PVD1354 ,100V 1 Form A Photo Voltaic Relay in a mod. 8-pin DIP PackageFeaturesThe Photovoltaic DC Relay (PVD) is a single-pole,BOSFET Power IC
100V 1 Form A Photo Voltaic Relay in a mod. 8-pin DIP Package
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TOR Rectifier
Replaced by PVD13N Data SheetNo. PD10024E
Series PVD13
Microelectronic Power IC
BOSFET® Photovoltaic Relay
Single-Pole, 500mA, 0-100V DC
General Description
The Photovoltaic DC Relay (PVD) is a single-pole,
normally open solid state replacement for electro-
mechanical relays used for general purpose switch-
ing of analog signals. It utilizes as an output switch a
unique bidirectional (AC or DC) MOSFET power IC
termed a BOSFET. The BOSFET is controlled by a
photovoltaic generator of novel construction, which
is energized by radiation from a dielectrically iso-
lated light emitting diode (LED).
The PVD overcomes the limitations of both conven-
tional and reed electromechanical relays by offering
the solid state advantages of long life, high operat-
ing speed, low pick-up power, bounce-free opera-
tion, low thermal voltages and miniaturization. These
advantages allow product improvement and design
innovations in many applications such as process
control, multiplexing, telecommunications, automatic
test equipment and data acquisition.
The PVD can switch analog signals from thermo-
couple level to 100 volts peak DC. Signal frequen-
cies into the RF range are easily controlled and
switching rates up to 2kHz are achievable. The ex-
tremely small thermally generated offset voltages
allow increased measurement accuracies.
Unique silicon technology developed by International
Rectifier forms the heart of the PVD. The monolithic
BOSFET contains a bidirectional N-channel power
MOSFET output structure. In addition, this power IC
chip has input circuitry for fast turn-off and gate pro-
tection functions. This section of the BOSFET chip
utilizes both bipolar and MOS technology to form
NPN transistors, P-channel MOSFETs, resistors, di-
odes and capacitors.
The photovoltaic generator similarly utilizes a unique
International Rectifier alloyed multijunction structure.
The excellent current conversion efficiency of this
technique results in the very fast response of the
PVD microelectronic power IC relay.
This advanced semiconductor technology has cre-
ated a radically new control device. Designers can
now develop switching systems to new standards of
electrical performance and mechanical compactness.
300psec Operating Time
3 milliwatts Pick-Up Power
1000V/psec dv/dt
8-pin DIP Package
-40°C to 85°C
UL recognized
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Part Identification
Part Number Operating Sensitivity Off-State
Voltage (DC) Resistance
108 Ohms
0 - 100V 5 mA
1010 Ohms
(BOSFET is a trademark of International Rectifier)
Replaced by PVD13N TOR Rectifier
Electrical Specifications (-40°C f TA S +85°C unless otherwise specified)
Minimum Control Current (see figures 1 and 2) DC
For 300mA Continuous Load Current 2.0 mA@25°C
For 400mA Continuous Load Current 5.0 mA@40°C
For 150mA Continuous Load Current 5.0 mA@85°C
Maximum Control Current for Off-State Resistance at 25°C 10 pA(DC)
Control Current Range (Caution: current limit input LED. See Figure 6) 2.0 to 25 mA(DC)
Maximum Reverse Voltage 7.0 V(DC)
Operating Voltage Range 0 to + 100 V(pEAK)
Maxiumum Load Current 40°C (see figures 1and 2) 500 mA(DC)
Response Time @25°C (see Figures 7 and 8)
Max. T(on) @ 12mA Control, 50 mA Load, 100 VDC 300 us
Max. T(off) @ 12mA Control, 50 mA Load, 100 VDC 50 us
Max. On-state Resistance 25°C (Pulsed) (fig. 4) 200 mA Load, 5mA Control 1.5 9
Min. Off-state Resistance 25°C @ 80 VDC (see figure 5) 108 1010 n
Max. Thermal Offset Voltage @ 5.0mA Control 0.2 pvolts
Min. Off-State dv/dt 1000 V/ps
Output Capacitance 12 pF @ 50VDC
Dielectric Strength: Input-Output 2500 VRMS
Insulation Resistance: Input-Output @ 90Voc 10"@ 25''C - 50% RH Q
Maximum Capacitance: Input-Output 1.0 pF
Max. Pin Soldering Temperature (1.6mm below seating plane, 10 seconds max.) +260
Ambient Temperature Range: Operating -40 to +85 ''C
Storage -40 to +100