PTV08T250WAH ,50-A, 8-V to 14-V Input, Non-Isolated, Wide Output Adjust, Vertical Power Module w/ TurboTrans Techn 21-SIP MODULE -40 to 85FEATURES • TurboTrans™Technology2• 50-A Output Current • Designed to meet ultra fast transientrequi ..
PTV111 , 11mm Potentiometer
PTV12010LAH ,0.8 to 1.8-V 8-A, 12-V Input Non-Isolated Wide-Adjust SIP ModuleELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSoperating at 25°C free-air temperature, V = 12 V, V = 3.3 V, C1 = 100 µF, ..
PTV12010WAH ,1.2 to 5.5-V 8-A, 12-V Input Non-Isolated Wide-Adjust SIP Modulefeatures include an on/off inhibit, and the ability to start up into an existing output voltage orp ..
PTV12010WAH ,1.2 to 5.5-V 8-A, 12-V Input Non-Isolated Wide-Adjust SIP ModuleFEATURES APPLICATIONS• Multivoltage Digital Systems• 8 A Output Current• High-End Computing• 12-V I ..
PTV12020WAH ,1.2 to 5.5 V 16-A, 12-V Input, Non-Isolated Wide-Adjust SIP ModuleFEATURES APPLICATIONS2• Up to 16-A Output Current • Multivoltage Digital Systems• 12-V Input Voltag ..
R1LP0408CSC-5SC , 4M SRAM (512-kword × 8-bit)
R1LP0408CSC-5SC , 4M SRAM (512-kword × 8-bit)
R1LP0408CSC-5SC , 4M SRAM (512-kword × 8-bit)
R1LP0408CSC-5SI , Wide Temperature Range Version 4 M SRAM (512-kword × 8-bit)
R1LP0408CSC-7LC , 4M SRAM (512-kword × 8-bit)
R1LP0408CSC-7LI , Wide Temperature Range Version 4 M SRAM (512-kword × 8-bit)
50-A, 8-V to 14-V Input, Non-Isolated, Wide Output Adjust, Vertical Power Module w/ TurboTrans Techn
www.ti.com.......................................................................................................................................... SLTS260E–OCTOBER 2005–REVISED NOVEMBER 2008
VERTICAL POWER MODULE w/ TurboTrans™ TECHNOLOGY TurboTrans™Technology 50-A Output Current •
Designedto meet ultra fast transient
requirements upto 300A/μs•
8-Vto 14-V Input Voltage Multi-Phase, Switch-Mode Topology•
Wide-Output Voltage Adjust (0.8Vto 3.6V) AutoTrack™ Sequencing•
Efficiencies upto 95% On/Off Inhibit Differential Output Sense •
Advanced Computing and Server Applications•
Output Overcurrent Protection
(Nonlatching, Auto-Reset) Overtemperature Protection Start Up Into Output Prebias Programmable Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) Safety Agency Approvals: (Pending)
UL/IEC/CSA-C22.2 60950-1 Operating Temperature: –40°Cto 85°CThe PTV08T250Wisa high-performance 50-A rated, non-isolated, vertical power module which usesa
multi-phase switched-mode topology. This providesa small, ready-to-use module that can power the most
densely populated multiprocessor systems. The PTV08T250Wis producedina 21-pin, single in-line pin (SIP)
package. The SIP footprint minimizes board space, and offers an alternate package option for space conscious
applications. The modules use double-sided surface mount constructionto providea compact design.
Operating from an input voltage rangeof8Vto 14V, the PTV08T250W requiresa single resistorto set the
output voltageto any value over the range, 0.8V to 3.6 V. The wide input voltage range makes the
PTV08T250W suitable for advanced computing and server applications that usea loosely regulated 12-V
intermediate distribution bus. new feature includedin this 2nd generationof PTH and PTV modulesis TurboTrans™ technology. TurboTrans
allows the transient responseof the regulatorto be optimized externally, resultingina reductionof output voltage
deviation followinga load transient anda reductionin required output capacitance. This feature also offers
enhanced stability when used with ultra-low ESR output capacitors.
The PTV08T250W incorporatesa comprehensive list of standard features. They include on/off inhibit,a
differential remote output voltage sense which ensures tight load regulation, and an output overcurrent and
overtemperature shutdownto protect against load faults.A programmable undervoltage lockout allows the
turn-on and turn-off voltage thresholdsto be customized. AutoTrack™ sequencingisa popular feature which
greatly simplifies the simultaneous power-up and power-downof multiple modulesina power systemby allowing
the outputsto tracka common voltage.