamb = 25C