PVDZ172N ,60V 1 Form A Photo Voltaic Relay in a mod. 8-pin DIP PackageData Sheet No. PD 10039 revIPVDZ172NPbFMicroelectronic Power IC®HEXFET Power MOSFET Photovoltaic Re ..
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HEXFET?Power MOSFET Photovoltaic Relay Single Pole, Normally Open 0-60V DC, 1.5A
Data Sheet No. PD 10039 revl
. . PVDZ172NPbF
IQQR Recti h er Microelectronic Power IC
HEXFET® Power MOSFET Photovoltaic Relay
Single Pole, Normally Open
O-60V DC, 1.5A
General Description Features
The PVDZ172N Photovoltaic Relay is a single-pole,
normally open solid state relay that can replace
electromechanical relays used for general purpose I 250mg On-Resistance
switching of DC loads. It utilizes International Rectifier's ' Bounce-Free Operation
HEXFET power MOSFET as the output switch, driven ' 1.5 Amp capacity
by an integrated circuit photovoltaic generator of novel ' 4,000 VRMS l/O Isolation
construction. The output switch is controlled by radia- . Solid-State Reliability
tion from a GaAIAs light emitting diode (LED) which - UL recognized
is optically isolated from the photovoltaic generator. - ESD Tolerance:
These units overcome the limitations of both electro- 4000V Human Body Model
mechanical and reed relays by offering the solid-state 500V Machine Model
advantages of high sensitivity, miniaturization, no
contact bounce, long operational life, insensitivity to
external magnetic fields, shock and vibration, and high
reliability inherent with solid state technology. They are
ideally suited for switching high currents or low level
signals without distortion or injection of electrical noise.
These relays are packaged in B-pin, molded DIP pack-
ages and available with thru-hole and surface-mount
(gull-wing) leads, in plastic shipping tubes.
- Portable Electronics
- Programmable Logic Controllers Part Identification
- Computers and Peripheral Devices
- Audio Equipment PVDZ172NPbF thru-hole
- Power Supplies and Power Distribution PVDZ172NSPbF surface-mount
- Instrumentation (gull-wing)
PVDZ172NS-TPbF surface-mount, tape
and reel
(HEXFE T is the registered trademark for International Rectifier Power MOSFETs)
TOR Rectifier
Electrical Specifications (-40°C f TA C =+85°C unless otherwise specified)
Minimum Control Current (see fgures 1 and 2) 10 mA
Maximum Control Current for Off-State Resistance iii) TA=+25°C 0.4 mA
Control Current Range (Caution: Current limit input LED, see fgure 6) 5.0 to 25 mA
Maximum Reverse Voltage 6.0 V
Operating Voltage Range 0 to 60 V(DC)
Maximum Load Current 40°C (see figures 1 and 2) 1.5 A(DC)
Maximum Pulsed Load Current @TA=+25°C (100 ms (ii) 10% duty cycle) 4.0 A(DC)
Maximum Turn-On Time @TA=+25°C (see figure 7) 2.0 ms
For 500mA, 50VDC Load, 10mA Control
Maximum Turn-Off Time @TA=+25°C (see figure 7) 0.5 ms
For 500mA, 50VDc Load, 10mA Control
Maximum On State Resistance (ii)TA--+26''0(pulsed) (see fgure 4) 250 mo
1.0A load, 10mA Control
Minimum Off State Resistance @TA=+25°C (ii) 48 VDc (see figure 5) 108 Ohms
Minimum Off-State dv/dt 1000 V/ps
Output Capacitance (see figure 9) 150 pF @ 50 VDC
Dielectric Strength, Input-Output 4000 V(RMS)
Insulation Resistance, Input-Output , 90 VDC 1012 @TA=+25°C - 50% RH Q
Capacitance, Input-Output 1.0 pF
Lead Temperature (1.6mm below seating plane) for 10 seconds +260 ''C
Ambient Temperature Range: Operating -40 to +85 ''C
Storage -40 to +100 ''C
International Rectifier does not recommend the use ofthis product in aerospace, avionics, military or life support applications.
Users of this International Rectifier product in such applications assume all risks of such use and indemnify International
Rectfer against all damages resulting from such use.