RMPA1965 ,PCS 3.4V CDMA and CDMA2000-1X Power Amplifier ModuleBlock Diagram(Top View)MMICVcc1 Vcc21 8INPUT OUTPUTRF IN 2 7 RF OUTMATCHMATCHVmode 3 6GNDDC BIAS CO ..
RMPA1965 ,PCS 3.4V CDMA and CDMA2000-1X Power Amplifier Modulefeatures a low-power mode to reduce standby current and■ Compact lead-free compliant low-profile pac ..
RMPA2059 ,3V WCDMA/CDMA Power Amplifier Modulefeatures a low-power mode to reduce• Compact LCC package- 4.0 x 4.0 x 1.5 mm with industrystandby c ..
RMPA2259 ,3.4V WCDMA/CDMA PA ModuleFeaturesThe RMPA2259 power amplifier module (PAM) is designed • Single positive-supply operation wi ..
RMPA2259 ,3.4V WCDMA/CDMA PA Moduleapplications. The 2 stage PAM is internallyshutdown modesmatched to 50Ω to minimize the use of exte ..
RMPA2259 ,3.4V WCDMA/CDMA PA Modulefeatures a low power mode to reducestandby current and DC power consumption during peak• Compact LC ..
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PCS 3.4V CDMA and CDMA2000-1X Power Amplifier Module
RMPA1965 US-PCS CDMA, CDMA2000-1X and WCDMA PowerEdge™ Power Amplifier Module February 2005 RMPA1965 US-PCS CDMA, CDMA2000-1X and WCDMA PowerEdge™ Power Amplifier Module Features General Description ■ Single positive-supply operation with low power and shut- The RMPA1965 power amplifier module (PAM) is designed for down modes CDMA, CDMA2000-1X and WCDMA personal communications system (PCS) applications. The 2 stage PAM is internally ■ 40% CDMA/WCDMA efficiency at +28 dBm average output matched to 50Ω to minimize the use of external components power and features a low-power mode to reduce standby current and ■ Compact lead-free compliant low-profile package DC power consumption during peak phone usage. High power- (3.0 x 3.0 x 1.0 mm nominal) added efficiency and excellent linearity are achieved using our ■ Internally matched to 50Ω and DC blocked RF input/output InGaP Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) process. ■ Meets CDMA2000-1XRTT/WCDMA performance require- ments Device Functional Block Diagram (Top View) MMIC Vcc1 Vcc2 1 8 INPUT OUTPUT RF IN 2 7 RF OUT MATCH MATCH Vmode 3 6 GND DC BIAS CONTROL Vref GND 4 5 (paddle ground on package bottom) ©2005 1 RMPA1965 Rev. F