RMPA1963 ,US-PCS CDMA and CDMA2000-1X Power Amplifier Moduleapplications. Answering the call for ultra-low DC power■ Linear operation in low-power mode up to + ..
RMPA1965 ,PCS 3.4V CDMA and CDMA2000-1X Power Amplifier ModuleBlock Diagram(Top View)MMICVcc1 Vcc21 8INPUT OUTPUTRF IN 2 7 RF OUTMATCHMATCHVmode 3 6GNDDC BIAS CO ..
RMPA1965 ,PCS 3.4V CDMA and CDMA2000-1X Power Amplifier Modulefeatures a low-power mode to reduce standby current and■ Compact lead-free compliant low-profile pac ..
RMPA2059 ,3V WCDMA/CDMA Power Amplifier Modulefeatures a low-power mode to reduce• Compact LCC package- 4.0 x 4.0 x 1.5 mm with industrystandby c ..
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RMPA2259 ,3.4V WCDMA/CDMA PA Moduleapplications. The 2 stage PAM is internallyshutdown modesmatched to 50Ω to minimize the use of exte ..
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US-PCS CDMA and CDMA2000-1X Power Amplifier Module
RMPA1963 i-Lo™ US-PCS CDMA, CDMA2000-1X and WCDMA Power Amplifier Module (Preliminary) PRELIMINARY February 2005 RMPA1963 i-Lo™ US-PCS CDMA, CDMA2000-1X and WCDMA Power Amplifier Module Features General Description ■ 38% CDMA/WCDMA efficiency at +28 dBm Pout The RMPA1963 Power Amplifier Module (PAM) is Fairchild’s lat- est innovation in 50 Ohm matched, surface mount modules tar- ■ 14% CDMA/WCDMA efficiency (85 mA total current) at geting US-PCS CDMA/WCDMA and Wireless Local Loop +16 dBm Pout (WLL) applications. Answering the call for ultra-low DC power ■ Linear operation in low-power mode up to +19 dBm consumption and extended battery life in portable electronics, ■ Low quiescent current (Iccq): 20 mA in low-power mode the RMPA1963 uses novel proprietary circuitry to dramatically ■ Single positive-supply operation with low power and shut- reduce amplifier current at low to medium RF output power lev- down modes els (< +16 dBm), where the handset most often operates. A sim- • 3.4V typical Vcc operation ple two-state Vmode control is all that is needed to reduce • Low Vref (2.85V) compatible with advanced handset operating current by more than 50% at 16 dBm output power, chipsets and quiescent current (Iccq) by as much as 70% compared to ■ Compact Lead-free compliant LCC package – traditional power-saving methods. No additional circuitry, such (4.0 X 4.0 x 1.5 mm nominal) as DC-to-DC converters, are required to achieve this remark- able improvement in amplifier efficiency. Further, the 4x4x1.5 ■ Industry standard pinout mm LCC package is pin-compatible and a drop-in replacement ■ Internally matched to 50 Ohms and DC blocked RF for last generation 4x4 mm PAMs widely used today, minimizing input/output the design time to apply this performance-enhancing technol- ■ Meets IS-95/CDMA2000-1XRTT/WCDMA performance ogy. The multi-stage GaAs Microwave Monolithic Integrated Cir- requirements cuit (MMIC) is manufactured using Fairchild RF’s InGaP Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) process. Device Functional Block Diagram (Top View) MMIC Vcc1 1 10 Vcc2 INPUT RF IN 2 9 GND MATCH OUTPUT GND 3 8 RF OUT MATCH Vmode 4 7 GND BIAS/MODE SWITCH Vref 5 GND 6 11 (paddle ground on package bottom) ©2005 1 RMPA1963 i-LO™ Rev. D